
Changing SharePoint form library auto increment manually

Hi all, is it possible to manually increase the autoincrement of ID column to another number in a SharePoint forms library? I need to do it once. Thx in advance. ...

Sharepoint question about UserControl on WebPart

I added UserControl Webpart on the site and got this error: error CS0117: 'ASP._60b6ad6d_6998_4413_8d26_f07e4e897ce8_1417418301' does not contain a definition for 'btnPressMe_Click' It is very simple user control. ...

Authentication problem with JQuery and SharePoint Web Service

I'm calling a SharePoint Web Service (Webs.asmx) with JQuery to get a list of all subsites: $(document).ready(function() { var hrefParts = window.location.href.split('/'); var wsURL = ""; for (i = 0; i < (hrefParts.length - 2); i++) { if (i > 0) wsURL += "/"; wsURL += hrefP...

Sharepoint 2007 - Finding out where a view is used

Hello! I'm a MOSS 2007 newbie and am trying to find out where a view is used. I have a larger list and i want to have two different views into that list. I've inherited the site collection, and currently there are three views, with two of them named almost identically. Now i'd like to find out if i can safely remove one of those views....

How do I know the default batch file directory?

Hi Everyone, I'm creating a batch file for SharePoint deployment. The batch will do solutions installation and configuration, create a web application and restore the .dat file on the created web application. Instead of hard code the solutions path and .dat I want batch to know it is on the root. So, if I move this folder somewhere els...

Tree View WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint like Confluence?

Hi to all, I keep my Process Documents on SVN and I want to create a Wiki page includes the information about these files. We use SharePoint in the company for basic document sharing and team sites. As it is mentioned in SharePoint Wiki lacks of ...

How exactly does a WSP deploy a dll internally

i am facing a problem with deploying dlls with a WSP. After deploying the first version of the dll using a WSP, if I want to change the dll and redeploy after retracting, it is still referring to the old assembly, even though it is no longer there in GAC. Is there any caching feature in Sharepoint that is not very obvious? Thanks in adv...

reuse of an existing list

is there a way to reuse an existing list in a sibling site on sharepoint? I have an image list on a sub site and I want to be able to access parts(images) of that list from what is effectively a sub site of a sub site. to put it simply, I want to be able to view a list without having to duplicate it and the contents of the list. ...

how to completely transfer sharepoint site from one server to other

what is the easiest way to transfer shareoint site along with workflows and people and groups content and all lists contents from one server to other i tried saving site as template stp with include all content but the workflows are not working anymore and the people and groups are also not replicated on the new server. ...

sharepoint error when creating a page

I got this error message when i want to create a page in the SharePoint Central Administration : The base type 'xxxx' is not allowed for this page. The type is not registered as safe. The .aspx page references a codebehind class. I checked the namespaces, i added the tag in the web.config, everything is fine, but it still doesn't wor...

Problem with WebPartOrder in onex.xml

I've created site from site definition and created page with webparzones which i add webparts, but property WebPartOrder ignored and webparts sorted randomly. In sharepoint 2007 same code work fine. What could be the problem? <AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="LeftCol" WebPartOrder="1"> </AllUsersWebPart> <AllUsersWebPart WebPartZoneID="Le...

Creating Custom Field Types with Additional Column Settings

I am trying to create a Custom Field Type which is same as Multiple lines of text field with the following additional: It has one extra text box in the Additional Column Settings section when creating the question When rendering the question, the value in the text box to be displayed before the text box as a link Does anyone k...

Sharepoint Web Part CAB Deployment Failing - Missing Resource file

Issue: When attempting to add a custom Web Part to a Sharepoint site, addition fails with 'File Not Found' Error. Checking the 12\LOGS indicates a resource file issue: #20015: Cannot open "Resources.en-US.resx": no such file or folder. I have looked in all the normal suspect places (12\Resources, etc..). I have no Resources.resx to re...

SSRS for Sharepoint, Images in a report from a Sharepoint List URL?

Greetings Sabios, I have several reports I run successfully where the data comes from a Sharepoint list in the form of an XML dataset. I am however having trouble with one. I have a report that pulls an image file onto the main body of the report. This data too comes from a Sharepoint list in the form of an XML dataset which sends me t...

Use Pictures from another website as SharePoint profile pictures

We have a "corporate directory" website that displays some contact information about our employees. Among other things like displaying data from Active Directory, it also displays a picture, which can be retrieve via a URL of the format http://[CorpDir]/PersonPhoto.aspx?email=[UserEmail] I'm now looking for a way to use these pictures a...

Accessing SP 2010 Object Model from Silverlight 4 Application

I have a Silverlight 4 Beta application where I'd like to use the SharePoint object model to upload a document to a SharePoint site - should be simple enough, except an exception is thrown at: using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(siteCollectionUrl)) The Web application at could not be found. Ve...

Can I intercept a role assignment event in SharePoint?

When a person is assigned to a particular role definition at subweb level, I'd like to intercept that event in order to also assign them read access at the site collection's root web level. (I use some master lists at the root web to feed dropdowns in the subwebs, so users in the subwebs need read permission on the root web. The subwebs...

SharePoint: Filter view in a list on calculated type column

Hey, Test Case1 I have a SharePoint List which contains a Number Type Column says as 'Col1'. Number of decimal places is set as 'Automatic'. There are three items in SharePoint List having 'Col1' values as 20, 30, 50. I have created one more column of Calculated Type says as 'Col2'. Formula : Col1 Data type returned from the formu...

Debuger.Lanch(), Trace.Assert(fail) not working

Hi! (Note, this question has been marked answered in but I'm still having trouble) I'm unable to debug my SharePoint timer job. Usually I can do this by setting one of these: Debugger.Lanch() Trace.Assert(false) But a dialog is not shown. I have a log4net Out...

build CMS in sharepoint

Hello all i am an (C#) developer and have been devloping cms for quite a while now now i need to develop cms in sharepoint...can u plz suggest me steps , methods or tutorials or step by step procedure (free links) for developing cms in sharepoint Plz help ...