
Reading Global Navigation in SharePoint from a Web Part

Is it possible to read the Global Navigation of all the sub sites and display the items (links or category) from a Web Part that should be in a master page? Don't forget that the global navigation can be edited in the settings, so I can't just loop on pages and sub sites. :( ...

Strange error message while syncing Project tasks to Sharepoint list

Using new Project 2010 feature "Sync to Tasks List" get following message- Microsoft Project Unable to write information for task "XXX" to SharePoint. Ensure "XXX" contains valid data and try again. Any ideas on the root cause -what exactly could be wrong with the task data? ...

SharePoint 2010 is forcing me to save PDF when opening from doc library

I have a document library with a PDF file. Whenever I click on the PDF file, I am prompted to save the file. I do not get the option of opening the file, I am forced to save it. What I want is for the PDF file to open, either in the browser or in a separate Adobe Reader window, depending on the Adobe Reader settings. I'm pretty sure ...

How to catch a Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException?

I am a bit perplexed on how to catch a specific error type of Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException, I'll explain why, and I've included a code sample below for you guys to see. As you know there are 2 ways to interact with MOSS. The object model (only runs on MOSS Server) Web Services (can be run on a remote machine qu...

How to update a sharepoint list item via web services using a where clause?

I would like to update a list item using SharePoint and am stuggling to find 1 decent CAML example. Here is what I want to do, in SQL my query would look something like this update [table] set field='value' where fieldID = id; so this would mean I have 1 item in a list I would like to update 1 field on given the ID of that listitem. ...

Authenticate with SharePoint's authenticate.asxm web service

Hi, I am trying to authenticate with the sharepoint authenticate web service in an account I have. I get an error saying NotInFormsAuthenticationMode. How do I change it from forms to none or windows? I tried with: myReference.Authentication auth = new myReference.Authentication(); myReference.AuthenticationMod...

Conference Room Booking Solution

Hello All, I'm looking for a conference room booking software solution to deploy in the SharePoint. I tried a couple of them but none of them were efficient(Room Manager for SharePoint). Thus anyone know a 3rd party tool that can be integrated with the SharePoint? if at all you know any software which is not integrated with the ShareP...

Backup restore without content in sharepoint

I want to take a backup of my existing site and restore it on a different Sharepoint server. I know its easily possible through stsadm backup restore. But I dont want the content of my lists to appear in the restored sites. Is there any way to achieve this using backup or export command???? ...

Creating Wiki Pages through code or CAML

We are trying to create a site definition that includes a wiki page. Basically we are trying to figure out how to replicate the same process that happens when a user chooses to create a new page in a blank site, and the system says something along the lines of: "In order to create wiki pages on this site, there must be a default wiki ...

Size of a sharepoint web application

How do you figure out the current size of the sharepoint web application? Better yet, the size of a site collection or a subsite. I am planning to move a site collection from one farm to another. I need to plan the storage capacity first. ...

Reading Active Directory group users in SharePoint

Hi, Say that i have an active directory group called "Group1". I add this Group1 to a SharePoint site ( People and Group >> New User). All the users that are part of Group1 can now access sharepoint site. Now,for a specific custom webpart, i need to target to only users who belong to Group1. But when a user who belongs to Group1 logs ...

How to extend Sharepoint AclInv.aspx page?

Hi all, I have a requirement wherein I am supposed to customize the aclinv.aspx page for a particular document library. I implemented an URL listener to redirect to customized AclInv.aspx page. I modified the source and appended my custom parameter to the url. The page was working perfectly fine till I used Windows authentication. But w...

When to use CreateChildControls() vs. embedding in the ASPX

I'm developing a webpart for SharePoint 2007 and have seen several posts that advise to do all the creation of controls in the code-behind. I'm transitioning from Java J2EE development so I don't have the platform history of .Net/ASP/etc. In other places it shows how you can do the same thing by embedding the control definition into the...

My webpart event handling does not fire in SharePoint

please help me. I started coding something complicated and then realized my event handlers don't work.. so i super simplified a button with an eventhandler... please see the code below and maybe you can tell me why it doesn't fire? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Web.UI;...

How to publish a word document as HTML to Sharepoint

I have a Word document with images in it. I would like to publish the document to Sharepoint as HTML in such a way that the images are preserved. (Referenced in the HTML) Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks ...

How to use control parameter with SPDataSource

Hi all I want to know how to use a control parameter as a select parameter for a SPDataSource in Moss 2007 thanks ...

Access external data from Silverlight application running in a webpart in Sharepoint 2010

I can read the SP lists fine and pull data out of the SP context, but I am trying to get data from an external database as well and I don't know exactly how to do that. Is is possible to add WCF communication to the webpart that will allow the Silverlight app to communicate to a WCF service? If so, any examples on how to do this? Or is ...

SharePoint, how to update a list item from web service using a where clause?

I have a scenario where I need to update a list item, but I don't know the internal ID of the list item - hence the following won't work for me: batchElement.InnerXml = "<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'>" + "<Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field>" + "<Field Name='DeliveryStatus'>" + newStatus.ToString() + "</Field></Met...

What are Sharepoint(MOSS 2007) Developement/Deployment best practices.

We are deploying sharepoint MOSS 2007 at our work. I'm trying to come up with a sharepoint development and deployment methodology. We have Dev/QA/Prod environments and I need a way, preferably automated to deploy changes from Dev to QA and from there to prod. We are creating site collections web parts etc. Some of it is done directly wi...

How to obtain document library name from the URL

How to obtain document library name from the URL cqwp. For example, http:///sites/site1/DocLib/Forms/AllItems.aspx I know there is substring function with xsl <xsl:param name="DocLibName"> select=substring(url) or whatever the code should be </xsl:param> ...