
SharePoint itemDeleting evert is not working

Hi! I have a site in SharePoint and I want to custom delete from a list. So, I'm creating the public class ListItemEventReceiver : SPItemEventReceiver { public override void ItemDeleting(SPItemEventProperties properties) { if (properties.ListTitle.Equals("Projects List")) { Projects pr...

SharePoint: Problem with Custom Field EntityEditorWithPicker

Hi Everybody, I have a custom field derived from SPTextField displays EntityEditorWithPicker while in New or Edit mode (I have extended my class from EntityEditorWithPicker). I have added that field as column to a list. When I select any item from the Dialog, it adds that item to the list column. Fine till here. Fine upto this point. B...

How can I add custome column on NewForm.aspx on SharePoint 2007

There is a custome column name "Tag" in my Discussion List. How can I add a textbox to init "Tag" column when I new one. As we know, NewForm.aspx only show Subjet, Body textbox as default. But only show Body text when reply. How can i custome NewForm.aspx to show Subject, Tag,Body textbox when I new one and only show Body textbox when...

Efficient way to create a large number of SharePoint folders

Hi all: I'm currently creating a large number of SharePoint folders within a list (e.g. ~800 folders), with each folder containing a different number of items. The way it is currently done is that it programmatically reads off the content types, items, event listeners and the likes off the same folder from another web, then creates the...

SharePoint List Error: “Value does not fall within the expected range” when I open Edit > Workflows

When I click on the Workflows from the Edit menu, it automatically displays “Value does not fall within the expected range” without me even starting a workflow. All workflows were created from SharePoint Designer. Any ideas on this? Thanks. Cheers! ...

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Silverlight' or one of its dependencies

I am a newbee to Silverlight and I am on it as I have inherited a sharepoint site that "used to" use Silverlight 2. I say "Used to" because the object tag in live .aspx pages says PARAM NAME="minRuntimeVersion" VALUE="2.0.31005.0". For some reason the development environment now produces param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="3.0.40818.0"...

Prevent users from Activating features in Sharepoint

If I deploy a solution at farm level, is there a way by which i can prevent the owners of the various site collections from activating the features present in that solution? ...

jQuery Validate Plugin overwrite my select onChange postback

Hi, I'm creating this form (.net) where i have a select with a postback, that will trigger a action depending on which option i select. I'm trying to use the jQuery Validate Plugin (plugin website) to validate my form. My problem is, when i validate the form, and my select is marked as invalid, the validation plugin overwrite it's onCh...

Custom xsl rendering for lookup field in list view (SharePoint 2010)

I'm trying to change rendering of a list column on list view page. After a few tutorials and some hair pulling I managed to create an xslt for a calculated and currency field (from fldtypes_XXXXXX.xsl): <xsl:template match ="FieldRef[@Name='MarkCalc']" mode="Text_body"> <xsl:param name="thisNode" select="."/> <xsl:value-of select="...

Sharepoint 2007 search crawler not picking up some site collections

I am running into some weired issues with MOSS 2007 crawler not picking up some site collections. I have a couple of site collections using a custom site definition created under a managed path, for instance http: //server/clients/crawlthis The search settings has start address for the content source set to http: //server/ with no crawl...

SharePoint form-based authentication problem with itemDeleting event?

Hi! I have a SharePoint site (I'm the farm administrator with full control over the farm and site) and I used Windows authentication. I had a event receiver feature installed which manage add/update/delete for my lists to have custom behavior. Everything worked ok on Windows Authentication. But... now I am using form-based authenticati...

What are the "cool" use cases for SharePoint?

I went to the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 launch event in Minneapolis yesterday and was slightly surprised by how much they were trotting out SharePoint and improved SharePoint development in Visual Studio 2010. SharePoint is something I've largely ignored over the years as a web developer and solution architect on a small development ...

How can I build a CountIF function in SharePoint?

CountIF function in excel , How do I use the same function in sharepoint Calculated Field. I want count number of "GO" from Column 1 to Column 12 i.e. Col 1 "GO", Col 2 "GO", Col 3 "No GO", Col 4 "GO": GOs=3 ...

button and drop down controls events firing every alternate times

I am having a drop down list and a button in user control. the button click event is registered dynamically. This event I registered is firing every alternating time. dont know the reason why it is behaving so. later added the selected index changed to the drop down list control. this also is getting fired alternate times. the user cont...

Choosing font size for a web form

I am building some Web forms with ms-access. For the most part the fidelity of the form inside of ms-access and the same form when published to the web and run from a web browser looks very good. However I the problem is with some list boxes. Here is a screen shot of the client form. And, then the same form when published to Access ...

Accessing hidden SharePoint list

Hi all: Currently I have a few lists in my SharePoint site that has been hidden from the user (via the hidden property which was set programmatically). I was wondering whether there are any special urls/web or ways to access those lists? e.g. {site}/lists/hiddenList or something similar? Thanks. ...

Customize Upload.aspx page

Hi, I have to customise the multiple upload functionalityof sharepoint: Requirement: On multiple upload I want the system to trigger a single email (containing names of all the files uploaded)at the end of all uploads. The emails ids,subject and body of the mail muct be editable to the user(must appear as a UI) Can someone please sugg...

cannot find "language settings" in sharepoint server 2010

i want to use multilanguage support in sharepoint , so after installing language pack and reconfiguring sharepoint i couldn't find "language settings" under site administration in site settings any ideas ?? ...

Handling Session_Start and Session_End events - global.asax - SharePoint

Hello I want to perform few tasks during Session_Start and Session_End (when user logs in and logs out) through custom code. Where should i write it? Is it possible by writing a code behind for global.asax? Will it break anything? Thank you ...

I need to make a dynamic list / page that shows data from different Sharepoint 2007 document libraries

We have several document libraries where users upload reports daily. I have to make a page that shows specific documents (getting them by their filename) from these document libraries with each documents last modified date. What is the easiest way to do this? ...