
How to overwrite policy settings ?

I have "Workemail" property defined in SSP. Initially it was created as "Required" Field. But now I want to make it to "Optional". It is not allowing me to either edit Policy Settings not remove property. Is it possible to overwrite Policy setting through code using SharePoint Object Model. Please let me know, overwrite this? ...

Possible to reuse logged-in Sharepoint authentication?

Looking for a pointer in the right direction ... Is there a mechanism which allows you to configure SharePoint in such a way that: if a user has been successfully authenticated within a SharePoint site that there is some kind of "authentication token" what can be passed or is available to 3rd party sites or a way for 3rd party sites t...

SharePoint Workflow SetState activity error when placed inside other activities

I'm trying to add custom statuses to my SharePoint workflow but am encountering 'Error Occurred' when I try to set them. I've tried different ways of going about this. For example in my SetState_MethodInvoking I've tried the following: SetAssignmentState.State = 15; This makes the workflow runtime throw: System.ArgumentOutOfRange...

How to get SharePoint List from SQL server

Hello , I have infopath form that use webservices to save data into sql server.I have published this form to my sharepoint form library. when i insert data it save into SQL server. But how can i display those data into sharepoint list. Can ny one please help me. ...

How can I backup the encryption key for the SharePoint SSO service when the server is a virtual server?

The stupid SSO service only allows local login to the page AND only backing up the key to a removable storage device. When the SharePoint server is a virtual server, any other device does not show up as a removable device through the Remote Desktop "Local Resources" feature (they show up as a network drive). Is there some way to fake t...

MOSS2007 UserProfile Property: programmatic access to "mapped attribute" in AD

As you may know, MOSS 2007 offers functionality to synchronize Active Directory properties to SharePoint UserProfile Properties. You can map AD properties to userProfile properties in Shared Services > User Profile and Properties > View Profile properties (all the way at the bottom). I'm currently investigating the possibility to synchr...

Why my BDC is not importing new profiles from DB table?

I have 72000 profiles records in SSP profiles database. I connected this BDC with SQL table. SQL table has 81000 records. When I do full Import it is importing only 72000 records only, not complete 81000 records. How to get them into SSP? ...

Getting a manager to authorize/verify details on a form

Scenario I have an InfoPath form. the user fills it in the details, and then a manager checks it over for accuracy. The manager then signs off the form to say that they are happy with the details and then the form gets submitted. This process does not happen every time and its purpose is to validate that the user is performing the job t...

Sharepoint Instant Messaging

Is there a webpart that can easily be dropped into our Sharepoint that shows all company users online and with the ability to instant message them. Currently everyone is using various IM clients and would like to see something integrated within our intranet: sharepoint ...

Specifying Item Level Permissions using Sharepoint List Event Handler but to a list on which user has Contribute rights

I have a List to which users have contribute rights I have a Event Handler which changes the Item Level Permissions on adding or Updating events on list by 2.a CurrentlistItem.BreakRoleInheritance(true); 2.b and by adding users to that list Now above does not work if user who is adding has rights of contribute but works if users has ...

Should I learn SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2007?

In other words : currently it's easier to get job with SharePoint 2007, but when I learn 2010 will I be able to use older version from only 2010 knowledge ? I don't know any SharePoint yet. And what should I know before I start with SharePoint? Is C# and ASP.NET (MVC) enough ? ...

Sharepoint 2010: Deployment is not reflected remotely

I have VS 2010 installed on the same VM machine as my sharepoint 2010 server that I remote into. When I create a simple webpart and click "run", it appears to compile and deploy the webpart with no problems, and opens up http://[sharepointserver]/SitePages/Home.aspx. In the demos I have seen, I expected to see my webpart page. So, I ...

Is it possible to create a workflow that does not show on the "Start a New Workflow" page?

I created a workflow that is automatically configured and associated with appropriate list during feature activation. The users are not supposed to manually create more associations of this workflow. Can anything be done so it does not show on the "Start a New Workflow" page (_layouts/AddWrkfl.aspx)? I found this discussion and the ans...

How do I get an anonymous user object from SharePoint 2010

I have a site setup using Claims Based (Forms) authentication with Anonymous access enabled. When a user logs into the site they may exist in the Forms Database, but not in the SharePoint Site collection. In this case SPContext.Current.Web.SPUser returns NULL - even though they are logged in. Is there another object similar to SPUser t...

Sharepoint 2010: Sign-out even after browser closes doesn't sign the user out

When I sign out of Sharepoint 2010, I close my browser. When I attempt to go back to sign-in, I see that I am already signed in. All of my browser instances are closed. This is using Windows Authentication, but I usually have to sign-in when logging in for the first time to my machine or deploying a webpart. ...

Published SSRS report on Sharepoint - Document Map error

I am having an issue with a published SSRS report in Sharepoint loaded as a Web Parts page. The report displays correctly, but the Document Map link is giving an error, "Access is Denied", on the page. I am running IE7. The document map DOES work in native sharepoint mode. I have seen some documentation similar to this error suggesti...

Are there any out of the box Sharepoint 2010 webparts that offer paging and rollup functionality?

I'm currently working on a project with a very tight budget, and one of the page layouts requires a standard rollup of news items from a list. I've done some googling around Content Query Web Part and the new XML List View Web Part, but neither seem to have any pagination options of any kind. Does anyone have any ideas, recommendations ...

Creating a Wiki site in SharePoint 2010

I have a SharePoint 2010 site set up and would like to add a Wiki site to it. Normally, to add a subsite to a parent site you would click "Site Actions" -> "New Site" and choose the site type (e.g. Team Site) and it would work fine. In the case of adding a Wiki site, I choose "Enterprise Wiki", and get "Error An Unexpected Error has occu... site sharepoint integration

I have created a test website that contains a single index.aspx file that contains a gridview listing information from a MSSQL database. I would like to have this made available as a webpart on our sharepoint intranet, how would I go about doing that? ...

SharePoint Resource Data

In SharePoint 2010 is there any list specific to storing resource string? What are the other alternatives available to store resource strings in SharePoint? Thanks. ...