
SPWorkflowTask.AlterTask throws "Specified method is not supported"

Hi, I'm trying to call AlterTask on a newly created Sharepoint task to add extended properties to my task, and a NotSupportedException is thrown. What's going on? ...

Sharepoint Infopath XmlFormView XmlLocation

I've got a XmlFormView.Location set to various forms. The XmlFormView will display the form based on my selection. Everything works fine not until there's various types of forms exists in sharepoint. Upon selecting any of the form randomly which belongs to the author, once in a bluemoon the user will get a prompt asking for credentials,...

Pass user credentials between SharePoint web application and ASP.NET web application

I need to integrate my sharepoint site and site. So, First login will occur in the SharePoint site with Active Directory authentication and from there i need to traverse to ASP.Net site through a link. Now my question is whether its possible to pass my SharePoint Active Directory credentials to ASP.Net site? Will i be able to do ...

Sharepoint 2010 What's new?

Hello. I wonder that, with a use of minimum custom code use, how easy or hard would it be, compared to previous versions, to build a community portal in Sharepoint 2010, in which users upload, view and comment videos, share videos and so on. You can ofcourse take Youtube as an example. Thanks. ...

Adding web service bindings into SharePoint web.config using SPWebConfigModification

This is a solution rather than a question actually. The problem was: I had a SharePoint web part which used a WCF service. To consume the web service in my web part, I needed to modify the SharePoint web.config to include bindings and end points. To be able to do this, I put my web service configuration into a text file as a template. T...

SharePoint 2010 Team Site Mystery SPANs

When checking the HTML source of a SharePoint 2010 Team site, I saw something very strange. There are a number of tags at the end of the file, AFTER the closing HTML tag. I have no idea where these are coming from as they are not in the master page. I have asked a colleague to check this on his SharePoint server and he sees the same th...

Critical Problem with Sharepoint Timer Job Properties

Some minutes ago I tried to create a time job A added some properties like this.Properties.Add("fileName", fileName); this.Properties.Add("username", new NetworkCredential("username", "passworD"); After updating the job a get a critical error in the Timer Job list of the Central Administration occured. The platform does not know how...

is there way to use caml to do something like a full-text search on a list

Is there a way to use SharePoint CAML to do a Full-Text search on a sharepoint list? ...

Can you modify the Date Created property on Sharepoint 2010 documents?

I'm working on migrating our company's documents from a generic file server to Sharepoint 2010 and was wondering if there was any way to keep the original Created Date property from the documents so it shows up in Sharepoint with the original Creation date rather than the date it was added to Sharepoint. Is this possible? We're current...

When an Access 2007 Database is set to “Working online with Sharepoint” mode, my application cannot connect properly.

I have an ASP.NET application written in C# and hosted on IIS6 Win2k3. This web application connects through code to an Access 2007 Database which holds Sharepoint lists in tables. To get an idea of how this works you can go here: The issue is when the Acc...

XmlDocuments Element ignored in Content Type?

I have a content type defined in Elements.xml and I want to add an Event Receiver. My Elements.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Elements xmlns=""&gt; <!-- Parent ContentType: Announcement (0x0104) --> <ContentType ID="0x0104008a424de98660457481eb7d8ddb5161ee" ...

SharePoint KeywordQuery - how to sort

I'm writing a custom search app. Currently using the KeywordQuery class. I can get results fine, but if I try to sort by a custom property, it bombs with: Can't sort by pid 400 for one or more of the following reasons: multi-valued: false, binary: false, non-indexed: true. The following is the code. Anyone spot the issue? ...

Is there a link checker for SharePoint 2010?

I'm looking for a program, feature or timerjob that checks links on SharePoint 2010 Publishing-Sites and Hyperlink-Lists if they are alive. The Out-of-the-box link scanner of SharePoint checks only internal links. I need one that checks external links, too. I tried non SharePoint link checkers, but they won't work with the SharePoint a...

Update SharePoint custom list Displayform on existing site collection?

Hi, I have an existing site collection with a bug that I need to fix where a custom document list has been created along with an override file for the displayform: <Form Type="DisplayForm" ToolbarTemplate="BLPDocLibDisplayFormToolBar" SetupPath="pages\kmform.aspx" Url="DispForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" /> <Form Type="EditForm" ...

Accessing Sharepoint UserProfile Properties with Powershell script

The following script spits out all UserProfile properties for users on Sharepoint 2007: [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server") [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles") # Function: Get-UserProfiles # Description: return a Use...

Programmaticaly check permissions for a sharepoint group

Hi. How can I check whether a specified group has a certain permission for an item? I know that there are methods like DoesUserHavePermissions() on item, but what about groups? ...

Custom action not binding to custom content type

I have created a custom content type and want to add a custom action to it but it is not working. I have tried editing the registrationid to the standard item content type id (0x01) and is works but not with my content type. Is it possible to add custom actions to custom content types??? ...

SharePoint 'My Settings' Extra fields

In the top right corner of a SharePoint site the user can select "My Settings" to update their details etc. I am currently writing an automated app that will update user profiles from an Export we are getting on a nightly basis. My question is...can i add extra fields to the information that is stored and editable against each user? F...

It is Possible to connect the site page with layout pages sharepoint 2010?

Hi, it is possible to connect the site pages with layout page in sharepoint 2010. I did but i got the problem when i am save the data ie Publish the page it will give me error follwoing error: Error An unexpected error has occurred. Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. Correlation ID: 9bc41e28-...

Sharepoint Timer Job process doesnt release file (IOException)

I created a timer job (via Feature Deployment) that creates a file in hostserver´s filesystem. private static void myMethod(Byte[] results, string fileName) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { stream.Write(results, 0, results.Length); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); } } als...