
Sharepoint: How to get value of the column?

Hi all, I have list in Sharepoint with new column "First line approvers". Type of this column is "Person or Group" and "Allow multiple selections" is set to "Yes". How can I get and modify values of this column in runtime(from workflow) ? ...

What is a SharePoint Server Side File Hander?

In SharePoint, the definition of the 'View Only' permissions level is as follows: Members of this group can view pages, list items, and documents. If the document has a server-side file handler available, they can only view the document using the server-side file handler. What is considered to be a server-side file handle...

Custom Workflow Activity - Update UI when property changes

Hello all and thanks for reading. I am rather new to WF programming, so I apologize ahead of time if my question doesn't make sense. I am attempting to code a custom workflow activity for use in SharePoint designer. So far I have gotten the designer to succesfully display my custom action, along with the dependency properties I have re...

Using Sharepoint 2010 user profiles to store user information for a public facing website.

Hi, We're planning to use Sharepoint 2010 as a CMS for a website we're building. This site will also have login functionality; and my boss suggested we use Sharepoint's user profile features to store user info (username, password, contact info, etc.) for the site. How is this better then say using a standard list or a database table som...

Workflow lock "edit item"

Is it possible to disable "edit item" in a Sharepoint List when a custom workflow is running? Maybe a property in the workflow that can be affected? Thanks, David Esteves ...

Sharepoint Custom WebPart Startup Script

Okay, I've gotten a unique issue I've been trying to solve for two days. I have System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart control I am building a custom Sharepoint View with. Almost everything I want done is working except one little issue. I need to use Javascript to Format Date and Currency fields. The Client wants DateTime field...

Sharepoint 2010 - where does it store the real files?

Hi, when I add a new document in sharepoint (*like word doc) where exactly the file (binary data) is stored? In MS SQL engine? (BLOB?) On HDD as Native file? Something else? Thanks, Dmitry ...

Sharepoint Site not getting created

I'm trying to create Sharepoint Site based on SalesLeadPipeline template but its is giving the following error Feature '75a0fea7-9507-49c7-a473-0ce55c18ef89' is not installed in this farm, and can not be added to this scope. Troubleshoot issues with Windows SharePoint Services. I also installed the Expense Reimbursement & Approval te...

In sharepoint installation. from the two options standalone or serverfarm which one is choosen

on Sharepoint development purpose. on installing sharepoint2o1o whether standalone option or server farm better suited for developememt ...

Dataview webpart to display data from multiple list across site collection in Sharepoint.

Hi all, I have two site collections named SiteColl1 and SiteColl2. SiteColl1 contains List1. SiteColl2 contains List2. Now I want to display data from both lists [List1 and List2] in Dataview Webpart. My Dataview webpart is placed in SiteColl1. Is it possible to do the same? If YES, please suggest!!!! Cheers!!! Ketan ...

Sharepoint: How to get value of custom columns.

Hi all, I have list in Sharepoint with two new custom column "First line approvers" and "Second line approvers". Type of this columns is "Person or Group" and "Allow multiple selections" is set to "Yes". How to get value of custom columns? I try this method: string Name = item["Name"] as string; string ModifiedBy = item["Modified By...

web applications not showing up during configuration of shared service provider

When i tried to create Shared Service on sharepoint server 2007 web application's not showing up during configuration of shared service. I used my user name on predefined instead of network services. In that time web application listed but it comes error page "Provisioning failed: Windows NT user or group 'DOMAIN\adadmin' not found. Chec...

Problem with URL in IIS7.5 + Sharepoint Services in TFS2010

Hello everyone, my question is kinda simple but i just don't know how to get it. I have this dedicated server at home, used almost just for Team Foundation Server, I did the single server configuration wizard so I have Sharepoint Services running along with SQL Server and IIS 7.5, the problem is that every single link and URL on the sha...

How to license a sharepoint solution?

Let's assume that you've created a SharePoint solution - a WebPart, a feature for a List Template, whatever - that you are planning to sell as a product. How would you go about handling licensing of your solution? I'm looking for some input in at least the following areas: Code-wise: 1.1. Where do you keep the license itself? as a f...

Backing up and restoring a sharepoint content database across two machines, hosed my sharepoint app

I have sharepoint sites provisioned on two machines A and B. I would like to take the content database from machine A and restore it into the site on machine B. I used SQL backup to backup machine A's database, and restored it to machine B, overwriting the existing content database. However, my sharepoint site became unreachable - I woul...

SharePoint Batch Insert not working

Hello All, I have a requirement in my webpart wherein I have to insert large set of items in a SharePoint list. I made use of the batch insert methodology in order to achieve this. However, this never inserts the items into the list. Here is my XML which contains the items to be inserted in batch <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?...

Sharepoint item permissions "created by" need multiple entries

I have a sales opportunities list and only want the "Account Owner" and "Account Team" to be able to edit Items in the list, everyone else can view. In "Advanced Settings" I have "Read Access" set to "All Items" and I have "Edit Access" set to "Only their own" Issue 1: I imported the list items so the "created by" column that SP looks ...

How to add SQLFileStream docs to content locations for MSS (MS search server)?

Hi guys, we use MS Search Server Express to search for files stored in traditional directories on our network but would like to also be able to return files that have been stored directly in SQL Server as either SQLFileStream datatype, or stored in-row as varbinary(max). How can add a SQL Server database/table/field as a content location...

Sharepoint and Excel Services - Restrict Access by Tab

Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to have an excel workbook on SP 2010 and make it so that different people would be able to edit different tabs of the workbook - but not the other tabs? I'm pretty new to Sharepoint and am trying to get up to speed, but in my searching I haven't found a way to do this yet. I'm not sure if it's...

How to change Href of custom Ribbon button in SharePoint 2010

Is there a way to change the Href of a custom ribbon button? I'm tring to tie the button to a lightbox, so that the lightbox is displayed when the button is clicked. The ID of the button is Ribbon.Documents.New.Controls.BtnUpload-Large so I tried jQuery('#Ribbon.Documents.New.Controls.BtnUpload-Large').attr('href', href), but that didn...