
Is SharePoint uses indexing service of windows?

Let me know if it uses built-in service or has own service for search in documents? ...

How do I join the current item in a list to items in another list?

I've got a list of items in a list, say issues, and have linked to these from another list, say subIssues. Using sharepoint designer 2007 i have successfully linked the 2 lists on the dispForm.aspx page, however it simply shows all the joins. I need to link it to the currenty item, i.e. the item ID that is currently being viewed. So...

Get a List using its ID

I'm trying to get a list using it's ID, however it's not working and I can't work out why This works without a problem... using (SPSite site = new SPSite("")) using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPList list = web.Lists["Documents"]; // process... } So should this...

MOSS 2007 - Custom Aspx Pages Created With Feature

(I have also asked this question on SharePoint Overflow.) I have a SharePoint feature I'm using to add some custom aspx files to the Pages Library. When I activate the feature, I can visit the pages in-browser and they are visible in SPDesigner, but when I "View All Site Content" they are not there. Why is this the case? The Feature'...

SharePoint deployment, ghosted file returns 404

After deploying an upgrade to a particular feature which contains ghostable page template, the page starts returning a 404 response. In the SharePoint log, I get the following Cannot get ghost document: Features\FeatureName\SubFolder\PageName.aspx Unknown SPRequest error occurred. More information: 0x80070002 I am able ...

What is the correct way to bind taskid property inside a replicator activity?

Hi to all, I want to bind taskid to createTask and onTaskChanged activity that are inside my replicator activity configured to run in parallel mode. I have bound it to a workflow field created by me but it seems to have some concurrency problem because I have bound a different parallel block of code to the same field. What is the cor...

using both basic and Integrated authentication

We would like to use Integrated Windows Authentication if a user accesses our SharePoint site from within our organization, and Basic Authentication (using SSL) when someone tries to authenticate from outside our organization. Reading, it seems IE will try Windows Auth no matter what and ignore Basic Auth from outside our organization. ...

Sharepoint Content Approval message

I Have Content Approval turned on for a list. When Users create Items they get the message 'Items on this list require content approval. Your submission will not appear in public views until approved by someone with proper rights.' I want to change the text of this message in a particular site collection. I found the message defined i...

Programmatically Lookup a User in SharePoint

I’ve encountered a situation where I need to be able to lookup a user by their active directory name. I’ve tried looking for the user in the SPSite.Users, SPSite.AllUsers and SPSite.SiteUsers properties, but the user isn’t guaranteed to be in any of those lists. For users who gain permission to the site via an active directory group th...

SharePoint 2007 web parts integration with Project Server 2007

To my knowledge, web parts have the ability to display portions of other Web pages. Is it possible to integrate SharePoint 07 with Project Server 07 and display portions of a Web page from the Project Server via a web part that's on a SharePoint site. If it's possible, how difficult is it to do? I found these pages (Integration with Of...

JobDefinitions for Timer Jobs in SharePoint

I've hit an issue with creating a timer job on demand from within an event handler. It works fine on my dev machine where the user is also the farm administrator. On the staging server (and production too), this user will be different. Apparently it needs to be a farm admin who creates/updates timer jobs as they have access to the config...

Developing a replacement for Sharepoint “Alert Me”-function

Hi guys I'm pretty new to sharepoint-development, so I thought I'd check real quick with the gurus in here. I've been given the task of building a replacement for the built-in Alert Me feature. The main reason for this is to allow for alerting members of a role with a forms authenticated sharepoint. This is where you guys come in. I k...

Problem with Sharepoint 2010 quick launch

I am creating a site in Sharepoint 2010, and then packaging it into a wsp. things are working fine, but there is one problem when i deploy the wsp to a new site. There is a list in the quick launch, which does not get called correctly when the wsp is deployed. Is there some way to tell the quick launch to dynamically pick the list id whe...

How to get Domain\users name in string type variable from sharepoint site into custom webpart

Hello, My query is i want to store a list of users from sharepoint site in string. i have sp_user group that contain all the user of sp_group. I have another group Moss_2007Admin that have admin users. How can i get all users name e.g. "Domain\username;Domain\username1;Domain\username2" into string type variable that i am going to use ...

Dynamic link to be placed in SharePoint Quicklaunch

Okay .... here is the scenario, I have this web page called CreateXYZ.aspx in my sharepoint site and I have to pass a list id as a querystring to this page. I have put a static link in the quick launch and set the link as CreateXYZ.aspx?listId=%whtever% ... things work fine in this site, but when i create a wsp of the whole site, and dep...

In Sharepoint, how do I update a task directly from a link in an email?

I'm just starting to use sharepoint designer and realised there's a lot that can be done to extend the basic features in sharepoint. We have an email alert sent out when a new task is created (by the user) and I want to customise the email so that it also includes a link called 'Assign'. When clicked, I want this link to automatically ...

How to get user Names of domain in Sharepoint web part ?????

Hi All !!!!!!! I want to get user names in active directory by using sharepoint webpart. any way a i can get usernames by using ASP. net but i cant convert that code in to sharepoint web part.... here is the code ......... using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using...

SharePoint 2007: AfterProperties of person input field shows always -1 as lookupid

Hi, I'm struggling with the SharePoint 2007 AfterProperties. I've a people input field, where several people can be added. On the ItemUpdating event I now need to determine which users were added, removed or stayed the same. Unfortunately this becomes quit difficult, as the id of the untouched users turns to -1 in the AfterProperties,...

Allow Paging for HTML list

Hi guys, I am building a SharePoint web part that creates a HTML list as below <ul> <li> ... </li> </ul> Is there a way to enable paging on this list using Javascript because the list is too long? Thanks. ...

Automatically select an item after filtering in a Connected web part

Hi, I have an Image Web Part that is connected to another web part. Whenever I run a filter on ID, there is only one file to be selected in the connected web part. But, I have to manually select this item's radio button to display the image in the Image Web Part. I want the connected web part to be hidden so that only the image is dis...