
Building User ID/Password Functionality with Ruby on Rails? Overkill?

Hi, I am new to this community, but I am working on a site that requires implementation of a user/password/register check upon entry, which would check against a database, or write to the database, in the case of registration. I have experience with XHTML and CSS, and just discovered RoR. I honestly have very little insight into how to a...

Holding userid in

I am using for developing an intranet website. I need to hold the userid across all postbacks for all the pages in the website. Is it advisable to hold those information in Session or somether way is available. ...

ProviderKey the only option for unique identifier in MembershipUser object?

I'm trying to integrate an existing schema into a custom provider but the MembershipUser object only seems to have ProviderKey, an object, based on a uniqueIdentifier. How can I store my existing set of ID's for my users in this object as well and pull them from the DB when I get user information? I need the legacy key to access all my...

Is it possible to display "Display Name" in TFS Source Control?

Our company uses a 'user number' for our primary network ID. We do use Active Directory for managing our users, so we can associate our user number with a Display Name. TFS Source Control by default (only?) shows a User column, which shows the network ID. Is it possible to add/show the Display Name in TFS Source Control instead of, or...

Get UserID from ASP.Net Login control LoggedIn event

In ASP.Net, I am trying to get the UserId (i.e., the user GUID) of the user that just logged on, in the LoggedIn event of the Login control. That is, I want to grab the UserId before the user is moved to to the next page. This is the code I am using: Protected Sub Login1_LoggedIn(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ...

LinqDataSource - how do I select rows based on the current UserId?

Hello, I have a Grid View control that displays data based on what is returned by the LinqDataSource. The LinqDataSource selects data depending on the date chosen in a date control (used in the where clause), but I also need the where clause to be based on the current userID which is a GUID. How can I get the LinqDataSource to obtai...

oauth and userid

hi, i am very confused, once i get the access token from google to access user contacts, how do I associate that user with that token again in the future? many thanks ...

Getting a UserId into a SQLDataSource

I am still new to and I'm having a problem that I just can't figure out. I'm using vb and the .net membership api. My question is, how do I get the current user's userid into a DetailsView INSERT? <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="UserID"/> </InsertParameters> ...

Mapping an integer to a user name

A client and I were brainstorming a way to generate usernames from numeric user ids (generated by the database). The key requirement is that usernames are unique. The most obvious solution would be just set the username equal to the user id. But an important requirement is that the usernames are not "obviously sequential"-- so while th...

ASP.NET Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

hey all, i have a table which has a primary key (UserID) this is of type UniqueIdentifier. im trying to insert a value into this field but i keep getting an error. i want to get the userID of the current user and insert the into the user_Details table, but i keep getting this error Conversion failed when converting from a character s...

iPhone Twitter Get UserId

Hi, I am looking for a way to get a twitter users userid via their username. For example take (yes I know her twitter page off by heart lol) on the right hand side of the page is a link to her RSS feed: feed:// In this context Alyssa's userid would be 2664...

iphone app userid

Hi, I have an app where we want users to be able to send us email/info. This would be a standard template which will open up on a button click within the app. I am struggling at the moment to find a legit way to do it. The problem is there are 2 things I need. 1) A way to let users send email to me 2) A way of knowing the person sen...

ASP.NET MVC2 Membership: How to get userID and roleID of logged user?

How can I get userID and roleID of user that is logged to application? User.Identity doesn't contain these details? Thanks, Ile ...

Manually Add a User to Database ASP.NET?

Hello, So when your using ASP.NET Wizards to create a login, it uses a set of auto generated tables using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool... When you create a user using the wizard it generates a very long userID "a40cf936-1596-4560-a26c-450792e2c8c0" I want to add users using another program that connects to this database... but how does ...

sharedUserId: safe to change when app is already in market?

For the next version of our application, I want to change the sharedUserId since we now use an internal control dashboard app which must write to the other app's settings files. But since the app is already installed on many phones, will this be a problem? I ran a little test on the emulator, and I'm seeing exceptions in the device logs...

SharePoint 2007: AfterProperties of person input field shows always -1 as lookupid

Hi, I'm struggling with the SharePoint 2007 AfterProperties. I've a people input field, where several people can be added. On the ItemUpdating event I now need to determine which users were added, removed or stayed the same. Unfortunately this becomes quit difficult, as the id of the untouched users turns to -1 in the AfterProperties,...

Facebook App FBML, fb:friend-selector get friend userid.

Hello everyone, i am trying to get the current logged in user's friends, they should select one friend using the form below and then submit it to the same page. The script is suppose to get the friend's userid (only one) and add it to the database. The script is working fine but its not posting the right ID (Wrong ID $_POST['friend_sele...

Drupal: Catcing userId in hook_init();

I have the following code in a custom module as well as I have firePHP installed (dfb($userId) is supposed to be written in the console). At every page pageload I want to catch and print the current users ID and I think the following should work but it isn't - can anyone tell me why? function live_update_test_init() { global $user; ...

Using a "custom" user ID as opposed to the user's real, auto_incremented database ID in web applications ?

I'm not sure about its terminology, but for, the "custom user ID" I'm referring to is 123456. I have seen this on quite a lot of websites, in fact, even SO uses something similar. What I'm curious about is: What are they ? - I guess they can't be the real, auto_incremented user ID from the database...