
Validate email address in Javascript?

What's the best way to validate an email address in Javascript? Though this solution may be simple, I'm sure this is one of those useful things that people will be Googling for and deserves its own entry on the site ...

Is there a php library for email address validation?

I need to validate the email address of my users. Unfortunately, making a validator that comforms to standards is hard Here is an example of a regex expression that tries to comform to standard Are there any PHP library (preferably, open-source) that validates email address? ...

What would be a globally accepted regular expression to match e-mail addresses

I have seen many examples, with many 'no, you missed something' comments. What is the right way to match an e-mail address? For Sanity sake, only fully-qualified domain names, no @localhost allowed. (or, both ways) Subdomains must be allowed ([email protected]) ...

TSQL Email Validation (without regex)

Ok, there are a million regexes out there for validating an email address, but how about some basic email validation that can be integrated into a TSQL query for Sql Server 2005? I don't want to use a CLR procedure or function. Just straight TSQL. Has anybody tackled this already? ...

Open Source Email MX Record Validator

I know there are some commercial products that do complete email validation (syntax, domain, MX and SMTP), but is there a good open source project out there that provides this functionality for a .NET application? For those interested in the commercial choices, I started a list in my reply to this question. ...

jQuery email validation requirements

Hi I'm using the jQuery.Validation plugin for client side validation, and among other things I validate email addresses. Now I also want to validate on the server side (for users without javascript etc). For lack of better ideas I started on a regex, but quite soon I realized that I want to important to use the same requirements as the ...

detecting mistyped email addresses in javascript

I notice sometimes users mistype their email address (in a contact-us form), for example, typing,, or instead of I feel that this can be corrected on-the-spot with some javascript. Simply check the email address for possible mistakes, such as the ones listed above, so that if the user types his_...

Domain Keys, DKIM and Sendmail

When I am using DomainKeys and DKIM together on a linux system, do I run both of them on the same port? DomainKeys: /usr/bin/dk-filter -l -p inet:8891@localhost -d -s /var/db/ domainkeys/default.key.pem -S default DKIM: /usr/bin/dkim-filter -l -p inet:8891@localhost -c simple -d -k /var/db/dkim/mail.key.pem -s m...

[RUBY/regex] - Find email addresses in large data stream

STILL NOT RESOLVED :(   [Feb 11th] I have a large text file full of random data and want to pull out all the email addresses from it. I would like to do this in Ruby, with pseudo code like this: monster_data_string = "asfsfsdfsdfsf sfda **[email protected]** sdfdsf" monster_data_string.match(EMAIL_REGEX) Does anyone know what Ruby e...

How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?

I have come across this PHP code to check email address using SMTP without sending an email. Has anyone tried anything similar or does it work for you? Can you tell if an email customer / user enters is correct & exists? Thanks! ...

What's the best way to validate multiple emails and handle errors in Rails?

In the current app I'm building I've got a textarea where a user will enter a comma-delimited list of email addresses. I'm currently splitting the list into an array and then saving one by one. But if, say, I have this input... [email protected], test@example, [email protected] ... then [email protected] will be saved, but saving test@ex...

validating mailto links in java

Is it possible to check whether an email is a valid email or not? For checking whether a link is a valid one or not I am checking like this... URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if ( connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLCo...

What is the simplest regular expression to validate emails to not accept them blindly?

When users create an account on my site I want to make server validation for emails to not accept every input. I will send a confirmation, in a way to do a handshake validation. I am looking for something simple, not the best, but not too simple that doesn't validate anything. I don't know where limitation must be, since any regular ex...

How to stop sending email in php?

I have a list of email addresses, which I tested that they are invalid, not exists. But my mail server still keep trying to send email to them. Is there any way to stop sending email to the non-exists, invalid email addresses? I am using php though.. ...

What's wrong with this RegEx for validating emails?

Here's a regex for validating emails - \S+@\S+\.\S+, I didn't write it. I'm new to Regular Expressions and do not understand them all that well. I have a couple of questions: What's wrong with the above RegEx? What's a good RegEx for validating emails? Thanks in advance. ...

Check well formatted email address

I have a text file of e-mails like this: 10:[email protected];[email protected] 12:[email protected]; "George <[email protected]>" 43:[email protected].;[email protected] ... I wanted to check if the list contains well formatted entries. Do you know any tool or web-service to check and give me a list of invalid addresses ? Update Dear all, thank ...

Are there other methods than emailing a verification link to verify account info?

At the moment, we are sending an email address verification email each time someone signs up. This email has been causing a number of problems: people don't get it, they just don't click the link in the email or the email gets block by spam or some other method. We are working on resolving the spam issue, although I don't think it's poss...

Regular expression for email

Possible Duplicate: What is the best regular expression for validating email addresses? I am using this particular regular expression for checking emails. "^[A-Za-z0-9](([a-zA-Z0-9,=\.!\-#|\$%\^&\*\+/\?_`\{\}~]+)*)@(?:[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9}$" The issue I have is that, this allows periods before the "@" symbol. Is ther...

Consecutive wild characters in email

I was looking at email validation. I read in RFC specs that consecutive . (dot) are not allowed, like, [email protected]. But are different wild characters allowed to occur consecutively? Like, [email protected]. And if so, how do I make a regular expression which will take only single occurance of wild characters as long as they a...

C# Regex Compatibility Issue (.NET 3.5 vs .Net 2.0)

I have the following regex expression on a dev machine that is running .NET 3.5 and it works as designed. However when it is deployed to our test environment (which is running .NET 2.0) it doesn't work right and always seems to return false. Does anyone know what the culprit may be? Thanks using System.Text.RegularExpressions; prote...