
Register Windows program with the mailto protocol programmatically

How do I make it so mailto: links will be registered with my program? And then how would I handle that event in my program? Most of the solutions I found from a quick Google search are how to do this manually, but I need to do this automatically for users of my program if they click a button such as "set as default email client". Edit...

mailto link for large bodies

I have a page upon which a user can choose up to many differ paragraphs. When the link is clicked (or button), an email will open up and put all those paragraphs into the body of the email, address it, and fill in the subject. However, the text can bee too long for a mailto link. Any way around this? Thanks....

How do I make a component in Joomla display as an article?

More specifically I am trying to make the mailto component show within my template; the same way as an article does. By default the mailto component opens in a new window. So far I changed the code so it opens on the same window, but that way the whole template is gone. Any suggestions? ...

Is it possible to add an HTML link in the body of a MAILTO link

I have not had to mess with mailto links much. However I now need to add a link in the body of a mailto if it is possible. Is there a way to add a link or to change the email opened to an html email vs a text email? Something like: <a href="mailto:test@test.test?body=The message's first paragraph.%0A%0aSecond paragraph.%0A%0AThird ...

validating mailto links in java

Is it possible to check whether an email is a valid email or not? For checking whether a link is a valid one or not I am checking like this... URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if ( connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLCo...

C# Start a new MailTo Process and HTML URL Encoding

I have created a new MailTo extension method for the Process class which just fills the Process with a new ProcessStartinfo which contains the required mailto arguments. I have created a method called FormatMailToArgument (Right at the end) which converts control characters to their Url Encoded equivelants and have tested this and it wor...

How to stop spammers from getting the email address from a mailto link?

Duplicate: Best way to obfuscate an e-mail address on a website? Effective method to hide email from spam bots What are some ways to protect emails on websites from spambots? What is the best way to prevent spammers from getting the email address from your mailto links? I'm under the impression that javascript could be ...

What happened to Html.Mailto from MVC preview to final?

In some of the previews, there was an HTML-helper method for building mailto-links. I am not able to find that in the final release. Am I missing something? ...

Include an HTML img tag inside a mailto: URL on an iPhone

I'm trying to include an image in an email, which is being sent using a mailto: URL in an iPhone app. The image shows up on the sender's mail app, but after being sent, the tag seems to be stripped out entirely. Here's a snippet, which has been escaped by hand: [mailUrl appendString:@"&body=%3Cimg%20src%3D%22http%3A//

How to avoid the mailto annoyance?

I am working on a website and would like for my users to be able to give feedback as easily as possible. I know one way but I've always hated it: <a href="">Click Here to be annoyed!</a> Is there a way in JavaScript or HTML to allow my users to email me without having to go through a lot of trouble? ...

mailto special characters

Is there a way to make the email client ( Outlook ) accept special characters coming from the mailto link in html? I'm trying to have a mailto link with german characters in the body, but in Outlook I get only strange characters. Thanks ...

Creating an mailto: URL with a URL in the body iPhone SDK

UPDATE: I just found a similar post here: Please consider the code below: I try to send an email message from within my iPhone app. The problem I encounter is that I want to put a URL in the body of the email. This URL contains two ampersands. ...

How to send mail with a Subject using a Mailto URL?

Can you help me? I need to make a Mailto link to my website which is suppose to contain either the product name or the product page URL in the subject section. How can I do it? Exp:When you get an email through ebay about a product you are selling or buying, you automatically know what product that email is about by seeing the product n...

multipart PHP mail - accentuations problems![SOLVED]

I'm trying to send a multipart/alternative MIME e-mail via PHP script ... all works fine but I've some problems with the encoding! The accentuated characters, in the e-mail body, are displayed wrongly in the mail client! How can encode the body to solve this problem? ... I've tried to use .. utf8_encode($body) Without good results! I...

C# MailTo with Attachment?

Currently I am using the below method to open the users outlook email account and populate an email with the relevant content for sending: public void SendSupportEmail(string emailAddress, string subject, string body) { Process.Start("mailto:" + emailAddress + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body); } I want ...

Creating new mail (default client) from Java/Windows

I want to open the "new mail" view using the default mail client (i.e. open a new mail form in Outlook). But when I go String cmd = "explorer.exe \""+ subject+"&body="+body+"\""; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); the mail shows up, but I have a problem: explorer.exe brings up an Internet Explorer inst...

mailto: subject= and body= support in email clients

Does anyone know if when sending a html newsletter what kind of support the major email clients have for the subject= and body= parts of the mailto tag? ...

Force mail client to use text rather then HTML through mailto:

I'm using SubVersion and TRAC on a C# project I am working on, and I have my TRAC system setup with a email address that can be used to create tickets. In my program I've added a simple "FeedBack" button in my program which sends an email to this address. To open the email I'm just "starting" a mailto link as shown below. System.Reflect...

How to Make a button send an email using AS3 automatically

I am working in actionscript 3.0 and am making a website! In my website, I want to make a button that sends an email using a click of button and I don't want it to open their mail client, instead just send it. I am currently using the "mailto" function but would like to know how to make it send automatically, or what else I can use to ...

Broken Accented Characters in a MailTo Link

I'm trying to create a mailto link that contains french accented characters as the subject and email body. Both HTML and URI encoding the chars does not work. Here is my code: <a href="mailto:%20?subject=ce%20titre%20est%20cass%C3%A9.&body=travaux%20deja!%20cesser%20d'%C3%AAtre%20t%C3%AAtu">SEND EMAIL</a> Same result occurs without U...