
How to open an email client and automatically attach file in java

Hi everyone, I need to create a java code that will open an email client (Outlook, outlook express , etc) and automatically attach a file in it. I tried using mailto but it only opens the mail client and do not attach the file. Help please. thanks a lot. ...

Mailto C# attachment syntax

How can I attach a file to this mailto string? string mailto = "mailto:" + to + "&SUBJECT=" + subject + "?BODY=" + body + "&Attachment=" + attachment; This doesn't work; the file isn't attached. ...

Contact-Me from webpage without using email client

Hi all - help out a noob with a simple web development question?? I want to create a Contact-Me form on my website, but I'd like it to not go through the email client that's installed on the user's machine, in case they're at a public terminal. I don't mind if the email comes from "me" to "me", as long as nobody can use it to spam me! ...

mailto causing a blank page in IE8 when used with Dojo

For some reason, in IE (IE8 in Win 7 to be precise), when I click on a mailto link, I end up with the current page being replaced by a blank page with mailto in the address bar. Specifically, this is what happens when I click the mailto link: New about:blank tab opens and a security prompt pops up asking if I want to open Outlook. At...

Prevent onbeforeunload from being called when clicking on mailto link

Is there anyway to prevent onbeforeunload from being called when clicking on mailto link in chrome. In FF, Safari, IE it is working fine. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt; google.load("jquery", "1.3.2"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Getting all mailto links with jQuery

I need a pattern that will traverse the document and get me all links that have mailto in their href: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">text</a> I could of course easily get all a elements ($("a")) and check each href attribute to see if it points to a mailto but I think that jQuery has some form of pattern matching that will allow me to ...

Error when using mailto: link in Mobile Safari in app-capable mode

I've got a form in a web page with an action that is "mailto:email" (where email is a real email address). When I load this page in Mobile Safari in regular mode (ie, not launched from home screen with app-capable mode), this works fine - after I submit the form, the email app comes up. However, when I'm in app-capable mode and have lau...

How can a Delphi Program send an Email with Attachments via the DEFAULT E-mail Client?

Within my program, I am composing an email to send using the default e-mail client software installed on a user's machine. I have composed the mailto address, the subject, the multilined body, and I have several attachments to be included. I almost got this working using mailto and ShellExecute as follows: Message := 'mailto:someon...

Mailto Script in php

Hi I am new to Php.. i want to know how mailto script works in php .. and can any one pls provide a script for that.. ...

Include a picture in mailto:

I'm interested in placing a picture (along with some text) in a prepared email for the user to send off. Is there any way to use mailto: to do that? ...

How can I use unicode in "mailto" protocol?

I want to launch default e-mail client application via ShellExecute function. I.e. I write something like this: ShellExecute(0, 'mailto:[email protected]?subject=example&body=example', ...); How can I encode non-US characters in subject and body? I can't use default ANSI code page, because characters can be anything: chinese chara...

How can I launch the eMail client, and then do a page redirect with Javascript?

I'm required to make a website function exactly the same on other browsers as it does in IE6. Part of the current code looks similar to this: <script> function myFunc(){ location.href="mailto:[email protected]&body=Hello!"; location.href="newPage.html"; } </script> <body onload="myFunc();"> </body> in IE, this causes the mail client to ...

mailto link in internet explorer navigates to dead end

I am using an anchor with mailto, and I am finding that the behavior is extremely unrefined. <a id="Help" href="mailto:[email protected]">Questions</a> when I do this in IE8, I find that in some locations, the windows asks if it can open outlook, you say yes, and it opens a new email message and sets the To: section. It also leaves...

Is it possible to test whether a user's browser/OS supports a given type of link using javascript?

Is it possible to test whether a user's OS/browser supports a given url scheme using javascript (or anything else)? For example, mailto: isn't setup on most user's computer that only use webmail. Would it be possible to somehow catch attempts to click a mailto link and pop up a more descriptive explanation than the browser error messag...

I can't get mailto links to open the Mail app from Mobile Safari when using jQTouch. What could be wrong?

Hi all, I'm developing an iPhone web app using jQTouch, and it contains a simple mailto: link to a valid email address, which should launch the iPhone mail application when tapped—but it doesn't. If I visit a "normal" web page in Mobile Safari which contains the exact same link, and tap on it, I get the expected result: the mail app po...

is there any way to attach report genereted pdf to javascript:mailto attachments

Hi I've got a report that generates a pdf as a stream, and then writes it to the screen using response.write() is there any way to attach the file to an email (client side sent) without saving the document on the client computer first? ...

Java: Open default mail application and create new mail and populate To and Subject fields

Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I've come across in Java. Is there functionality within Java to produce a section of code that will open the default email application on a user's PC? (I guess almost like a fancy mailto link...) If there is - is it possible to populate fields such as the To and Subject ...

Attach File Through mailto URI

Is it possible to attach a file using "mailto:" redirect in javascript? Something like this: document.location = "mailto:"+recipient+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+msg+"?attach="+""; ...

Joomla mailto: sub issue urgent

Hi I am using this code for an image for mailto: but when subject line is entered it is showing a big unable to parse javascript or something in joomla. mailto:[email protected]?subject=hello Thanks ...

Dashcode: mailto error cause internal links to not work

I am making a mobile webapp in dascode, I used mailto and it pulls up the email client like expected but when you click cancel it goes back to the page and none of my internal links work any ideas on how to fix this? ...