
How can I share a single set of configuration values amongst all instances of my Sharepoint Webpart?

I have a sharepoint webpart that will exist on many pages. The webpart has a custom editor control that I have developed to present the configuration options to the user in a more friendly manner. Although there will be many instances of the webpart I require that each instance has the same consistent set of property values. Is there...

Seeing the actual error behind 'An unexpected error has occurred' in Sharepoint 2010

In MOSS 2007, we could update the tag's callstack attribute to true and then customerrors mode to "Off" to see the actual error behind the 'An unexpected error has occurred' message. Does it apply on SharePoint 2010 as well ? I tried it but I get the following error: Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the serv...

How to purge specific users/groups from a SharePoint site collection?

I am trying to write a utility to find/delete specific users and groups from a SharePoint site collection. At this point I'm using the SiteUsers property of the SPWeb class to do the job, but I'm wondering: why isn't there a similar property in the SPSite class? This seems completely counter-intuitive to me (though at this point nothing ...

sharepoint 2007 installation an installation package for the product microsoft office document lifecycle components cannot be found.

Hi all When I try to install MOSS 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2, the installation stops and I receive the following error: sharepoint 2007 installation an installation package for the product microsoft office document lifecycle components cannot be found. try installation again using a valid copy of installation package 'dlc.msi'. Wha...

WSS 3.0 as Application platform

This is an architectural question. We are in the process of building a document management site with basic workflow which needs to be external facing.The external facing application needs to be branded and should have the capability to upload and download documents and also support versioning.We have decided to use WSS 3.0 as the collab...

Adding recurring event on calendar using sharepoint webservice

I'm using the SharePoint webservice to add a calendar event through a winform, which by itself works fine, but when I try to add a recurring event I get an exception of type "Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException". I'm using the webservice specifically to avoid using the sharepoint component, so I don't think I can ...

basic questions about SharePoint

I am newbie to SharePoint. Can anyone explain when to use what? Team Site Blank Site Group WorkSite Document Workspace thanks ...

About unit test, I want to ask that what kind of function/method we can use as unit testing object.

I am beginner of unit testing so I want to ask what kind of function/method we can use as unit testing object. I want unit test sharepoint code which written on C#. By the way, I don't ask about unit testing framework. I want to know that what kind of function I can use as unit test object. Ex: // function that return a value. ...

Activating custom sharepoint feature on forms authenticated web app

Hey guys. So I created a custom feature with a receiver. Everything works fine and dandy - under a windows authenticated sharepoint application. The same web application has been extended to include a forms based authenticated site. Activating the feature on this site gives me a 403 forbidden error. Can anyone help me out here? It's ...

SharePoint CreateWebPage.aspx is different for SharePoint 2010 and MOSS 2007

I am trying to upgrade a site from MOSS 2007 to SP 2010, but there is a document library which uses the CreateWebPage.aspx to create the pages in MOSS 2007. However, when I try to add an item to the library in 2010 version, I get a NullReferenceException, I opened the code of CreateWebPage.aspx in _layouts folder on the 2007 machine and ...

SharePoint 2010 User Profile Management

Hi, I would like to make the User Profiles from SharePoint 2010, to be managed by a non-farm account. Is there a solution for this? Or do I have to make a custom Web Application that communicates with the User Profiles Service Application? Thanks, Voicu Seiche. ...

Sharepoint: Any way to get lookup list's other column's value?

Hi~ let's say, I've create 2 splist, one is 'student_course', another is 'student'. the student_course contains a lookup field "student_id" of student. is there any way i can display all the student information which is under course of "computer science"? Thanks in advance for whoever trying to help. =) ...

People Picker Control Not working in Jquery Dialog Div

Hello All, I have a SharePoint application page where I have extensively used JQuery. I show nested JQuery Dialog divs in my aspx page. The strange thing is that none of the people picker's javascript functions are called in the innermost JQuery Dialog while everything is working fine in the outer dialog. I suspect somethin...

Creating Sites and WebParts - SP2010

Hi, We are working on a SharePoint Site where we have created lot of webparts. Now so far we have been creating SitePages for these webparts manually and adding webparts to those. It takes lot of time in any environment and its difficult to move from environment to environment. What is the ideal way of doing it? How can we automate sit...

Get deleted user information from sharepoint

Hi. Is there a way to get a user name of the user deleted from sharepoint? I have the id of the deleted user. I need this since I want to present a more user friendly information taken from the audit logs. There I have only the id of the user. ...

Sharepoint RenderPattern and "neutral" DateTime values

Hi there I created a custom Sharepoint field and a custom renderplattern for it: <RenderPattern Name="DisplayPattern"> <Column Name="Date" HTMLEncode="FALSE" Format="DateTime"/> </RenderPattern> So basically it is writing out the raw value of the "Date" field. Currently I'm using the output clientside using Javascript: ....

Get User URL using CAML Query

Hello All, I am making use of CAML Query to filter the records from list into DataTable. I have a SPUser Field in my list. I am endeavoring to obtain the user id of each user in CAML Query. Any insights on how to achieve this? ...

How to update a content type programmatically ?

Hi, i want to modify the "Required" property of a field of a list which is associated to a content type. i've modified the content type and schema of the list, but the "Required" is still set to true, i want it to be optional. Any idea ? thanx ...

Set Sharepoint drop down list equal to value entered in text box

Hi all, I have a sharepoint list with several columns, one of which is a text box that is set to accept numbers. I would like to auto populate a drop down box based on the number entered into that text box. I am not very code-savvy, and so far all the answers I have found involve getting a number/value from a drop down box to insert i...

ASP.NET downloaded files corrupted

I have written the following code to download a file from sharepoint. The downloded file works fine in only some machines. For others, it says that the file is corrupted. The issue is for MS Office and image files, however the PDF is not having any issues. We have identified the issue of corruption as due to the addition of a hexadecimal...