
Soapclient query a Sharepoint web service

I successfully query a service with the following code from here <?php $authParams = array("login" => "username", "password" => "password"); $listName = "{2882F083-8890-4ADA-A1FC-39ED1D63D825}"; $rowLimit = '150'; $wsdl = "http://localhost:89/list.wsdl"; $soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdl, $authParams); $params = array('listName' => $li...

LookupFieldEditor.ascx in SharePoint 2007/2010

I have searched for LookupFieldEditor example but I could not find any sample code or markup using this control. I want to know how should I use it in a web page in my SharePoint site. ...

Is it possible to use RoleManager features through a sharepoint custom timer job?

Hi... I've developed a custom timer job using the SPJobDefinition class. The idea is to extend the existing Alert Me notifications, by allowing to send notifications to the members of a Role using the role provider framework. After a lot of trial and error, I'm beginning to think it might not even be possible to use the RoleMan...

Custom Picker Editor Control

Hi All, I have lookup column, but the data in this column is very large.I want to create a custom picker control like (people editor control) in sharepoint. Please help me. Thanks, ...

List's contextual menu issue with ie 6

Hi, i have a list with a large amount of items. When scrolling down to edit/view an item which is at the bottom of the page, the contextual menu appears on top of the page not by the item so i have to scroll up to click an element of the contextual menu. This issue only appears with IE6. Any ideas ? Many thanks. ...

Sharepoint Filter for List Items(GetListItems)

I'm attempting to get a set of list items from sharepoint via the WebService. I want to query a small subset of items to be returned. My SOAP packet appears to be ordered properly, however, it still appears that the service is ignoring my set filter(query). Any ideas why this would still be happening? <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="ht...

Implementing a breadcrumb into your SharePoint 2010 website?

Has anybody any sample code or excellent article links showing an implementation of a breadcrumb navigation into a SharePoint 2010 Website? ...

SharePoint 2010 - Creating a supplemental web.config file

I'm currently developing a new feature for SharePoint 2010. Along with the deployment of my feature I would like to add some settings to the <appSettings/> section within my SharePoint applications web.config. I found some information on MSDN regarding adding supplemental .config files during deployment, but I have not been able to get...

Sharepoint Custom Sequential workflow using Visual studio 2008 not sending email

I have created a Sharepoint custom Sequential workflow. I have to use the SendEmail activity to send an alert at various steps. I tried the following code: this.sendalertEmail.To = "[email protected]"; this.sendalertEmail.From = "[email protected]"; this.sendalertEmail.Subject = "Regarding email"; ...

How to change deploy server in visual studio 2010 for web part?

I have a web part that I have been deploying to Server A. I now have a new SharePoint environment I would like to deploy my web part to (Server B). How can I set the web part solution to deploy to Server B rather than Server A? I have done this before but cannot find the place to do it. Thanks. ...

What collab. software do I need?

Hello, I'm in a bit of a situation right now. I need software that does the business side of Sharepoint. The software will be used in a company intranet. Ideally, I'd go with SharePoint, and although what I'm technially looking for is a PHP Sharepoint alternative, PHP is not tasked up to deal with the same tasks as SharePoint. What I d...

Can I have a custom 401 (unauthorized) error page for non valid AD user accounts?

Hi there, Is there a way to add/redirect to a custom error page when an Active Directory user accesses a WSS 3.0 site but cannot get authenticated? Any links to some blogs? They will go to the SP site, get prompted for their AD credentials, perhaps incorrectly entering in the domain, username or password and get redirected to a friend...

SharePoint 2010 - SPItemEventReceiver initialized 12 times

I am working on a SharePoint 2010 integration that has an SPItemEventReceiver for handling ItemAdded and ItemUpdated events for the Document library list. I have added a constructor to handle some initialization for the event receiver. In testing/debugging I have noticed that when my feature is activated (the feature containing this even...

LINQ to XML problem with SharePoint Web Services

I am using SharePoint Web Services to get some list items out of SharePoint for a project i am working on. I am using using LINQ to XML to parse the resulting XML to be put into a datasheet. The problem i am running into is when trying to parse an item that isn't required in SharePoint... var fields = from item in results.Descendants...

Populate all the folders in a document library

I want to populate all the folders in document library to a drop down. I was thinking of using spquery for it but not sure how to retrieve all the folders with it. ...

how to sort data in ssrs for sharepoint list in query

I have sharepoint list query {F17A7ACF-C419-45B0-B0B8-1788D7EC462E} * I want to sort data as per my requirnment in this query how can I do that? ...

Want to save text field as XMl in list(sharepoint)

HI.. I have set for Settings Field (SPField) as "Text".In the below code I have used InnerText.So its saving node values in List.But when I use "InnerXml".It shows it cannot write it as Xml.. I want node values as xml in list. SPListItem spItem = splistItemCollection[0]; spItem["Settings"] = toolSettingsDoc.InnerText.ToString(); spr...

Can I temporarily suspend SharePoint Server + IIS + SQL Server?

Is there a way to temporarily suspend / pause Sharepoint Server 2010, IIS and SQL Server services without killing them in Task Manager? I am not running VM or Hyper-V, so most of my resources are constantly used by those 3 major server applications. It's just I am not always in SharePoint 2010. Ocasionally I'd like to play StarCraft 2 o...

Specific change-info in a sharepoint list/listitem

Hi... I'm trying to create a replacement Alert Me notification feature for sharepoint. I've done most of the hard work. I just need to know the best way to get the changes in a timespan. I know about the SPChange class, and the list.GetChanges() method. However the only information I can from this is what has been done like "Update"/...

Add user to SharePoint 2010 group using powershell

We need to add several users to several SharePoint Groups. Does anyone have an example of how to add a user to a sharepoint group using power shell. ...