
How can I add a link to the SharePoint "create" page?

I have a custom feature, and I'd like to link to that functionality from a link on the "Create" page -- the create.aspx page that you get to from the Site Actions menu. I'd be happy to do this either declaratively within my feature's element manifest or programmatically in some feature activation code, but I have no idea if it's possibl...

How to force SharePoint tasks to be editable by "Assigned To" only?

We are using the default Task list from a Team Site and would like to only allow those that the Task is "Assigned To" to edit the tasks. How do you go about enforcing this? When we tried the "Advanced Settings", we found that "Only their own" meant only those tasks created by the current user. ...

Designing sharepoint pages - what can I use?

I am in the process of downloading and installing the requisite sharepoint 2007 components, using the Bamboo utility to setup the software on Vista, on my Vista Home Premium machine. I am wondering, do I need Sharepoint Designer 2k7 to design in a WYSIWYG fashion or can I use Sharepoint Tools for Visual Studio 2008? What are my options?...

SharePoint Web Part to display users by AD/SharePoint Group

Hi I'm trying to create a SharePoint web part that will display all the users in a certain active directory or SharePoint security group. So for example on the home page for a department called Human Resources, the web part will list all the people who belong to the AD or SharePoint group called HR. It's been suggested to me that ther...

Sharepoint: Is there some OOB way to delete provision files?

Hi all, I'm using OOB functionality to upload files to sharepoint. I'm using <module> tags and feature which wraps all data. (it is described here) Here is example of module in my elements.xml file: <Module Name="SampleImages" Url="Style Library/Images/SampleImages" Path="Images" RootWebOnly="TRUE"> <File IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="TRUE" ...

If I want to use MOSS 2007 Single Sign-On, do my users HAVE TO be Active Directory users?

I want to use MOSS 2007's single sign-on feature, but read that the server needs to be in an Active Directory environment. This I understand, but does this mean all my users HAVE TO be Active Directory users? Can I not use MOSS2007 Single Sign-on if my users are authenticated using Forms Authentication (using a custom membership provider...

Simple approve/reject form for SharePoint workflow?

I'm currently creating (in Visual Studio) a simple approval workflow within SharePoint so that I can execute some custom code once the user has approved an item. However, it seems that when I don't specify an approval form to use, SharePoint just selects a default one with a "Complete Task" button, but no "Reject" button. Is there some ...

SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser returns misleading value

I'm trying to find out current user name for my sharepoint application. There are more that one way how to do this. However the sharepoint way returns misleading value. System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name // returns MY_COMPUTER\\my_user HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name // returns MY_COMPUTER\\my_user Htt...

Checking Reports against a changing Data Model

I am working on a SharePoint application where the data is kept in lists. For ease of reporting, we create views in SQL Server 2005 that link lists together, and our Reporting Services model is based on these views. As users add/modify/delete fields, our views become stale. When we recreate the views, some reports are no longer valid. ...

SharePoint Permission Levels in Production for Developers

Hi, We are trying to clean up our SharePoint (MOSS 2007) environment. As of right now, our developers, System Administrators and Content Administrators all have "Full Access" rights to the root site (and just about everything underneath it) in our production environment. I think that is a terrible practice and feel confident that our...

What happens to an IDisposable object created in the middle of a statement that I cannot explicity call Dispose() on?

Say I'm working with Sharepoint (this applies to other object models as well) and in the middle of my statement, I call a method, in this case "OpenWeb()", which creates an IDisposable SPWeb object. Now, I cannot call Dispose() on the SPWeb object because I don't have the reference to it. So do I need to be concerned about this leaking ...

Inherit existing web parts and override methods

When developing web parts in SharePoint can I inherit from the existing web parts and override their methods? Or do I always need to start from scratch. Many Thanks ...

Share Sharepoint lists across sub sites

I've got a situation where I want to have a master list at the top level of a Sharepoint site, and then allow the sub-sites to see the master list. I've tried working with Content Types, and either I'm slow and just can't get the concept, or it doesn't seem to apply. Anyone have any luck? ...

SharePoint 2007 Approval Workflow - Any other person can approve requirement

How can I use SharePoint's Content Approval to enforce the rule that any two people in a group can make a change? We have a policy library that any two individuals can update (a modifier and an approver). If I do a group parallel approval, the modifier can approve their own work (I believe). Unfortunately, I don't have access to Visu...

Sharepoint Document collaboration

Document collaboration Is this possible to restrict the section in document, based on the user. Egg: Document contains three sections, Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 Three users need to contribute for document preparation, User 1 for section 1 User 2 for section 2 User 3 for section 3. Thanks, Gunasekaran Sambandhan ...

Possible to load a web part inside another?

So, this is what we want to do: We want to have a generic web part with a custom frame around it and then dynamically load other web parts (frameless) inside it. Would this at all be possible you think? A bit like Jan Tielens SmartPart, only not for ASP.Net User Controls, but for other Web parts... ;) Edit: We've been able to do this no...

Remove scope dropdown from OSSSearchResults.aspx in SharePoint MOSS

When searching in SharePoint the results are returned to a page called OSSSearchResults.aspx. This page has a scope dropdown for the search i.e. Site:Departments How can I remove this scope so that the whole site collection is always searching, irrespective of the site I am within? All the best ...

Run custom code on login

I’ve used the login control on my sharepoint custom master page. All works well and I can login to my site without problems. However I’d like to run some code once the user has logged, or alternatively perform a redirect based on the user’s role. Has anyone does this type of thing before? ...

Programmatically editing Sharepoint Wiki content

I'd like to edit my Sharepoint Wiki content programmatically. One of the advantages would be to add indexes to the Wiki environment automatically. Has anyone been able to do this? Language doesn't matter, but looking for scripting solution. ...

Where is the Content Source Name in the SSP Search Database

I need to locate the table that contains the Content Source Name (along with the ContentSourceId) in the SSP Search Database (OR anywhere else that it gets stored in). I may be able to access this via the SharePoint Object Model, but I want it via the db table access (This is not a good practice according to Microsoft). We looked in all ...