
How can I automatically enable content approval on a SharePoint list?

I'm trying to create a feature that both creates a list template and an instance of that list (using the <ListTemplate> and <ListInstance> elements. I would like for content approval to be turned on by default. According to the docs on ListTemplate, setting the EnableModeration attribute to TRUE should do it. However, when I try to insta...

Protected Sheets in Excel Service

Sharepoint Excel Services does not seem to support protected Sheets. Is there any other way to make some sheets read-only and make it work in Excel Services? ...

Programmatically Accessing SharePoint Style Library from within C#

Hi all Firstly, I'm a newbie to C# and SharePoint, (less than a month's experience) so apologies if this is an obvious or easy question but I've been trawling the net for a couple of days now with absolutely no success. I have an xslt file that I have stored in a subdirectory of 'Style Library' from within the new website but how can I...

SharePoint "user does not exist or is not unique" error, on site restore

Hi, We backed up a site on our development server and restored it to our production server on a different domain. To clear up all the users on the site we used the web.SiteUsers.Remove() for all users on the root web, on our dev site. On taking a backup and restoring to the production server using stsadm, we are now getting the error "u...

Doing Forms With Just Windows SharePoint Services 3.0?

For the most part my organization is happy with WSS 3.0 (no upgrading to MOSS) with one exception, there is really just one form we'd like to put up somehow. It's fairly big form (basically change requests for IT services, on paper it's easily 2 full 8.5 by 11 pages). We thought about Custom ASP.NET coding as a separate stand-alone pa...

Is it possible to have a custom webpart listen to default SharePoint search box?

SharePoint has a search box by default at the top of the Portal. I want my WebPart to be able to intercept that search and provide search results. Is this possible, and if so any tips or links on how to do this? ...

Access sharepoint list data in SQL

I am new to sharepoint development. I have a list, this list has a column that is called Todaysdate, this column needs to be updated daily to todays accual date and since it contains ~20,000 rows I am NOT going to update it manually everyday. Because it's used in a calculation row. My question is can I just use SQL and update the rows...

How to use the site's masterpage from a _layout SharePoint page ?

Hi, I want to use a masterpagefile (the site's one if this makes sense) in my SharePoint 12 hive/template/layouts/TelephoneBookList/test.aspx file. However, whenever I add MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/simple.master" or something like that to my test.aspx page, I get a sharepoint error page and the following in the log file: 01/12/2009 10...

SQL Server does not exist or access denied error

I have an application that runs fine when executed off the server. When clients try to connect, they receive the following error: Failed to get data. *Data provider could not be initialized *SQL Server does not exist, or access denied on my Office Web Components (MDAC). I am guessing there is some security or server configuration error...

Microsoft Office Web Components IE Security Issue

I am displaying Microsoft Office Web Components (Microsoft Data Access Controls) on my Sharepoint site. Clients need to enable "Access Data Sources Across Domains" in IE in order to view the page. Unfortunately, clients cannot modify their IE settings. Is there anyway I can get these components to display? ...

How do we verify elements existence by id in SharePoint lists?

I want to get a item from a list without loading all the items of the list. I know I can do it by calling SPList.getElementbyId(myID), but if I don't know if this myID exists in the list, how do I verify it? Yes I could use SPListItem myItem = myList.Items[myID]; if (myItem == null) { // log that we don't have this item } However, ...

How to get a SharePoint-UserField with JavaScript ?

Hallo, i need to write some javascript that gets the contents of a userfield in a sharepoint-website. I can get most fields with the javascript-function 'getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle' of Using Javascript to Manipulate a List Form Field, but not UserFields. So how can i get UserFields? Thanks! ...

Can Web Parts in Sharepoint be moved outside of edit mode using drag & drop?

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has implemented an iGoogle/netvibes drag&drop interface in the normal view mode of a Sharepoint 2007 Web Part page? I would preferably want to use the drag & drop functionality that already exists in the edit mode if possible since this comes with Sharepoint, but I want this to be available in the normal vi...

SharePoint WebPart Packages and dlls

Hi I have a SharePoint WebPart project in visual studio. As part of the project I am referencing the interop.ActiveDS.dll. I can compile the project successfully and add/deploy the solution to SharePoint. When I try to run the WebPart in SharePoint I get the error: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. [SecurityExce...

SharePoint List Pre-Population

I have two lists, each on different tabs (sub-sites) of the site. I would like users enter data on the first tab and somehow copy a portion of that data over to the second list automatically (like a pre-population of several of the fields on the second list). What would be involved in making this happen? Of the ideas I have come up with,...

Running VMware in VMware?

We have a physical machine that runs VMware and hosts a VM we use for SharePoint deployment testing. That machine is old and dying, and my employer's network czars are heavily pushing hosted VMs as a replacement for outdated physical servers. I was curious about whether it's possible to run VMware inside VMware, and if so, whether ther...

WSS 2.0 modify navigation

I have a bunch WSS 2.0 team sites (split across content databases) and they aren't using the top navigation from the portal site. I need to modify it to mirror the links but can't find the magic place to make the change. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks. ...

How can I get rid of the "Close" button in SharePoint?

Hi all, I need to give access to users to some Reports History (Reporting Services snapshots lists, under http://SEVERNAME//Reports/_layouts/ReportServer/ReportHistory.aspx?list={REPORTID} but they shouldn't access and navigate the Report Library to do so. A Links List did the trick to direct the users to the reports and their reports hi...

console application - object model - database persmission

I'm trying to run a console application that uses the SharePoint Object Model. I'm getting the error Cannot open database "dbname" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\userid'. Some place I have read that the user must have permission to the Content DB. I can not find an article that explains what pe...

In SharePoint What is the Easiest Way to Create a Custom List schema.xml file?

Like many other a SharePoint User, I've had to create a custom list definition, after much trouble, I've managed to create one (I Think, let me get through all the errors first), but is there a "basic" schema out there I can start with, or a purpose built editor for Schema.xml generation? ...