
Sharepoint errors

I have created a .net web part and deployed it on the sharepoint site. When I preview it, the sharepoint throws up an error saying "An error occured when previewing the Web Part" The code in the web part is as follows Dim myweb As Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context) ...

Using C# to access Sharepoint - where can I find the reference library?

I am currently writing a Windows application in C# that will add documents to a document library list. I am trying to reference Microsoft.Sharepoint, however I do not see the COM or .NET library inside visual studio 2005 add references lists. What dll do I need to reference and where can I find this? Thanks, Alex ...

Problem with Authorization and variations in Sharepoint?

Hello i have a website in Sharepoint that is using variations. I have for sites with variation: ES, CA, EU, EN. I use authorization with roles and i put restrictions in the location tag in web.config. This is not working. Everybody can enter es/admin. <location path="es/admin"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow role...

Sharepoint document library as a destination in SSIS

I create a CSV-file from SSIS and I want to "publish it" in a specific folder in our Sharepoint document library. What is the preferred way to this? I have looked at the example with the sharepoint list destination SharePoint List Source and Destination which is quite good but not exactly what I'm out for. I just want to upload a file ...

How do I implement IWebPartField.Schema correctly when providing a string field

The MSDN example shows how to use a DataTable to find the propertydescriptor. A DataTable is overkill when all I need to do is store and forward a short string value. One example looks somewhat sane, it's using TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this)["afieldnameintheclass"]. This looks correct to me. The thing that's confusing me is that a...

Adding a sharepoint webpage without storing it in a document library?

I want to do something very simple: Add a "Basic page" to a sharepoint site, and have it appear in the quick launch side navigation. But it insists on storing it in a document library. Is there anyway to not store it in a document library? ...

SharePoint: Error on unregistering an EventReceiver form a ContentType

Hi, I've got some problems unregistering some eventreceivers form a contenttype. The contenttype and the receivers were deployed and registered by myself so I don't try to remove any MOSS built-in or internal eventreceivers. I trying to archive this with the following code snippet: using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://wssdev06/"))...

SharePoint, throwing Exception after impersonation.

Hi, We are impersonating a SharePoint User and trying to acces a list item. using (SPSite site = new SPSite(BAH.SN.Properties.Settings.Default.RootSiteUrl, new SPUserToken(currentUser.ImpersonationToken))) { using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb) { SPList list = web.GetList(BAH.SN.Properties.S...

SharePoint, Anonymous Access in FBA and SPContext issues

Hi, We have created a virtual directory under the root sharepoint site. This virtual directory hosts a Web Service which is accessed anonymously. In the code we are doing the following: using(SPSite site = new site(some uri)) { using(SPWeb web = site.RootWeb) { SPList list = web.Lists["SomeList"]; SPListItem ite...

Access a SharePoint website fom a java Application with Kerberos authentication

I am trying to access a SharePont website fom a java Application. The SharePoint server prefers Kerberos authentication. Can you please provide an example for just the implementation of Kerberos authentication? ...

How to get OpenID authentication on SharePoint Services?

Is this even possible? I want to build a small community site but do not want to use Live ID. ...

CAML Query not ordering properly

Can anyone help me with this CAML query? When I flip the Ascending attribute from TRUE to FALSE (have also tried True and False), it doesn't re-order the result set. The rest of the CAML is correct, it is being generated by a tool and the appropriate results are being returned. <Where> <And> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef ...

Reporting on Workflows in SharePoint

Is there a way to create a report in SharePoint where i can view all my current workflows and the status of each workflow? Edit: I need to be able to have a List or something where i can view all my Workflows with the status and so on in my SharePoint site. ...

Is it worth learning SharePoint 2007?

Is it worth learning Moss 2007? What could be the future of it? ...

display an image pulled from sharepoint using xslt

How can I display an image pulled from sharepoint using xslt? the xml produces a tag and its value is: <img alt="" border="0" src="/SiteCollectionImages/Blue%20hills.jpg ....etc but the output is the text above and not the image itself. the xslt is just: Rollup-Image: <xsl:value-of select="Rollup-Image" /> ...

xslt hyperlink, separate the url and descption

I have a list in sharepoint with a hyperlink column. I'm putting this list into xml and applying xslt to it. the xml is producing output in the form of: <link>,;/link&gt; how can i display this link using xslt? thanks ...

Is this a bug with SharePoint Column/Field internal names in MOSS 2007

There seems to be a bug with columns in SharePoint MOSS 2007. It allows you to add a new column say 'Team'. When you add this it stores the internal name as 'Team' which makes sense. The business then decide that 'Team' should be called 'Workstream', so you rename it as requested. The internal name remains 'Team' for this column in the...

Uploading files to Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) document library using HTTP PUT

Hi I have the following piece of code to upload a file to Sharepoint. It uses HTTP PUT: public static string UploadFile(string destUrl, string sourcePath) { try { Uri destUri = new Uri(destUrl); FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(sourcePath); WebRequest req...

SharePoint - Determine the Site Definition used to create a Site Template (.STP)

A SharePoint site template is basically a saved version the differences between a Site Definition and the current state of a site. I've read that Site Templates can only be applied to sites that use the same Site Definition that was used to create the template. If you have an STP file, how do you determine which Site Definition was use...

SharePoint DelegateControl Render Order

I have two SharePoint features, each implemented identically (see below), that add controls to a delegate control in the header of my pages. One of the controls depends on the other (one is the jQuery library, and the other depends upon jQuery), however, when the controls are rendered, the order of the controls is incorrect. How do I s...