
Using resource files in SharePoint MasterPages

Hi. I haven't been able to figure out how to use strings from resource files (resx) in SharePoint master pages. I know how to use it with server controls, but can I somehow extract a value and use it in generalt html. I.e. in an alt attribute on a img tag? <img src="photo.jpg" alt="my_resource_entry_here" /> ...

Controlling the ID of a custom action item in SharePoint

I have added a custom action to the CustomList type. For testing purposes I would like to exercise my new custom action using our testing harness. Unfortunately, I don't know how I can generate an ID for my custom menu item! Here is an example (XPath expression) for the 'Delete Item' built-in menu option: /body/div/div/table/tbody/tr[@...

How can I restrict the visibility of a custom list action to a newly defined group

I have created a custom action for items in a list (custom printing of the item). I have defined a new SharePoint group called 'Print Users'. I want to restrict the availability of the printing custom action to only members of the 'Print Users' group. I haven't been able to find an attribute in either the feature.xml or element.xml file...

How good/bad is sharepoint programming?

I got a job offer today for a position as a SharePoint developer. One of my friends is telling me that sharepoint is a big mess and not something I would want to be doing. What are some of your experiences/thoughts in working with SharePoint? ...

Explorer view on a non-SharePoint page

Does anyone know if it’s possible to embed the explorer view for a document library in a page outside of the host SharePoint site? I’d like to surface this functionality within an ASPX application totally independently of SharePoint. I’m aware of the available web services, the question is about embedded the folder view functionality, no...

provide assembly with full trust in sharepoint by custom policy level not working

Hello All, I'm building a couple of ucercontrols. These usercontrols will be hosted within the return of the smartpart. The problem i'm facing is that my assembly that goes with them, is not properly provided with sufficient rights. To achive this you've (basically) got three options; 1. set the site to full trust level (do not want t...

Hidden features of the WSS 3.0 / SharePoint 2007 development platform

Like the other "Hidden Features" questions, what are your favourite parts of the SharePoint API and development platform (both WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007) that help you get the job done? Please share your tips, tricks and secrets! ...

string;# in dropdownlist

I made a custom dropdownfield. I want to display the full names of my contacts. I made a calculated column because not every user filled in their full name, only first and last. If I wanna show the items in my dropdown there is always string;# before my value. Does somebody know how to remove that? Here is the code where i fill my dropd...

GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter

The code below seemingly executes the web service and returns values, but ignores the where clause (thus returning all items in the list). This is the simplest form of the problem that I've come up with. The TestQuery list is a simple custom list with no user defined fields. Can anyone see why the filter is not working? <body> <scri...

Sharepoint Custom List with custom new forms not able to add to folders.

I have a custom list which has customized edit and new forms which were required by the user. I then tried to add a new item to a folder (folders have the text of the year e.g. 2010) and when I click save on the customized new form it saves correctly but always to the root of the list. I am wondering if there is a fix or a work around ...

Change the language of a website in Sharepoint 2007?

I have been working in my development machine with a Sharepoint installed in English. So the website I created and am woking on appears in English, I have created variations in different languages too (Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician). Now I realise that the admin part that is in English, should be in Spanish. I don't know how I cou...

Passing SharePoint objects as function arguments. Is this bad?

I am building a webpart that includes a function with an SPList as one argument. The list being passed will grow over time which makes me concerned about a scalability issue. Should I worry about potential performance issues using this method? If you can offer any insight on other SharePoint objects (SPSite, etc) pertaining to my quest...

Sharepoint Workflow: How do I get the "BeforeProperties" in a WorkflowItemChanged event handler

I've got a sharepoint workflow with a state where I'm waiting to see what changes the user makes to the list item the workflow is attached to. My state has a "OnWorkflowItemChanged" activity. On that activity I've bound the "AfterProperties" and "BeforeProperties" which created the following members in the code behind: public Hashta...

Accessing List Images

I'm trying to display the ListItems in a gridview. I am able to access the list items. using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://mysitehere......")) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPList list = web.Lists["TestList"]; ....... ....... } } Please help me in accessing the list images. ...

Altering href with jQuery no longer triggers a:visited style

My SharePoint site needs to preserve the a:visited style defined in CSS for links. I added the following code, which appends "&Source=/" to each href. It seems that by changing the href via jQuery, the browser only "sees" the original href and therefore never triggers the a:visited style as there's no match... $("table[class...

CAML Query Help?

Is there a way to get all versions of list item(s) using a CAML Query? ...

Cannot Display Image from List

I'm trying to display the ListItems in a gridview. I am able to access the list items but my image is getting displayed as url . I am using dr["Category"] = SPEncode.HtmlEncode(Convert.ToString(oListItem["Category"])); The above line of code displays me the list items but when i try to display the images, it displays to me as : http:...

Ajax implementation in sharepoint

Hi I was trying to implement ajax in my sharepoint site.I am following this blog.. I did changes in the default webconfig file.But when i kept script manager in my sharepoint masterpage using sharepoint designer then it is showing error as script manger is not permi...

development on SharePoint v.s. development on Lotus Connections

Hello everyone, I am selecting between SharePoint and Lotus Connections, and I want gurus give me some advice. The functions I want to have is, portal/content management/workflow/various ways of communication (IM/audio/video/multi-party conference), better to have personal blog or team blog. Another key issue I want to consider is the ...

Cannot find ajax extensions in MOSS 2007

Hello I have two questions here: 1) I am trying to implement AJAX in sharepoint. I have modified web.config as referred by: but still i am getting the following error : Unknown server tag 'asp:ScriptManager'. at System.Web.UI.TagPrefixTagNameToTypeMapper.Syst...