
css friendly adapters headache

Im using the css friendly adapters from codeplex with sharepoint. It appears to be working although when i go to "manage content and structure" page the page returns an error: The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>). at System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(Control child) ...

sharepoint accessibility

How compatible / compliant is sharepoint with current accessibility rules. Also how compliant is it with the UK disability act? ...

need to convert SPQuery on a single document library to SPSiteDataQuery on all document libraries in the site

I need help converting the following code snippet to use SPSiteDataQuery instead of SPQuery b/c I need to query accross all Document Libraries in the site. Here's the original code: using (SPWeb oWeb = new SPSite(properties.SiteId).OpenWeb(properties.RelativeWebUrl)) { SPList oList = oWeb.Lists["Qual...

SharePoint 2007 workflow email out of the box notice customization

Is there a file that we can change (xml or otherwise) to change the default format for email notificaitons for workflow notices? Daniel ...

sharepoint lookup field how to programattically filter to lookup only in current document library

I want the lookup field to be filtered to only display titles from the current document library (meaning the document library that the user is currently in). I cannot specify the document library b/c I don't want to have to define a new lookup column for each new document library...instead I'm hoping to do this as a custom content type ...

sharepoint search is not working

Hi all, I have an issue with SharePoint search. The situation The server is installed with SharePoint on a farm with 2 servers. A new app pool is created and that app pool is using a domain account called moss_service. moss_service is set to be in the administrator group in both server. moss_service is also set to be the db_creator...

How to use HTTPContext for SPList

I have the following requirement. public void GetSubSite(SPWeb site) { site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPList destinationList = site.Lists[TASKS]; SPWebCollection subSitesCollection = site.Webs; foreach (SPWeb subSite in subSitesCollection) { //..... Now I want to display the destinationList as a web part,...

How to Populate Sharepoint MOSS 2007 Reference Data?

Hi, I need to populate reference data in a number of custom lists across difference versions (DEV, TEST and LIVE) of the same MOSS 2007 installation. Can anyone point me towards a way of doing this? I am initially looking at using a script (PowerShell?) or tool to populate this data. Thanks, MagicAndi. ...

SharePoint Feature Activation Form

I'd like to collect some information from a user when they activate a feature on a site. Just like the WF Association form when you add a workflow to a list. My particular scenario is a feature that creates a timer job that will do a weekly export of a document library as PDFs to a special staging database. When the feature is activated...

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint? I am very new to sharepoint but what I realized is that I can only make plain text pages or links. but what if I have a website already built in ASP.NET and want to add it through sharepoint. Or is it possible to build the website itself from sharepoint including dynamic server side contro...

Sharepoint Web Part Page Problem (impossible to modify shared web part)

Hi everyone, So I created this web part page on sharepoint, but everytime when I add a web part, the entire view gets squished into a narrow window. This makes it impossible to "modify shared web part" because all you can see on the menu pane are OK, Cancel and Apply. You can't fill in any detail or change anything from appearance to la...

FTP from Mainframe ( MVS or VM ) to SharePoint?

We are migrating our sites to SharePoint. We have multiple back end jobs that run on our mainframes and ftp output files to the server and we have links to the location on our web pages and clients can access them. Now when we have moved to SharePoint we have found that this is not possible We have found that we will not be able to ftp ...

TimerJob development, what does the EndSecond property of a SPMinuteSchedule mean

Hi, I'm currently developing on a project which uses some TimerJobs. One of the jobs should check the MySites of some special users about every 2 minutes. So I create a SPMinuteSchedule object and set the BeginSecond property to 0 and the Interval property to 2. I think the use of both properties seem to be obvious but I'm not really su...

Get Sharepoint store URL in Outlook?

I'm trying to write an Outlook 2007 VSTO add-in that lets you do some stuff with Sharepoint webservices. I'd really like to make it as simple as possible for the users; ideally, all that they would have to do is connect a Sharepoint list to Outlook. From there, my add-in would ideally grab the actual Sharepoint URL from the list and do i...

Compare Author to UserID in SharePoint XSLT

Hey Gang, I've got a simple DataFormWebPart where I'm using XSLT to render out the contents of list. I want to compare the @Author field each list item to the current user, however the following won't evaluate to true: in the header of the XSL: <xsl:param name="UserID" /> and within the template that evaluates the rows: <xsl:value...

SharePoint UpdateListItems Web Service Checked Out

I am uploading a picture to Share Point by using the normal multiple upload form. Once the picture is uploaded I return to a custom WebPart that lists the items. Clicking on the item brings up an javascript form which allows you to edit the meta information. You can then save this form using the UpdateListItems web service via the javasc...

Moving item from one list to another

I have a custom list on the top level site of my collection and also on many sub sites. Occasionally, I will want to move an item from the list at the top level to a list in the sub sites. How can I do this using only Sharepoint itself? I don't have access to use Designer or STSADM. I don't need to do it in bulk, one at a time is...

Redirect SubDomain Request to a Specific Port

Hi I have a SharePoint solution running, with different applications running on different ports. Now I have to assign 3 subdomains to 3 different applications like: on port 36358 on port 36359 on port 36360 My network admin says that dns setting goes as long as server address, not a specifi...

Any experience on Sitecore CMS using Windows Sharepoint Services?

Hi guys, I plan to develop a solution based on Sitecore CMS which would allow the client company to manage their documents in a Sharepoint-fashion (versioning, diffs??). Of course, we're after limiting the number of licences required for the project, and the client doesn't yet have licences for MOSS, so we couldn't simply use the Siteco...

Sharepoint workflow Tasks attachment

I have SharePoint state machine work flow(Visual Studio 2008) , in specific state i create task . when user finish this task he can upload document as attachment for this task then work flow goto another state in second state i create new task for another user which will see the previous attachments of last task and i try to see the...