
data is null when reding from the .wav file in iphone?

I am trying to read the .wav file and give the raw data as input to the FFT algorithm.I have used the following code to read the .wav file. char ChunkID[4], Format[4], Subchunk1ID[4],Subchunk2ID[4]; int ChunkSize,Subchunk1Size, SampleRate, ByteRate,Subchunk2Size; short AudioFormat, NumChannels, BlockAlign, BitsPerSample; short *Data; /...

what values should i calculate from FFT of two audio file and compare it to show them they are equal ?

I want to compare two audio files(voice recording) and find whether they are identical or not (to some extent).I have come up with FFT(OouraFFT).I have integrated code and gave my audio file as input and "calculateWelchPeriodogramWithNewSignalSegment" is called.There is a term spectrum data used in "calculateWelchPeriodogramWithNewSig...

How to make a simple EQ AudioUnit (bass, mid, treble) with iOS?

Hi, does anyone know how to make a simple EQ audio unit (3 bands - low, mid, hi) with iOS ? I know how to add an iPod EQ Audio Unit to my AU Graph. But it only give you access to presets and I need proper control of the EQ. I've looked around for some tutorials or explanations but no luck. Thanks. André ...

How to check the FFT results in iphone?

I have done FFT of a audio file using OouraFFTl.How to check whether the Sampled output is right or wrong.Whats the better and easy way to check it.This is my code. MyAudioFile *audioFile = [[MyAudioFile alloc]init]; OSStatus result = [audioFile open:var ofType:@"wav"]; int numFrequencies=16384; int kNumFFTWindows=10; OouraFFT *myFFT ...

plotting a parabola within part of a repeating signal using numpy

I have a repeating signal that varies a little bit with each cycle of a process that repeats roughly every second, though the duration and the contents of each cycle vary from each other a little bit within some parameters. There are a thousand x,y coordinates for every second of my signal data. A small, but important, segment of the d...

C/C++/Obj-C Real-time algorithm to ascertain Note (not Pitch) from Vocal Input

I want to detect not the pitch, but the pitch class of a sung note. So, whether it is C4 or C5 is not important: they must both be detected as C. Imagine the 12 semitones arranged on a clock face, with the needle pointing to the pitch class. That's what I'm after! ideally I would like to be able to tell whether the sung note is s...