
Cannot find System.Windows.Controls.dll for Silverlight 3

Where can I find System.Windows.Controls.dll for Silverlight 3? I need it to be able to use the TreeView control and the AutoCompleteBox control. Toolkit November 2009 is installed but the dll that I need was not included. ...

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version in Visual Studios Object Browser? ...

Flex or Silverlight which one is best?

Hello, I am working on a video chat applicaton, i am not sure which one is the best for the current market?? please any suggestions?? ...

silverlight crossdomainpolicy.xml file problem

I have made a silverlight application and I have hosted it on my localhost IIS. and the URL of this application is http://localhost/default.aspx I have developed and other xml-rpc server which is also running on same machine and its address is https://localhost:8000, I am having problem in calling the remote functions from the url https:...

Microsoft Silverlight cannot be used in browsers running in 64 bit mode.

Hi, I have taken ownership of an application which is a .net win forms application which hosts a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser. When the application launches it makes a http request to load a xap file. I immediately see "install silverlight" icon and on clicking get: "Microsoft Silverlight cannot be used in browsers running in 64 bit...

Server response / callback after Silverlight file upload

Ok first of all, the unicorn avatars are hilarious. Seriously, I thought my account was compromised. Happy April Fool's day. Now I'm uploading files via Silverlight to the server. What is the best way to notify Silverlight that the files have been uploaded? Perhaps even toss other information back such as success/failure etc. I followe...

Silverlight Binding - Binds when item is added but doesn't get updates.

Hello, I'm sorta at a loss to why this doesn't work considering I got it from working code, just added a new level of code, but here's what I have. Basically, when I bind the ViewModel to a list, the binding picks up when Items are added to a collection. However, if an update occurs to the item that is bound, it doesn't get updated. B...

2 dimensionnal grid component of Silverlight ?

Hi, I need to use a two dimensional grid with headers in the left and the top on Silverlight. Is it possible to configure a grid for that or I need to use an other control ? Best regards. Narglix ...

Blacklight Expander problem while expanding programmatically

Hi, I am doing a silverlight project in Silverlight 4 and I included the BlackLight project in my project so that I could use their new controls, especialy the dockpanel and the autoexpander, which is causing me at the moment some little problems. What I would like to do is to have several auto-expander that will expand or collapsed wh...

How can I bind to a helper property in Silverlight

For the sake of argument, here's a simple person class public class Person : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public static readonly DependencyProperty FirstNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "FirstName", ty...

MVVM Binding in Silverlight3 ItemsControl to get the parent controls DataContext

I have the following ItemsControl in Silverlight 3. <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ValueCollectionList}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button x:Name="MyBtn" Height="40" Content="{Binding Name}" Tag="{Binding Value}" cmd:ButtonBaseExtensions.Command="{Binding ElementName...

Programmatically Scroll Silverlight ListBox

I tried using the following method, but it doesn't seem to work on databound listbox. mylistbox.ScrollIntoView(mylistbox.Items[mylistbox.Items.Count - 1]) I also tried to grab the IScrollProvider with no success: var lbItemAutomation = (ListBoxAutomationPeer)ListBoxAutomationPeer.CreatePeerForElement(mylistbox); var listBoxScroller ...

Silverlight Binding: User controls inside datagrid.

I have a DataGrid in my silverlight app that has a few columns. A couple basic columns bound with no issues. One column has a UserControl in it and the XAML is as follows: <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="" CanUserSort="True" Width="107"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <local:Stat...

Settings TranslateX or Canvas.SetLeft Property programmatically in Silverlight

So Here is the Problem, I am trying to get that circle to align on the number. When I do that in blend it shows me I have a Left (23), I try to do that programmaticly Canvas.SetLeft(thePanel,23) it overshoots. Better yet, if anyone knows of a control like this in silverlight let me know. What this does is when the user clicks on a number...

What is the purpose of the CreateSilverlight.js?

I am trying to get out of browser support working for my Silverlight application and keep bumping into examples that reference CreateSilverlight.js. Looks like it has a variety of options to configure the the Silverlight experience for the end user. Is this a Microsoft javascript file for Silverlight? If so, where would I find it? I wo...

Nested AccordionItem. Inner AccordionItem do not expand.

In Silverlight an AccordionItem is inside another one . When the inner one is selected, it can not expand its parent more which is already expanded to show its own content. I tried to get around it by templating but I was unlucky. Does any one has a solution for it [prefer a solution without code]? <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas....

Facebook Card Game? Which architecture?

I am developing a Facebook Card Game for my thesis and i am wondering which architecture fits best? I am going to develop the game using Silverlight + ASP.NET. On the one side the game should contain player vs. player card games. On the other there will be also a lot of contant similar to Mafia Wars(or any other game like that) where...

Good Silverlight Custom ItemsControl Tutorial

I'm afraid my Google-Foo is failing me again today. I'm trying to find a good tutorial on creating custom ItemsControls in Silverlight (though I imgaine a WPF version might work as well). I'm trying to create a custom ItemsControl that will be something of a virtualized ListBox. What I'm trying to accomplish isn't really similar enoug...

two byte character or one byte character

Hi, How can I see if the input string is a two byte character or one byte character; and from which encoding system the character is coming from? I am using C# and SilverLight; I assume I could find the encoding the computer is running and then the character? Any code snippet? Thank you, Rune // Get a UTF-32 encoding by codepage.Enco...

Update a single field from a single entity with ria-services

There are situations where I only want to update a specific field of a single entity in the database. I loaded the entities of that type into my silverlight application, and I know they are constantly changing on the server... but there is one field which has to be set by the silverlight client... the server will only read it. How can I...