
Dynamic localization with Data Annotations possible?

Hi, I'm trying to dynamicly update the language of a Silverlight application. I tried the example provided by Tim Heuer and that was exactly wat I needed. Silverlight and localizing string data Now I'm experimenting with Data Annotations and would like to have the same behaviour.But with no luck... Can someone point me in the right d...

Silverlight Lineseries chart binding to observablecollection

I am working with a simple lineseries chart in Silverlight 3 with and am running into an issue binding the chart to an observablecollection. The chart is going to be used to display changes in BMI data over time for a weight loss application. I have created a simple class that contains the BMI value for the user and the date the B...

How to bind a Canvas to a collection of items in Silverlight

Background I've got a collection of objects which I want to draw on a canvas. Each of these object has a DateTime property, which determines the position of that object along the x-axis on the canvas. Each object also has some other properties which determine the image that need to be drawn on the canvas. The most important feature t...

Implementing automatic logout in silverlight and wcf due to user inactivity

I have a WCF web-service and a Silverlight app displaying data from that service. In my service I'd like to implement automatic logout of the user, if no service methods were invoked during a period of time (for example 20 minutes). I'm thinking about smth like that: Dictionary<User,TimeSpan> Inactivity When a service method is invok...

Silverlight 3 - Find Element inside items control

Hello, I have an ItemsControl that is bound to a collection of objects. Each object has it's own collection as well as other vital properties. To display the objects within an object, I'm displaying a TreeView inside of a ItemsControl. I know this sounds crazy. But, this is just a trimmed down version of what I am trying to accomplish ...

how to implement videochat in

I am using silverlight from which I can get the output of my webcam, but I am not sure how to send my webcam output to the person with whom i am chatting. The behaviour required is that i can view the webcam view of mine as well as the person with whom i am chatting.... ...

how to determine the last time a user input was received in silverlight 3

I have a Silverlight 3 application, and in a method, I want to determine when the last time that the application received user input was. Is there an easy way to detect this? Thanks for any help. ...

navigation framework in silverlight 3 skipping constructor when usercontrol is of a derived type

Hi: I am using the NavigationFramework in Silverlight 3, and am running into issues where the constructor of the UserControl in the xaml I am loading is not being called, and I believe this is because the UserControl in the xaml I am calling is actually derived from another user control. I have stepped through the debugger with specifi...

Loading a .dll file into silverlight (hosted with IIS7)

I seem to have a problem loading .dll files into my silverlight application. this.pluginDownloader = new WebClient(); this.pluginDownloader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(pluginDownloader_OpenReadCompleted); this.pluginDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(pluginDownloader_...

Understanding the Silverlight Dispatcher

I had a Invalid Cross Thread access issue, but a little research and I managed to fix it by using the Dispatcher. Now in my app I have objects with lazy loading. I'd make an Async call using WCF and as usual I use the Dispatcher to update my objects DataContext, however it didn't work for this scenario. I did however find a solution her...

Bing maps silverlight control pushpin scaling problems.

Basically my problem is that i've adapted a piece of code found here which does exactly what I want it to do, that is scale some pushpin images according to the map's zoom level. The only problem is that I've adapted this code to...

What ASP.NET MVC Route controls the appearance of hashes in URIs?

I have integrated a Silverlight Navigation Application in an ASP.NET MVC web. However when Silverlight calls for its default page, say, IndexPage ASP.NET MVC displays the route as: http://localhost/#/IndexPage I have tried to get ASP.NET MVC to respond to this route: http://localhost/#IndexPage but I am unable to find a configurati...

Setting thread culture to default

In silverlight application I have MyTexts.resx (for english) and MyTexts.ja-JP.resx (for japanese) resource files. Before loading a page I can set current culture to japanese as following: Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("ja-JP"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("ja-JP"); But sometimes I n...

Date formatting using data annotations for a dataform in Silverlight

This is probably got a simple answer to it, but I am having problems just formatting the date for a dataform field.. <df:DataForm x:Name="Form1" ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay}" AutoGenerateFields="True" AutoEdit="True" AutoCommit="False" CommitButtonContent="Save" CancelButtonC...

Where to find Helpful Silverlight Tutorial (interactive)

I want to be able to create an interactive type program where a user can pin point plots on a graph, so if a user clicks anywhere on the map a dot of some sort will be plotted. I just need a helpful tutorial on silverlight to help me do this sort of thing. I have tried looking up google but I am not finding exactly what I want. ****I a...

Underlining RichTextArea content by default in Silverlight 4

I'm uisng a RichTextArea to display my html content in SL 4,I want to underline the content displayed by the control ( without modifying the html) and also attach an event of Onclick on the text . I tried different options i.e using RichTextArea in the content template of a Hyperlinkbutton but as the content of RichTextArea cannot be set...

Setting the size of a silverlight window at runtime automatically?

I need to be able to change the size of my Silverlight object at run time because I have content that changes in size dramatically between pages, and I'd rather not show a Silverlight scroll bar inside the browser scroll bar. I was able to do the following to get it to work: In the aspx page hosting the silverlight control: - Set yo...

How to Include an xml file from a silverlight class library into the xap file.

I have a certain config.xml file in one of my projects (Silverlight class library) in a folder in the solution. It's build action is set to content. In that same project I am trying to load the xml file by saying: XDocument xml = XDocument.Load("/config.xml"); This unfortunately is not working. Upon inspecting the xap file, I see that...

Morphing from an image to a shape in Silverlight 3

Hi, I have a requirement to morph from an image (png) to a shape (polygon) in Silverlight 3 as an effect, but of course there is no built in transition or method to do this. At the moment the best I have is fade one out and the other in, but can anyone suggest a decent alternative that may work or look better? Regards Moo ...

Silverlight 3 - Control over wrapping in TextBox

Hey! Ok I have the following problem in Silverlight. I have a control with 2 columns. On the left is a stack panel with line numbers and on the right is a textBox. So when I write in textBox without wrapping turned on I can simply create the right count of numbers on the left, because I'm searching for '\r' in text. But when I turn ...