
Options for Async Silverlight-to-WPF communication?

What's the fastest communication model for a Silverlight component communicating with a WPF component? That is, at the very least I'd like to consume an event from a Silverlight component in a WPF component. I understand you can use WCF to build a bridge I understand you can use Javascript to bridge from WPF -> Silverlight (and I hav...

Silverlight Animations When a Button is Loaded From ItemsControl

Here is the Problem, I want to Animate the DataTemplate of an ItemsControl with a Storyboard. The DataTemplate is A button. The Animation is just fading in when it is loaded. Now, What happens is if I have more than say 10 buttons in the ItemsSource, the animation does not work/Or is really slow. If it is only one button then it works pe...

Pull dynamic string out of embedded RESX

I have a RESX resource file that I can retrieve the values out of using the strongly typed properties and assign to values in my Silverlight 3 app. However at runtime I need to generate the lookup key based on some values to avoid a ton of if/switch statements. I'm trying to use the ResourceManager, but it doesn't like .resx files. Sear...

Intersection point in silverlight/wpf

Hello, Given a path like this one : <Path Stretch="Fill" Stroke="#FFD69436" Data="M 0,20 L 22.3,20 L 34,0 L 44.7,20 L 68,20 L 55.8,40 L 68,60 L 44.7,60 L 34,80 L 22.3,60 L 0,60 L 11.16,40 L 0,20 Z"> <Path.Fill> <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1"> <LinearGradientBrush.Gra...

RIA IDE - Visual Studio 2010, FlashBuilder and ExtJS Designer

I trying to decide whether we went to Flex, Silverlight or even ExtJS. There is one variable missing so that we can make the decision and this is about Visual Studio. With Silverlight, it looks like if I want a "drag and drop" approach to build my interface I would need Expression Blend to do that. So the basic question here is: Does V...

Silverlight Canvas doesn't support KeyDown?

I have this: <Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot" KeyDown="LayoutRoot_KeyDown"> </Canvas> In a newly-minted Ag 3 application in VS2008. I simply changed the default <Grid /> to <Canvas /> and added a KeyDown handler that pops a MessageBox. But no matter how I tried, the KeyDown event just would never, ever fires. Is it simply that <Canvas />...

Silverlight modify hosting html page

Is there any way to modify an html page hosting a Silverlight page using the embedded Silverlight application? I already know how to access existing html elements, but I'm not sure how to add and remove elements dynamically. Thanks in advance. ...

Is there a Silverlight week picker control?

We have a report that compares data between weeks, and it seems like this is the exception and not the rule in the reporting world. I'm looking for an elegant way of selecting "a week" in a Silverlight control. I'd prefer not to spend the time building it ourselves, so it would be nice if I could buy a well polished control that does th...

Can I do video communication with silverlight 4.0?

With silverlight 4.0, it is possible to show a live video of the user on the screen: Here is the code VideoBrush videoBrush = new VideoBrush(); CaptureSource captureSource = new CaptureSource { VideoCaptureDevice = ...

How to check if an image is loaded in silverlight

I want to take a snapshot once an image is loaded, and here is a code snippet: imageBrush.ImageOpened += (sender, e) => { doSomething(); }; One problem with this code snippet is that if the image brush is already loaded, the event will not be fired, so I need a way to verify that the image is already loaded but seems ...

Reuse controls inside a usercontrol

I have a UserControl UserControl1 and a button inside the UserControl1. And I have a UserControl1ViewModel that has an ICommand property for the button. Using this command I need to call a method outside(from other VMs or VM of the MainWindow) the VM. What is the best practice for this? ...

Looking for efficient scaling patterns for Silverlight application with distributed text-file data source

I'm designing a Silverlight software solution for students and teachers to record flashcards, e.g. words and phrases that students find while reading and errors that teachers notice while teaching. Requirements are: each person publishes his own flashcards in a file on a web server, e.g. othe...

some sqares like hints in Silverlight application - how to del them?

Good day! Strange square appears on mouse hover on text boxes, buttons, etc (something like hint) in a silverlight navigation application - how can I remove it? - a print scrin I've colored the square at a picture. It appears when the mouse hover. ...

Silverlight navigation control not showing link

hi, I am playing around with the silverlights navigation frame. Starting from the navigation project, I have basically copied the main page frame and launched it from a new hyperlink button. So I have a type of nested navigation (i.e. my new button "Employees", launches a new page which has a frame (named differently from parent) which ...

RedirectFromLogin in Silverlight Login Page

I am busy writing a login page in Silverlight. I am using an Authentication Service that processes the logins and I am also creating a custom Membership and Roles providers. Everything is working but I need some assistance. I would like some advice on how to redirect the user to page they came from before they were pushed to the Login ...

Hessian on Windows Phone 7/ Silverlight ??

Hi, I'm using hessian protocol for communication betwee server (java) and various client applications. Now I started to develop Windows Phone 7 client. I downloaded hessian C# implementation but it does not compile for windows phone 7/silverlight. Does anyone managed to make it work on WP7/Silverlight? It's looks like there is many th...

Generic Data Structures from Web Services

I'm working on a SL 4.0 app at the moment that calls into a lot of our existing web services. In the past, if we've needed to get data out in a non-specific structure (which is quite uncommon), then we used DataSets. These are obviously not supported in Silverlight so I was wondering what alternatives there are for getting back d...

Infinite scrolling in Silverlight

I've found a few questions about infinite scrolling already posted, but none were about Silverlight, so I thought I'd ask. I've done some initial searching, but haven't been able to find any reference material on how to implement infinite scrolling in Silverlight. This is more of a brain-storming exercise so I can get some thoughts on d...

Easiest way to create interactive simulated desktop app in Silverlight?

I'm creating a training lab for a desktop application. Basically it'll be a series of screenshots with hotspots, when the user clicks in the right spot it advances to the next screenshot. There will also be some simple text input, so a textbox will need be overlaid over some of the screenshots. The logic is simply if the user enters th...

With Silverlight what do I need ASP.Net for?

First, I know that Silverlight needs to be embedded in a website, usually an asp page. I understand I need a delivery boy. My question is this; What types of apps/projects are so filled with technological hurdles as to make them ridiculous to do in Silverlight versus I know that with perseverance and flexibility I can probab...