
Passive STS to allow single sign-on for Silverlight app and a Classic ASP web site.

Currently I am working on a LOB Silverlight application. Eventually, I need to implement a single sign-on for the new app and an old Classic ASP web app. Right now, the Silverlight App is secured using Forms Authentication through a custom Membership Provider. Reading online, I've come to think that Passive Federated Security is what I ...

Share Name between differing Silverlight UserControls

Hey there, having trouble with this one... I have 2 different types of usercontrols that I want to use one x:Name with. Only one will be active/exist/on stage at a time. Say for simplicity, one is of type MyCircle and the other is of type MyRectangle. And say there is a MyCircle instance declared in XAML at first with the x:Name = "M...

Problem SilverLight UnitTest Exception, Help!!

My Sample Test Class: namespace Test { [TestClass] public class SampleTest { [TestMethod] public void Test() { Assert.IsTrue(true); // <---------- LOOK } } But if i do that: namespace Test { [TestClass] public class SampleTest { [TestMethod] public void Test() { Assert.IsTrue(false); //...

Convert uploaded video to Silverlight WMV

Can one of you smarties point me to some beginner content for converting an uploaded video to WMV? I've got a file upload, and database entry all done, but I'm finding information / tutorials on Windows Media Encoder 9 scarce. ...

IronPython 2.6.1 for .NET 4.0 RC targeting Silverlight?

Since the 2.6.1 .NET 4.0 RC release of IronPython (found @ does not include Silverlight binaries I am wondering if anyone has had any success getting it working themselves. I'd assume it would not be too hard to recompile the source against Silverlight but I can't seem to locate it on C...

Silverlight Project Not Updating When Ran

I'm currently developing with VS2010 RC and Silverlight 4 and ran into small problem. My project when ran, would show a version I had built about 4 hours ago. (I built the project using the Business Template) The project itself will not update, meaning all the forms, and controls. I did the following: Restarted my computer Restarted ...

How to define a DataTemplate in code?

How can I create dataTemplate in code (using C#) and then add control to that DataTemplate ? <data:DataGrid.RowDetailsTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Border> <Border Margin="10" Padding="10" BorderBrush="SteelBlue" BorderThickness="3" CornerRadius="5"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Descrip...

How do you use outside libraries (itext) on silverlight

In my silverlight I have the need to modify PDF files. I usually use Itext libraries for this kind of thing but I am seeing that I cannot reference .NET libraries in Silverlight. Is there any workaround to get the iText functions I need in Silverlight? ...

gdata and Silverlight (crossdomain.xml)

Hi! I'd like to access the the google calendar api from a Silverlight client. Problem is that there's no crossdomain or clientaccesspolicy that allows calls from my client at Question is: Will a call from a SL running out of browser, and in full trust still be classified as a crossdomain call? Are there ...

How do I create a clicked state in a Silverlight button?

How do I create a clicked state in visual state manager for a control that is based on a button control? I tried using a pressed state but once the mouse button is released it reverts back to the original color. I would like to change the color of the button when it is clicked on. I am not looking for a solution in the click event handle...

Silverlight doesn't prompt to increase quota

I am trying out Silverlight's Isolated Storage feature. Currently running Silverlight thru ASP.NET page. I have written some code to request an additional storage but I am not being prompted to add more. private void requestButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageF...

Having ObservableCollection Trigger an update

So i have something along the lines of private ObservableCollection<ViewModel> _internal; public ObservableCollection<ViewModel> BoundInternal{get;set}; //this is Binded in the Itemssource like ItemSource={Binding BoundInternal} Now In my code i do something like BoundInternal=_internal, However the problem is the BoundInternal is...

How to make the arrows keys act as another keys ?

In Silverlight project, how to make the left arrow act like . (dot), when a user press the left arrow in a textbox it will type . and also in the same way how to make the right arrow act like - ( dash) And I want to use the CTRL key to switch between 2 modes: . and dash, regular arrows behavior, mean when a user press Control the tow ar...

what's the difference between MVVM and Prism v2

Hello, what's the difference between MVVM and prism v2 design pattern to develop SL and WPF applications? ...

How would I create a silverlight control for tagging content similar to StackOverflow?

I am new to Silverlight. How would I go about creating a control for users to tag content. I would like it to work like it does it StackOverflow i.e. Autocomplete and when you press space it inserts the tag in a box with a remove button. I want the control to be bindable to a collection of strings. If someone can just point me in t...

How to Download a Video using ASP.NET?

how to download a video file .wmv and save it to the user's disk when click a button without using the browser save link as ...

Synchronize DataGrid and DataForm in Silverlight 3

I've been banging my head against the wall for a couple of days on this and it's time to ask for help. I've got a DataGrid and DataForm on the same UserControl. I'm using an MVVM approach so there is a single ViewModel for the UserControl. That ViewModel has a couple of properties that are relevant to this discussion: public Observable...

Defining reliable SIlverlight 4 architecture

Hello everybody, It's my first question on SO. I know that there were many topics on Silverlight and architecture but didn't find answers that satisfies me. I'm ASP.NET MVC developer and are used to work on architectures built with the best practices (loose coupling with DI, etc.) Now I'm faced to the new Silverlight 4 project and woul...

Silverlight 4 MediaElement play sound

I converted a local sound file to a resource, which built this in my XAML: <UserControl.Resources> <my:Uri x:Key="SoundFiles">file:///c:/Audio/HebrewDemo/Shalom.wav</my:Uri> </UserControl.Resources> I did this by pasting a local disk mp3 filename into source, then clicked on the "dot" by source and chose "Extract Value to Resourc...

Silverlight handling multiple key press combinations.

I have a Silverlight application in which I catch certain key presses such as TAB or CTRL to perform some action. However, I want to be able to handle multiple keys pressed at the same time such as CTRL + R or something like that. Is there any way to do that in Silverlight, and if so, how? Thank you in advance. ...