
Silverlight 4 - Download an html page from a different domain IN BROWSER?

I am trying to download a page using Silverlight 4 ( from a different domain than where the app is hosted. I'm simply curious if this is possible in the browser. I know I can do it out of the browser, as I tried it already, but trying it in the browser gives a security exception (understandable). I'd like to know ...

sliver light application deploy on Linux

Hi, My requirement is host a silver light web site on Linux O/S on tomcat or web logic server. would appreciate if anyone can explain the possibility and approach for this. Regards, vidya ...

How to access a named element of a derived user control in silverlight ?

Hello, I have a custom base user control in silverlight. <UserControl x:Class="Problemo.MyBaseControl" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlform...

How can I display both Button and Button Name in Listbox Item from Code behind?

Hi I have the following code , which assign a list of custom radio buttons to my List Box. List<RadioButton> listUserControlBtns = new List<RadioButton>(); CustomLocalFolderButton btnLocalFolder = new CustomLocalFolderButton (); CustomLocalFolderButton btnPlayListFolder = new CustomLocalFolderButton (); CustomVideoButton btnVideoFolder...

Silverlight 4.0 VisualStateManager

Can anyone please help me or is there anything I miss out? the visualstate is not triggered xmlns:swi="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity" xmlns:esi="clr-namespace:Expression.Samples.Interactivity;assembly=Expression.Samples.Interactivity" xmlns:mei="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Ex...

Firefox doesn't show silverlight controls

I have a silverlight application in which I am using the windowless property to show text . Silverlight Plugin Size is 1000*2000, I Have a button (siverlight control) on the Top. I am showing some html text using DIV real time. Its working fine. My Silverlight Plugin & DIV both style property is= "position:absolute'. This application ...

How set EnqueueCallBack to my generic callback

using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Ink; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using Microsistec.Domain; using Microsistec.Client; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools....

Low volume in mp3 using media element

I am playing a mp3 using Windows Media plaver, its fine, but same file playing in Silverlight 3.0 using Media Element, its volume is low, so what should I do to increase the volume,. ...

Best Practice on storing WCF Binding paremeters to be shared by both proxies and WCF Services?

I am currently coding a set of helper classes to be used when creating a proxy client[for Client/Silverlight use] for consuming WCF services on the Server (NOT using Add Service Reference). Notice how I am setting up the buffer size to the max allowed (on the first code snippet), because for some services we have some big payload requ...

Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing have an Exectution Order?

I'm trying to perform two methods marked [TestMethod] in an order First: Login Second: GetUser But Test choses the Second to be First. Is there a a way to set order of execution of methods marked [TestMethod]? ...

Windows Phone 7 Charting/Graphing Controls

We're working on a Windows Phone 7 prototype application and we need a Graphing/Charting control to work with. We looked at the Silverlight Toolkit, which has some controls that look like they would work great. However, we can't get that to work. Whenever we add a control to the XAML from that toolkit, it will throw an exception when try...

Looking for a Silverlight 3 or 4 Menu control providing decent keyboard support.

I've an N-Tier application using Silverlight for the client. The customer as one particular request - I thought was more than reasonable: all actions – including menu navigation – has to be available through keyboard. When I tried Silverlight 4 I was surprised not to find any menu control so I downloaded several open source and commerci...

Get the size of a Silverlight window

Hey! I'm creating a Silverlight 4 Out Of Browser application. I have my MainPage that will be the "central" application. I want to be able to display another Control next to the MainPage, by using a Popup and I want it to be displayed right next to the MainPage. How can I get the coordinates of the upper right corner of the MainPage at...

Silverlight prism region events

In silverlight prism application I have a region (ContentControl) and would like to remove currently active view before adding another view. I tried to use region.PropertyChanged event but it doesn't fire. I can do it in the code where I add new view, but that will scatter my code. How to achieve this? Thanks for reply. ...

Facebook Connect in Silverlight

Is there a good way to get Facebook Connect onto a Silverlight page? All I really need is simple authorization/registration. I've looked into the facebook developer toolkit, but the documentation is more or less non-existent for Silverlight, and I didn't really get anywhere with it. Is there a good tutorial or a working library for addi...

How to access a named element in a control that inherits from a templated control

Hello this is similar to with the difference is inheriting from a templated control, not a user control. I have a templated control called MyBaseControl Xaml:- <Style TargetType="Problemo:MyBaseControl"> <Setter Pr...

Importing data from excel sheet into Datagrid in silverlight 3

How to import data from excel sheet into data grid in a silverlight3 application Is it possible to do this ? Thanks ...

Loading 2 versions of the same plugin with Silverlight / MEF

My scenario is a classic MEF scenario. There is a silverlight host app, and the app can download plugins on the fly to add functionality. Plug ins can be created by third parties. Now the problem arises when different plugins and/or the host app reference different versions of the same assembly. For example: -plugin A references the v...

Can you set SQL Server permissions from a Silverlight app?

Is it possible to create a Silverlight application which can be used to provide a nice user interface for managing SQL Server permissions? We want to create a simple admin app to allow certain users to create new users, disable old users, and manage specific permissions for those users, but we feel that SQL Server Management Studio is p...

Google Web Toolkit or Microsoft Technology (Silverlight, ASP.NET)

We have a large code base in MFC and VB. A few applications are in .NET. All these applications interoperate with each other on the user's machine and also connect with Unix servers via sockets. Recently we have started discussing a re-write of our applications and possibility of moving a lot of these desktop applications to web (they ...