
WPF visual state manager in Blend 2 sp1

Can anyone explain to me how to get the visual state manager to work with a WPF application? It's just been added to the new wpftoolkit. I installed it as told, but even the sample doesn't show the VSM. In silverlight it work, but not in WPF. If installed the latest Blend 2 and updated with the SP1. ...

Can you swap VisualStateManager for MultiTrigger in WPF?

This really relates to creating a library that works across both WPF and Silverlight. The WPF Toolkit includes an implementation of the VisualStateManager included with Silverlight, and if the VisualStateManager can do what the MultiTrigger in WPF does, that solves my problem. I just found an article on MSDN Blogs discussing the use of ...

SIlverlight VSM State change to target items in ItemsControl

I have an ItemsControl with Items being added through databinding to an observable collection. Each item has a data template that defines its look. I am trying to figure out if it is possible to apply/trigger animations to/on each of the Items in the ItemsControl when the VisualStateManager puts the ItemsControl in a particular state. ...

Implementing a volatile VSM state in WPF

I am using a VisualState to "turn a page" in my UI. After the page is turned I want to go back to the state that the window was in before going to the PageTurn state. So the transitions go something like this: StateDisplayContent -> StateTurnPage -> StateDisplayContent The only way I could find to do this was is code: private void...

WPF Toolkit: VisualStateGroup Bug?

I am getting an odd intermittent bug that seems to ve related to the VisualStateManager in the WPF Toolkit. I am developing an application that uses the Toolkit (June 2009), but not the VisualStateManager. Nonetheless, I am getting the following error: 'TextColor' name cannot be found in the name scope of 'System.Windows.Controls.Grid'....

How to go back to "Base" state using VisualStateManager?

I know we can use VisualStateManager.GoToState(this,"SomeState1",true); to enter into SomeState1 , but now how to go back to the base state, like no state, the state where the control was loaded in. VisualStateManager.GoToState(this,"base",true); // OR VisualStateManager.GoToState(this,"",true); // OR VisualStateManager.GoToStat...

How to alter a visual state of a ControlTemplate without replacing it?

I want to define a ToggleButton that appears with red foreground (for example) when checked, rather than the default appearance of a pressed button. I see that the visual states are maintained as named elements inside the ToggleButton's control template. What is the easiest way to replace/remove/customize a visual state WITHOUT redefin...

Visual State Manager VS Animations in WPF

Hi All, There is a lot of talk about the simplicity of Visual States and the transitions between them in WPF/Silverlight. I have the need to generate animations dynamically at runtime, to animate the rotation of a 3D model (depending on the users mouse interaction, I want to rotate the 3D model around its axis). I have been generating...

Silverlight: Switching VisualStates of CustomVisualStateManager in code-behind

Hi folks, i've been trying to deal with the following problem: When creating a custom animations for different visual states in Expression Blend 3, which change size/opacity of multiple elements on the grid, it creates the visual state groups in the grid itself rather than in control style and defines it as CustomVisualStateManager. <...

Styling Visual States

I am using the VisualStateManager from the WPF Toolkit. I've created a custom control, part of a reusable controls library, with numerous visual states. Now I want to allow the client of my library to easily restyle the fonts and colors of these visual states. What's the standard way of doing this? Must I require the client to replac...

Blend 3 VSM in WPF

I started what I thought would be a simple thing. A blend 3 project (WPF) that utilizes VSM to control the opacity of some images. For a wizard, to show what step you are in. Easy right? I've used this in the WPFToolkit, no problem. Introducing System.Windows.Interactivity - ahh, something new :) When I try and run the following code, ...

Silverlight: VisualState Animation Being Overridden Somehow

I've got a rather complicated custom control that would boggle your mind if I showed you all of the code. ;) In general it's a panel displaying multiple controls. You can think of it as a custom list box. (Please don't tell me to use a listbox, I've been there and it doesn't meet my needs completely). So, I set some animations in a...

How can I use VisualStates in a ChildWindow?

Is there any way to use the VisualStateManager with my ChildWindow subclass? Calls to VisualStateManager do nothing, and the googling I did implied the only way to achieve this is with manual calls to Storyboards. That's so much sloppier and prone to error. Has anyone found a way to achieve it? Updated with example code. To use it, just...

Silverlight VisualStateManager

Is it possible to have nested visual states. What I mean is if a ParentControl has a ChildControl and both have their own visual states, is it possible by setting the state of the ParentControl to change the state of the ChildControl accordingly. ...

How can I use VisualStateManager to change the text color (foreground) of a ListBoxItem?

Here's the deal. I can create a ListBox and style it. I can edit a copy of the template such that the States become available in Expression Blend 3. And I can change the state so that the background color of a line item is modified when selected. But I cannot change the foreground color of the text because of the ContentPresenter! Does a...

WPF StoryBoard FillBehaviour

Hi all, I have been trying to get a simple few animations working in Blend where the user basically navigates through the application. However, I'm running into the problem where after you animate a value, you cannot change it again unless you change the FillBehaviour property to Stop Which means that I have to create a Completed even...

Control goes into a visual state - but actual visual states are not getting updated through xaml

I have two controls - control 2 inside of control 1. Control 1 and Control 2 have visual states. I am facing the following problem: Control 2 goes into a visual state, (have put a Debug.Write in the C# code), but doesn't get updated visually (specified in xaml - visual state). This happens quite frequently, but, not always. I have got...

WPF - Manipulating VisualState from an UserControl

Hi, I have two Visual States defined in my MainWindow's LayoutRoot Grid as following: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="#FF434343" ShowGridLines="True"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="100"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <VisualStateManager.CustomVisualStateManager> <ic:Exten...

Resize window with Visual State Manager

Hi guys, I'm looking for a way to resize the window when a button is clicked, the reason for this is that I want the user to think that the window is morphing into another window. Whenever I do resize the window in VSM, it just shows an exception and stacktrace leading to a bunch of errors, so is there a way to accomplish what I'm tryi...

Can you add CheckStates to a Button class as the ControlTemplate of a RadioButton?

I have a Radio button as the DataTemplate for an ItemsControl with the style name: MainMenuButtons. In my styles, I am trying to create a VisualState for Checked and Unchecked but I can't seem to get the button to change. My MainMenuButtons style class has a Grid as the ControlTemplate and the Grid contains a Button called RadioProxy. Ju...