
Block Cascade Json Serealize?

I have this Class: public class User { public string id{ get; set; } public string name{ get; set; } public string password { get; set; } public string email { get; set; } public bool is_broker { get; set; } public string branch_id { get; set; } public string created_at{get; set;} public string updated_at...

Choosing between WPF and Silverlight

Hi, We have an existing web application developed using ASP.NET/Ajax We are planning to move it to either WPF or Silverlight. Can someone please compare these 2 technologies with respect to productivity,performance, maintainability,trade-offs, their pros and cons etc ? Also,could I also know the advantages/disadvantages of using Silve...

Don't serealize a especific data member , but DESEREALIZE, any chance???

Im using DataContractJsonSerializer to serealize this class: public class User { public string id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string password { get; set; } public string email { get; set; } public bool is_broker { get; set; } public string branch_id { get; set; } public string creat...

Key Navigation Not Working With SL3 Treeview

I have a treeview in SL3 that is bound to a hierarchical list. Something has changed with regards to being able to navigate through the list using the up and down arrow keys. At one point, during the development of this application, I could start at the root process in the tree view, press the Enter key, and the root process would expa...

Fill listbox with data in Silverlight, which way to go?

ouch, i've been doing for a few years now, and for a year mvc, and now: silverlight. Feel like a newbee again. I want to fill a listbox with dataitems, fair enough? I want to show an imagename and an image. This is what i've seen so far: create a datasource with dummy data, and bind the collection to the listbox (design...

SL How to enable edit mode for whole row in GridView?

I need to allow users on mouse click in DataGrid to edit whole row? Right now users must double click on cell to enter it in edit mode and I want to make all cells of a selected row to be in edit mode. I need to do this in code. I was trying to call BeginEdit on Grid's MouseLeftButtonUp but it didn't work. ...

No events are fired from an imagebrush via ImageOpened/ImageFailed

A canvas is received from the server, and an image brush is extracted from the canvas via searching for a bunch of pathes. In summary, Canvas -> Path -> Path.Fill -> ImageBrush. Now, I want to take a snapshot of the ImageBrush using WriteableBitmap when it is loaded and here is what I did var imageBrushes = VisualTreeUtility.FindVisualC...

Using ManualResetEvent to wait for multiple Image.ImageOpened events

Dictionary<Image, ManualResetEvent> waitHandleMap = new Dictionary<Image, ManualResetEvent>(); List<Image> images = GetImagesWhichAreAlreadyInVisualTree(); foreach (var image in images) { image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("some_valid_image_url")); waitHandleMap.Add(image, new ManualResetEvent(false)); image.ImageOpened +...

How to access a control placed inside data template of listbox?

Hi I have the following code: <ListBox x:Name="foldersListBox" Grid.Column="0" MouseLeftButtonUp="foldersListBox_MouseLeftButtonUp" BorderThickness="0" Height="AUTO" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrol...

High density Silverlight charting control

I've been looking into Silverlight charting controls to display a large number of samples, (~10,000 data points in five separate series - ~50k points all up). I have found the existing options produced by Dundas, Visifire, Microsoft etc to be extremely poor performers when displaying more than a few hundred data points. I believe the p...

"Format is not recognized" error while trying to sign xap-file with signtool

Hi, I am trying to follow this tutotial: in order to sign my silverlight application. But on the last step which is something like that: signtool sign /v /f c:\Demo\TestOOBCodeSigningCA.pfx /p ...

Reading ID3 tags of a remote mp3 file ? got me started with reading id3 tags, but i realize that taglib# online deals with local file paths ? Is there a way of reading this info from a remote file ? ...

how to bind the click event of a button and the selecteditemchanged of a listbox to a viewmodel in mvvm in Silverlight

Hi, i'm just starting with the mvvm model in Silverlight. In step 1 i got a listbox bound to my viewmodel, but now i want to propagate a click in a button and a selecteditemchanged of the listbox back to the viewmodel. I guess i have to bind the click event of the button and the selecteditemchanged of the listbox to 2 methods in my view...

How To find the location of any treeviewitem in silverlight

Hi I am new in silverlight 3. I want to find the location of any treeview Item . Although I applied this code GeneralTransform gt = ProjectTree.TransformToVisual(Application.Current.RootVisual as UIElement); Point offset = gt.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); double controlTop = offset.Y; double controlLeft = offset.X; Here Project tree is...

System.Windows.Ria.Controls and POCO

I'm trying to figure out how to use POCO for silverlight use. I found an article that appears it will step me through the basics. However, it has in it a reference to the System.Windows.Ria.Controls. i don't have that on my machine.. i found System.Windows.Ria but not one that has teh control on it. I just downloaded teh RIA beta to...

Silverlight using WCF Ria with POCOS gives edit operation error

Hi, I have converted an Entity framework project to use POCO objects by removing the entity data model and the domain service and meta data classes. My silverlight project works as it is showing a datagrid of Employee objects. I have now added a DataForm and when I modify the "name" property of one of my Employee objects, I get the er...

Silverlight open source font replacement for Segoe

I'm currently building a LOB application in Silverlight 4. I've been considering the question of typography for the application. After some experimentation on the design side the font that people like is Segoe UI. Now I can embed this font and although the font is freely available in Windows we don’t have distribution rights for this f...

Synchronizing Asynchronous request handlers in Silverlight environment

For our senior design project my group is making a Silverlight application that utilizes graph theory concepts and stores the data in a database on the back end. We have a situation where we add a link between two nodes in the graph and upon doing so we run analysis to re-categorize our clusters of nodes. The problem is that this re-cate...

How to code a keyboard button to switch between 2 modes?

I'm doing a project. I'm not going to details but I will simplify my idea. I'm using Morse Code ( dot and dash) and I have 2 methods: convert_MorseToChar() and Convert_MorseTonum(). In the convert_MorseToChar() method there is a switch to compare the input from a user which will be Morse codes and mapping it to characters: private ...

C# Silverlight Progamming Technology in general?

I Strive to Keep up but I always feel 3 steps behind. How do the people here who answer all my stupid questions keep up with everything? Litterally What websites do you subscribe to? What Blogs do you read? How often? How much time in your day do you spend doing it? What release notes do you care about? what conferences do you go to ...