
Dynamically adding user controls in with names throws "invalid range exception" Silverlight

In my Silverlight app I have an event handler that dynamically creates a new instance of a user control and adds it to the Content property of another control. This works just fine without error UNTIL I assign a name (x:Name="") to the user control (not in the event, but within the XAML of the user control. Then, when I set the template ...

Silverlight 4 and SAMI Subtitles

Hi Folks I noticed a brief bit of info on the web that Silverlight 4 supports subtitles in .smi (SAMI) format. Is this true and does anyone have some more information? David ...

What technology for a rich UI desktop application ?

For an internship, I'm gonna have to develop a desktop application. The focus is creating a rich UI ( cool effects, sound etc ). Which tech should I go with ? - Flash ? ( in this case, shoud I go with a flex project ? AIR ? what is the gain between this and a simple raw flash project ) - C#/Silverlight ? Any other possibility ? If expe...

How to Read some of the properties of the ItemSource when Laying out the Children?

Assume that I have the ItemSource bound and i am getting the data. Now what I want is this. The ItemSource will contain Data that tells where each button should be. For Example: The first Button could be at Left:200,Top:0, the Second could be Left:50 Top:20. </ItemsControl.Resources> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <I...

Can you start an outside process with Silverlight?

The System.Diagnostics assembly is part of the Silverlight CLR framework, but it only includes classes related to debugging, the Process class is not available. Is there any other way to start an outside process from a Silverlight application? ...

Silverlight MergedDictionaries and subclassing of Application

We have subclassed the Silverlight Application class to add some additional functionality and then use this in multiple projects. The problem is that the Resources defined in App.xaml do not seem to get loaded. Has anyone else seen this and/or have some insight? Here are the contents of App.xaml (note: the application starts and runs fin...

Panoramic view in windows mobile (silverlight 4)

Hi, I was watching MIX session. Presenter there was refering "Panoramic experience" in windows phone. Is a ready-to-use control available anywhere or even beter in silverlight 4 itself? ...

Possible to use multiple ServiceReference.ClientConfig files?

I'm building a modular Silverlight application, using Prism. In the Shell project, I'm loading 2x modules, each hailing from a separate assembly. For convenience let's call them ModuleA and ModuleB ModuleA makes calls to WebServiceA. A ServiceReference.ClientConfig file is present in ModuleA's assembly. In order for this to work, in t...

MVVM-Light Loaded Evented Executing Twice

Let me show the code first, The Control <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <Controls:MatrixGrid x:Name="matrixGrid"> <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded"> <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding MatrixLoaded}" ...

Disabling Button with custom Content in Silverlight?

Hi there, What is the easiest way to create a Silverlight Button with custom Content which knows how to 'look' disabled? I.e. if you set IsEnabled="False" it will look greyed out. The custom Content will be dead simple, text and an image. I have done this before in a WPF application quite easily by setting the Content to a StackPanel ...

DataGrid giving error and getting invisible whenever some elements visibility is changed

I have a datagrid in which i have textblocks as one column.Then in the next column i have progress bar over which there is a textblock.On loading row of datagrid,i add these three into lists of textblock and progressbar.I start the first progress bar and after 15-20 minutes next progress bar is started.The next progress bar is getting s...

How to use a 3rd party control inside the viewmodel?

I have a 3rd party control which among other things performs loading of some data. I want my viewmodel to keep track of this load operation and adjust its own state accordingly. If it were up to me, I'd do the data loading far away from the view, but it is not. So, I seem to be in the situation where my viewmodel depends on my view. How...

Security for web services only used from a Silverlight application?

I have googled a bit for how I should handle security in a web service application when the application is basically the data repository for a Silverlight application, but have gotten inconclusive results. The Silverlight application is not supposed to have its own user authentication, since it will be reachable only through a web appli...

How to edit boolean in a DataGridCheckBoxColumn in Silverlight 3

Hello, I have a datagrid with some TextColumn and one DataGridCheckBoxColumn. I bind it with à itemsource that contaned à boolean and i can see that my checkboxes or checked or not by the boolean everything is OK at this point. but the checkboxs cells are in ReadOnly even if i assigne IsReadOnly = False. I cant find the right and clean...

Double click on progress bar resets it to default state

have a Datagrid and in that datagrid i have a progress bar,over that progress bar there is a text block.I start the progress.While running,if i double click on the progressbar.Both progress bar as well as textblock is resetted to the default state ...

How can I dispatch an PropertyChanged event from a subscription to an Interval based IObservable

I'm getting an 'UnauthorizedAccesExpection - Invalid cross-thread access' exception when I try to raise a PropertyChanged event from within a subscription to an IObservable collection created through Observable.Interval(). With my limited threading knowledge I'm assuming that the interval is happening on some other thread while the even...

Silverlight with RIA services

Hi, I am currently researching RIA services with Silverlight. We are not interested in using EF as we are using a MDA framework ( which seems to do more than EF. I was wondering if it is at all possible to plug in our model to benefit from RIA services? Would we have to create a POCO model and from that update o...

Silverlight 4 Template on DataGridHeader

I will use a template to show the header of a datagrid but when i filter on a column i want to show a filtericon. Is there a easy way to do that? ...

Silverlight Dataform validation doesn't work

Hi I can't get dataform and it's controls to catch exceptions when validating. Fir instance, I have: <PasswordBox Password="{Binding Password,Mode=TwoWay,NotifyOnValidationError=true,ValidatesOnExceptions=true}" /> All required properties are set to true. In the setter of my Password property I throw a ValidationException upon fail...

Control Inheritance with Blend in Silverlight 3

Hi, i would like to create a custom base class for some of my UserControls. Doing this in VS2008 is fine and compiles as expected, but when i edit the control in Blend 3 the base class in the blabla.g.vb is always changed back to System.Windows.Controls.UserControl. How can i force Blend to keep the assigned base class? regards Chris...