
How to configure WCF Service with Https WindowsAuthentication?

I am trying to figure it out how to set configurations on my service and Silverlight client App to work on Secure Windows Authentication. I have my service configured like this: <binding name="currentCustomBinding"> <binaryMessageEncoding /> <httpsTransport authenticationScheme="Ntlm" bypassProxyOnLocal="true" /> ...

Silverlight with MVVM Inheritance: ModelView and View matching the Model

Hello Stackoverflowers! :) Today I have a special question on Silverlight (4 RC) MVVM and inheritance concepts and looking for a best practice solution... I think that i understand the basic idea and concepts behind MVVM. My Model doesn't know anything about the ViewModel as the ViewModel itself doesn't know about the View. The ViewMode...

create inherited childwindow in Silverlight 3

I have a ChildWindow. In this childwindow, I have added properties that link to a textblock, and a contentpresenter. I want to use this childwindow as the base class, and have other child windows inherit from it. When they inherit from it, I want their content area (i.e. the area inside the "layoutroot" grid to be placed in the parent...

Silverlight 4 with WCF RIA architecture applying DDD

Hello, In my ASP.NET MVC applications I use DDD and it works very well. I'm new to Silverlight development and would like to know how could I apply DDD to build a new architecture. I had a look on WCF RIA Services and what is exposed by default it's the simple CRUD methods. I would like to use MVVM pattern. I thought about general arch...

Initiate call in Windows Phone 7

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app and I want to give the option for the user to make a call. i.e How can I initiate a call when the user press a "call" button in my app? Looks like that API is not yet exposed. ...

Casting a object to a base class , return the extented object??

My Code: public class Contact { public string id{ get; set; } public string contact_type_id { get; set; } public string value{ get; set; } public string person_id { get; set; } public Contact() { } } public class Contact:Base.Contact { public ContactType ContactType { get; set; } public Person Perso...

Silverlight and PHP nuSOAP communication problem

I am writting a silverlight application in which I want to call the php webservice written using NuSOAP. here is the WSDL of webservice <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <definitions xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="

Show all objects on canvas in window

Hello -- We have a canvas with a large number of objects. The user can pan and zoom the view of the canvas. I am trying to figure out how to implement "show entire canvas" -- that is, zoom and center the canvas in the window to show all objects. We know the max and min X and Y coordinates. I am looking at our current zoom and pan im...

Silverlight OOBE, where are the XAPs stored?

What directory does Silverlight store XAPs when you toggle out of browser execution? ...

silverlight login refresh client cookie

I have a silverlight user control login page and want to implant a cookie with sliding expiration so that it can be picked on the aspx page during refresh. Samples over the web shows fixed expiration, is there a way we can put a sliding expiration. Or, How do you handle login refresh in silverlight client. ...

Silverlight DataGrid's sort by column doesn't update programmatically changed cells

For my first Silverlight app, I've written a program that sends user-supplied search strings to the Flickr REST API and displays the results in a DataGrid. Said grid is defined like so: <data:DataGrid x:Name="PhotoGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <data:DataGrid.Columns> <data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Photo Title" Bindi...

How to compile Microsoft Silverlight for Symbian as .SIS (stand alone) application?

So in nokia we can have sort of Microsoft Silverlight installed to system. We can see Silverlight apps in browser, interact with them. But how to compile that silverlight application into .SIS applications? ...

Silverlight MEF Embedded Resources

I have two different Silverlight UserControls imported with MEF from two different xaps. The UserControls are simply an Image on a Canvas. Both UserControls have the image marked as 'Resource'. The images are different but their names are the same (key point). I'm not quite sure what's going on behind the scenes of the MEF import but bot...

Why Trigger is null in the code behind (Silverlight)?

I have created a trigger in the xaml and it works fine. However, when I want to access one of its properties in the code behind it always gives me a null value. Anyone knows why? ...

How to use strange characters in a query string

I am using silverlight / ASP .NET and C#. What if I want to do this from silverlight for instance, // I have left out the quotes to show you literally what the characters // are that I want to use string password = vtakyoj#"5 string encodedPassword = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encryptedPassword, Encoding.UTF8); // encoded password now = vtak...

Using WCF to expose underlying process

I think I must be a little dull because I'm having so much difficulty with this. I use WCF for pretty much everything in-house, it's the most appropriate technology. I have a new Silverlight 3 app that is connecting to the WCF service and that's working fine. Where the problem begins is: Because of the expense in creating the objects...

How can I call play wav file in Silverlight 3?

How can I play a wav file in Silverlight 3? ...

Databinding race condition

I have a login form (using ChildWindow) and have implemented a Keyup event handler on the passwordbox. If the key is enter then it sets the ChildWindow ResultDialog to true. What seems to be happening is the databinding on the Passwordbox is not happening before the childwindow is closed so the Password property on my Login control is nu...

How can I play a wav file in Silverlight 3?

How can I play a wav file in Silverlight 3.File is on other web site. ...

How to get drag working properly in silverlight when mouse is not pressed ?

Hello, I have the following code xaml <Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot" > <Rectangle Canvas.Left="40" Canvas.Top="40" Width="20" Height="20" Name="rec" Fill="Red" MouseLeftButtonDown="rec_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseMove="rec_MouseMove" /> </Canvas> code behind public partial class MainPage : UserControl { public Ma...