
Adding a minimum display time for Silverlight splash screen.

When hosting a silverlight application on a webpage it is possible to use the splashscreensource parameter to specify a simple Silverlight 1.0 (xaml+javascript) control to be displayed while the real xap file is downloaded, and which can receive notification of the downloads progress through onSourceDownloadProgressChanged. If the xap fi...

Is there anyway to reduce IsolatedStorage capacity in Silverlight?

With this code I can have Silverlight ask the user if he wants to increase IsolatedStorage: private void Button_IncreaseIsolatedStorage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); long newStorageCapacityInBytes = FileHelpers.GetMaxiumumSpace() + SystemHe...

Is there a way to remove the source domain from the window title in an out-of-browser Silverlight 3 app?

We may not have the option to migrate over to Silverlight 4 right away, so I was wondering if anyone found a way to remove the source domain name from the window's title for out-of-browser Silverlight 3 applications. Our window title currently looks like this: "My App - localhost." Under Mac, I found the Info.plist file in the applicat...

Placing an IFrame before the Silverlight object in aspx page fails to render the Silverlight Control.

I'd like to have an IFrame appear above my Silverlight control (top to bottom not Z-Order). If I place the IFrame element before teh Form element only the IFrame appears on my screen. To reproduce create a new Silverlight 3.0 Web Application. In you TestPage.aspx simply add: <iframe width="600" height="200" src="

Dynamically add User Controls to a Silverlight 4 page

I am building an iGoogle like "dashboard" for our application with silverlight 4. Each users dashboard (which snapins and their positions) will be stored in the database. Each snap in is a user control, for example... AwesomeSnapin.xaml. On the dashboard page in silverlight I am retrieving the users dashboard which is a collection of...

understanding silverlight resource file format

I'm trying to understand the format of silverlight resource files. There are 4 bytes of the data comes after PAD. I'd like to know what these values are, and how they are generated. here is the hex dump of a .g.resources file. Here is what I know: there is 0xbeefcace at the beginning, then there is dependancies, then padding. after t...

Is there any way to create a dynamic list of strings (based on language) in XAML (Silverlight)?

Just wondering if it is possible to dynamically create a list of strings in XAML based on language/culture? Say if user logs in as an English user it shows Client Name, Order Number... and if user logs in as a Polish user it shows Nazwa klienta, Numer zamówienia instead? I only know the hardcoded one like below: <System_Collec...

In Silverlight, how to I adjust the width of a button which contains two TextBlocks?

I have a button, the content template of which contains two TextBlocks. How can I program the button to adjust to the amount of text in the TextBlocks? I only know what text is going into the buttons at run time, not design time. I was trying to go down the road of putting the TextBlocks in a Viewbox, but a ViewBox can only have one c...

[Silverlight] MessageBox Black Page

I do Silverlight MVC project on VWDEE2010 when I do private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("I am a button"); } Message shows on BlackScreen on background and only when I click OK it returnts me to my page. Why black page and what ways to avoid ? Thank you. ...

How do I change from locally generated File in Silverlight to a Website?

Because I want to do things like load images from the web (see this post). To see this in action try creating a Silverlight Project without a website and with a website and past the following into the main page. On the web project things work as expected, in the file based project you get a white screen. <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Ba...

Adding Property to custom LINQ to SQL class not reflected in client side

Hi, The application I am working uses a Silverlight on the client side and gets data from a database using the LINQ to SQL object explosed through a contract as in WCF. I am trying to add a property to the object of a LINQ query result as follows: public partial class Linq_data_class { public String NewProperty { get; set; } } T...

Image animation problem in silverlight

Hi followed " ".. the animation is working fine. I am new to silver light. when i use dynamic image from xml instead of static image as in tutorial,.. it is not working fine, please help me on this. i used list box.. for this ...

DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight

Is there a DataGrid component that behaves the same in WPF and Silverlight? There are some small differences in DataGrids from MS (WPF and Silverlight Toolkits). For example, while WPF version has CanUserAddRows property, Silverlight version does not. ...

silverlight styles

<navigation:Page.Resources> <Style x:Key="PageBackground" TargetType="Grid"> <Setter Property="Background"> <Setter.Value> <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0.5" EndPoint="1,0.5"> <GradientStop Color="White" Offset="1"/> <GradientStop Color="Silver"/> ...

How to assign Image Uri in a custom Control.

Hi, I want to place an image inside my custom control , so my generic.xaml looks like below: <Style TargetType="local:generic"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:generic"> <Grid Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">...

How to secure a WCF service to be consumed by a specific application only?

Hi folks, I have a specific Silverlight application, that is fed with data by a WCF-Service. I want to make sure, that the WCF-Service is only called by that specific Silverlight App. What is the best way to accomplish that and what do I have to do? It doesn't have to be a high security solution. Thanks in advance, Frank ...

Why does this textbox binding example work in WPF but not in Silverlight?

Why is it in the following silverlight application that when I: change the default text in the first textbox move the cursor to the second text box (i.e. take focus off first textbox) click the button that inside the button handler, the property InputText still has the old value "default text"? What do I have to do to get the bindin...

how to make a base control in silverlight

I have a user control in silverlight which contains both XMAL and .cs file. But I wanna make it into a base control. In other word,I can make a control inherited it whose area in it can be edited. Just like Master Page in,you know. In the base control,I only have a lot of description in XMAL,perhaps it can be described in the .c...

Is there any way to programitically change a Data/ItemTemplate in Silverlight?

So I have a Listbox, which is using an ItemTemplate to display an image. I want to be able to change the size of the displayed image in the ItemTemplate. Through databinding I can change the Width, but the only way I can see how to do this is to add a Property (Say, ImageSize) to the class I am binding to and then change every item in ...

solution on SP and EF & Ria Service

As EF 4.0 released, more support to SQL server Stored procedure. Complex Type can be generated automatically for result dataset of SP. But complex type not support by Ria Service. When I try to use ria service combined with EF 4.0, I want to get dataset by SP. This result is not mapped to any entity/table. Some sulutions suggested ...