
Silverlight - how to implement a map

Hi guys How would you go about implementing a map of this type in Silverlight? The map would be interactive and stations would be clickable. Would you draw it in blend? Import a vector image? I guess the choice is very important because pathfinding algorithms need to be able to calculate distances...

UriMapper Problem

I have the following xaml (nonessential markup removed in the interest of brevity): <navigation:Frame x:Name="ContentFrame" > <navigation:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/{pageName}.xaml"/> <uriMapper:Ur...

Force Binding Update Silverlight

How can I force my objects DataContext bindings to update? I'm using an event on a grid, and binding updates are not being processed before my event fires. Any cheap tricks to get around this? In the end I can always do things the old manual way of getting the values from my textboxes and updating my object, but it'd be nice to have bin...

Scroll to item in listview in Silverlight 3.

I have a silverlight 3 app with a textbox on the main window and a childwindow that has a list of all the potential textbox values. When I open that childwindow I want it to scroll to the correct one in the list. I'm trying to do this with the code below...using the ScrollIntoView. It was not working at all until I add the UpdateLayer...

Can a file be opened simultaneously under SIlverlight and Windows?

Silverlight uses an IsolatedStorageFileStream to open files. I am trying to determine if I need to watch for locking issues when opening a file in Silverlight. In other words, can a file be opened by Silverlight and some other Windows (let's say W7) application at the same time. If so, any ideas on how to handle locking? ...

Does IsolatedStorageFileStream.Lock work under SIlverlight4?

Silverlight uses an IsolatedStorageFileStream to open files. The IsolatedStorageFileStreamunder NET.4 claims to support the Lock Method (Inherited from FileStream) The following code IsolatedStorageFile isf; IsolatedStorageFileStream lockStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream( "my.lck", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, isf ); lockStream.Lock(...

Getting user list in Silverlight?

Hi, I have a Silverlight web app which uses Website administration tool for user authentication. Now is there any way by which I can get the list of all registered users in Silverlight? ...

Silverlight 3 + DataGrid.SelectedItems Question

Hello, I am binding a collection of MyItem class instances to a DataGrid. The MyItem class has a property called "IsSelected". This property can get changed programmatically. How do I propogate that change back to the UI such that if this value is true, the row associated with MyItem is highlighted (selected) and if it is false, the row...

Silverlight Business Application template with WCF is throwing warning.

Hi, I am using the Silvelight Business Application template. I wrote a function which uses Membership.getUserList function to return the user list. I tried exposing it as Service using WCF. But when I try to compile the client side code it throws a warning saying "Client Proxy Generation for user_authentication.Web.Service1 failed'. Why ...

XAML Path element - how to make soft corners

Hi I'm trying to figure out how to set Data property of the Path element to get soft corners of this type: Right now I have only sharp corners like this: I tried playing with ellipses, but I can't get what I want. Thanks ...

Looking for comprehensive list of SL4 features supported in Windows Phone 7

Can anyone point me to documentation on the SL4 features included in WP7? ...

Silverlight WCF connection blocking

Hi I have a problem calling WCF Service Method by Silverlight App. I keep getting Error in Fidler: [Fiddler] Connection to localhost failed. Exception Text: Can not connect because the target machine actively refused it: 1:50045 I use Win 7, port 50045 is unlocked. My App.config and ServiceReferences.ClientConfig are OK... Please HELP:)...

Multiple Silverlight Unit Test Projects in Solution

I am building out a number of Silverlight 4.0 libraries that are part of the same solution. I like to break them into separate projects and have a Unit Test project for each: SolutionX -LibraryProject1 ---Class1.cs ---Class2.cs -LibraryProject1.Test ---Tests1.cs ---Tests2.cs -LibraryProject2 ---Class1.cs ---Class2.cs ---CLass3.cs -Libr...

problem with converting simple code from Winform to silverlight app.

Hi. I have this code for window form application and I have been attempting to convert it to a Silverlight application but it does not work!. There is a Textbox and I attached KeyDown event handler to it. when the user press the arrow key ( left or right) while the focus on the textbox, it will write . or -. When it is window form i used...

Add validation popup to custom combobox field on Silverlight Dataform

I m using a Dataform that is binded to a entity on my view model, for one field i need to create a combobox of items , i create it and bind it ok using this code on the autogenerating event: ComboBox makes = new ComboBox(); Binding selectedItem = new Binding("conc_claimtype") { Val...

How to read dynamical added check box?

Hi, I am adding checkboxes dynamically to silverlight stackpanel object as follows: foreach (String userName in e.Result) { CheckBox ch = new CheckBox(); ch.Name = userName; ch.Content = userName; ContentStackPanel.Children.Add(ch); } How do I read back those controls to detect which of them are checked. ...

Why does Silverlight 4 Tools only give partial intellisense?

I finally got Silverlight 4 Toolkit installed , referenced and working after the difficulty of finding the right namespace described in this question. But intellisense doesn't work fully: after I type "tk:", it doesn't pop up the various controls I have available, but if I type a control name out, e.g. DockPanel, then it works, as shown...

Displaying an Ico File in a Silverlight 3 Application

I need to display favicon.ico files fetched from arbitrary Web Sites as a BitmapImage in a Silverlight 3 application but Silverlight 3's BitmapImage only supports PNG and JPG. Any suggestions? ...

In Silverlight, what structures, aside of the ListBox, can be used for binding?

I need to simply provide the content of a property to a custom User Control in Silverlight. My control is something like this: <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication.Header" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="

Silverlight recursivly bind Treeview to XDocument

How can I recursivly bind a Treeview to an XDocument, mapping each XML Element to a Node in the Treeview? The code below should work from my perspective (and also according to the very few posts I found regarding direct binding), however it does not: <sdk:TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Elements}" DataContext="{Binding Path=Data}">...