
ag_e_parser_bad_property_value Silverlight Binding Page Title

XAML: <navigation:Page ... Title="{Binding Name}"> C# public TablePage() { this.DataContext = new Table() { Name = "Finding Table" }; InitializeComponent(); } Getting a ag_e_parser_bad_property_value error in InitializeComponent at the point where the title binding is happening. I've tried adding static te...

Silverlight/Moonlight on Android devices

Hi! I just got my first Android device, I love it... I also love the fact that you can create your own applications and distribute them as you please. I've read a little bit about Monodroid, and also that apparently Microsoft wants to put Silverlight on these devices, although there is not too much information about either of them... b...

silverlight 4 with java service.

hi , i intent to replace wcf service with some java service . how should i design my wcf service such that it's gets replaced or can be replaced with the java service later such that i dont have to do any work or very little work on the client i.e on my silver light application . any idea's / suggestions? P.S 1. that is the reason i ...

Silverlight 4 web cam permission on load of User Control

I am using Silverlight 4 to access the web cam. Everything works ok when I start the web cam on a button click event, I get the prompt for permission. I would like the web cam to start when User Control loads, but for some reason when I run the same code on the Loaded event, I don't get a prompt when executing the following code:' Cap...

Why silverlight

Why silver light is introduced even WPF is already exist in .net?? What we can achieve with silver light where we can't with WPF?? ...

Autocompletebox text in Silverlight

I'm having trouble getting the autocomplete box in System.Windows.Controls.Input working as I wish. When I start typing the dropdown section that displays the filtered list doesn't show the property that I'm binding to, it shows the class name instead. So in the example below, when I type in my - instead of showing 'My Name' it shows M...

Offloading to HLSL/GPU without displaying?

As far as I know, certain mathematical functions like FFTs and perlin noise, etc. can be much faster when done on the GPU as a pixel shader. My question is, if I wanted to exploit this to calculate results and stream to bitmaps, could I do it without needing to actually display it in Silverlight or something? More specifically, I was th...

How to manipulate à DataGrid in Silverlight 3

Hi I having trouble to manipulate CeLLs content in Silverlight Grids... I can get my DataGrid, the Columns but not the Cell value. How can I get the first Cell wich is an Image in a Button for every row?? I can only achieve my goal by events like the button_click but not in regulare code behind. thanks for help ...

MVVM Light - master / child views and dependency properties

I'm getting an odd problem when implementing a master / child view and custom dependency properties. Within my master view I'm binding the view model declaratively in the XAML as follows: DataContext="{Binding MainViewModelProperty, Source={StaticResource Locator}}" and my MainViewModel is exposing an observable collection which I'm b...

Silverlight, Grids, MVC, HTTP Post

I'm trying to create an editable grid using Asp.Net MVC 2 and Silverlight (specifically a grid that displays info from a db and allows users to update that info). So far I've managed to put a silverlight grid on an a view, using this technique However I have no way of getting the updated data from the silver light grid. Is there anyway...

Is programming Windows Mobile 7 different from normal .NET programming ?

I know that there must be some differences. I have a silverlight component (Timeline) and I want to make it work on Mobile 7. do I need to make a lot of changes ? I know .NET and Silverlight but I'm new to mobile phones programming. ...

Silverlight 3 - HeaderedItemsControl ControlTemplate

Hello, I am trying to create a HeaderedItemsControl where the headers are frozen. In an attempt to accomplish this, I have been trying to build on the default control template generated by Blend. I am using this default template in the following manner: <controls:HeaderedItemsControl x:Name="myItemsControl"> <controls:HeaderedItemsCo...

How can I expose a service bus with a wcf service to be consumed by a silverlight client

In a Silverlight application, instead of consuming and writing (wcf) wrappers around messages that finally get sent to the bus, I want to send use my message bus as directly as possible. My idea was to expose the service bus directly as a wcf service, or, in other terms, I want to bidirectionally pub/sub over the wire. Has this been do...

How to make DataGrid in Silverlight 4 show no selection?

I have a DataGrid that I want to simply display data in. I don't want anything to be selected. However, it always wants to select the first column of the first row. Here is the XAML: <myDataGrid:DataGrid x:Name="grdPerson" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="478" Width="302" IsReadOnly="True" RowBackgroun...

Silverlight 3 data-binding child property doesn't update

I have a Silverlight control that has my root ViewModel object as it's data source. The ViewModel exposes a list of Cards as well as a SelectedCard property which is bound to a drop-down list at the top of the view. I then have a form of sorts at the bottom that displays the properties of the SelectedCard. My XAML appears as (reduced ...

Silverlight 4: Prism still usable?

Would you still use Prism with SL4, even when Silverlight 4 already supports commanding, e.g. MVVM concept? Are there features in Prism which can be used and improve design of Silverlight 4 application? ...

.NET Forms Abstraction for WPF, Silverlight, Winforms, WebForms, etc...

Anyone know of a project(s) that seek to abstract form definitions on level higher than WPF, Silverlight, Winforms, WebForms, etc... I'm working on a project where we are fixing up 16 somewhat simple WebForms. But we may convert (and probably will convert to WPF or Silverlight 3 to 4 months from now. I'd rather define these forms once ...

How can I implement a voting system (UP/DOWN) or (THUMP UP/DOWN) like StackOverFlow in .NET ?

How can I implement a voting system (UP/DOWN) or (THUMP UP/DOWN) like StackOverFlow in .NET ? I found PHP codes but I want something that works in .NET environment. I don't care about security issues like multi votes and such restrictions at this stage. ...

Silverlight anchor tag functionality?

I have a a bunch of user controls(about 15, one for each record) in a stackpanel that extends way down my page. I put this in a scrollviewer so that the user wouldn't have to scroll the browser but instead can just scroll the scrollviewer panel. ANyone know how to programatically scroll to a specific user control in my stack panel. I wa...

AreaDataPoint in SL3 Chart is Fixed Size

In Silverlight 3, it appears that the AreaDataPoint template ignores any size set in its ControlTemplate. <ControlTemplate TargetType="chartingTK:AreaDataPoint"> <Grid x:Name="Root" Opacity="1"> <!-- Width and Height are ignored --> <Ellipse Width="75" Height="25" StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding Borde...