
WPF Template: AdornedElement not showing!

I want to add some elements to a TextBox by using a Template with the extra elements and the original TextBox inserted in the right spot. I'm trying to use the AdornedElementPlaceholder just like you would do when making a Validation.ErrorTemplate But the AdornedElement is not showing up. I have simplified the example as much as possible...

Using Silverlight in Views in ASP.Net MVC - a bad idea?

I'm currently writing a small application for use internally at my office. I started out teaching myself some MVC (I've been a C# dev for 3 years). One of the main requirements is editable grids - I quickly realised that silverlight (i have zero silverlight experience) could be a big help in this. I've managed to create a proof of conce...

Silverlight 4 OOB application access HTML DOM of the page in WebBrowser control

Does anybody know if it is possible to access and manipulate an element in the html page that is rendered by the Silverlight 4 WebBrowser control. The scenario is like this. The user launches a Silverlight OOB application with elevated trust. The user manipulates some data in the application but must submit part of the data to an exter...

SL3 Navigation Method NOT Working

I have a class that inherits from the HyperlinkButton class in Silverlight 3.0: public class NavigationButton : HyperlinkButton { public void PerformClick() { this.OnClick(); } } I have a button on a UI that is bound to a command in my ViewModel. The command executes a method that calls a web method in a WCF DataS...

Silverlight 4: How to find source UI element from contextmenu's menuitem_click?

I have a datagrid and I added silverlight 4 toolkit contextmenu to textbox in datagrid as follows. When users right click on the textbox, contextmenu is being displayed. When users click the menu item with Header "Test", "MenuItem_Click" is getting executed. Now I want to access the textbox from the MenuItem_Click and modify its properti...

Silverlight: Strange Databinding Problem

I am using the Visifire charts to display data on a Windows Phone 7 application. I created a chart that was properly bound to a dependency property. It worked great. I decided to make the chart into a user control, since I was going to use it in another project as well with the same setup. Now my databinding doesn't work unless I bind it...

How to handle both the KeyDown and KeyUp events in a Silverlight 3 TextBox

I am attaching handlers to the KeyDown and KeyUp events of a Silverlight 3 TextBox as so: _masterTextBox.KeyDown += (s, args) => { CheckForUserEnteredText(MasterTextBox.Text); args.Handled = false; }; _masterTextBox.KeyUp += (s, args) => { UpdateText(MasterTextBox.Text); }; When I comment out the KeyDown handler, then the K...

How to call method written in C# class library from Silverlight application(xaml.cs file) ?

Can a Silverlight application call a method in a full .NET c# class library? I am trying to add a Silverlight control to my Existing ASP.NET project where i used to add reference to my Business Logic Project and access methods from My UI pages of ASP.NET Web application. Now I have added one Silverlight project to my solution. How ca...

Silverlight 4 DataBinding: Binding to ObservableCollection<string> not working anymore

Upgrading from SL3 -> SL4. First problem: this throws a parser exception: <StackPanel Name={Binding} /> (same with x:Name) Collection is ObservableCollection<string>. Worked fine in SL3. So it seems that SL4 doen't allow binding to the Name property. Huh? So: changed to <StackPanel Tag={Binding} /> ... since I just need to ID the ...

Silverlight RIA Services auth active-directory

Hi i am new to ria Services and i am trying to change the logon from SQL to active-directory and stil using the login form i am using the Silverlight Business Application template as base i have setup ADmembership provider in the website but how do i get Silverlight to use it?? ...

Howto serialize a List<T> in Silverlight?

I have a struct called coordinate which is contained in a list in another class called segment. public struct Coordinate { public double Latitude { get; set; } public double Longtitude { get; set; } public double Altitude { get; set; } public DateTime Time { get; set; } } public class Segment { private List<Coordina...

Silverlight 4: How to add context Menu to DatagridColumnHeader?

Can anyone give me a hint how to add ContextMenu to Data Grid Column Header in XAML? Any pointers are highly appreciated. ...

Is Silverlight for Mobile now available?

Is Silverlight for Mobile now available as of today, April 21, 2010? Is it supported in Windows Mobile 6 phones? I read that it will only be supported in Windows 7 Phones ...

how do i register .xap mime type in IIS 6 programatically

i want to register .xap mime type for a particular site in IIS6 ...

Animated layout-to-layout switching in Silverlight

Hi, I want the same thing as but for Silverlight. Is there any third party libs that are capable of doing this? Also I would like to do something more than just switching between WrapPanel and StackPanel, but have some more complex layout combinations (e.g...

Binding to a RelativeSource Self in Silverlight

Hello, I am trying to bind a value of a slider control to a property that is in the same control: <Slider Value="{Binding Path=ValueProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" Name="slider1" /> but it doesn't bind to a "ValuePropery"... What am I doing wrong? ...

Can WCF Data Services or RIA Services be implemented with NHibernate?

From what I read on the internets, WCF Data Services seem to be bound to data access via Entity Framework on the server. Is there a way to have NHibernate access mapped in the same way? ...

Does HTML5 only replace the video aspects of Flash/Silverlight?

I see a lot of talk how HTML5 video tag will kill Flash. But while video is the most widely used part of Flash/SL, it's only a small part of their technical abilities. For instance you can write a game using full 3D graphics and socket connections in Flex, and serious business applications, etc. Is the thinking that Javascript will kill...

WCF RIA Services: overriding DomainService.AuthorizeChangeSet - who cares?

I am overriding the AuthorizeChangeSet method and return false. The change set is not applied to the data context as expected, but how is the client notiied about this authorization error? The returned SubmitOperation has no error, and I cannot find any information elsewhere inside. (Still using the Nov 2009 beta with VS2008 and net3.5)...

silverlight and windows workflow foundation

private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { xxxxxxx.Workflow1_WebServiceSoapClient zer = new xxxxx.Workflow1_WebServiceSoapClient(); zer.demanderSubmitReportCompleted += new EventHandler<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.demanderSubmitReportCompletedEventArgs>(service2); zer.demanderSubmitReportAsync("zzz",...