
How to know when the question mark key is pressed in silverlight ?

Hello, I have a key down event, How can I know when the question mark ? key is pressed (on all platforms) ? Cheers ...

Scope of controls inside Silverlight XAML

I have defined a textbox with x:Name="txtMyTextBox" inside UserControl called MyView. I've noticed that I can do the following: MyView myView = new MyView(); myView.txtMyTextBox.Text = "something"; Why txtMyTextBox is accessible that way? Is it public or internal field? Can I make it private? ...

Html string reader

Hi all, I need to load HTML and parse it, I think that it should be something simple, I pass a string with a "HTML" it reads the string in a Dom like object, so I can search and parse the content of the HTML, facilitating scraping and things like that. Do you guys know about any thing like that. Thanks ...

How to send and receive file on Silverlight application?

Hi. I am writting Silverlight client-server application. Server part is WinForm application an client part is Silverlight. I use TCP connction. I use sockets for sending and receiving information. But now I need to send a file, size of which may be greater then 1 Mb, so I can't use socets to send that file as bite stream. I wont to send ...

Does anyone have code to make the mouse cursor a cross/plus sign in silverlight?

Does anyone have code to make the mouse cursor a cross/plus sign in silverlight? when I click on one draw button then I want cursor as cross/plus sign do how can I implement in the silver light ? ...

Security Exception while running sites using subdomain?

I have 3 sites : -> Hosting Images -> Sending images url from database. -> Host Silverlight application and display images. When I run page "". I am getting below exception. So what shpould I do ? System.Security.SecurityException: Se...

How to drag a datagrid header to an itemscontrol in Silverlight ?

How do you drag a data grid column header content to a stack panel in silverlight 4? It seems you can only drag it to reorder the column but not to copy it to another items control... ...

How to Access a Button present inside a Custom Control, from the implementing page?

Hi, I have my generic.xaml containing the following code: <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:customVideoControl"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="600"/> <RowDefinition Height="200"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> ...

Silverlight debugging, no list element view

When I'm debugging my Silverlight Appliction and I'm using a list internally I cannot hover over the list and see the items inside the list. I just see the RAW view of the list. If I want to see the items I have to write my own code which is tedious. Is this something normal to Silverlight? I DO have the correct list view when debugg...

Silverlight: Scrolling with a StackPanel

I have a grid, 3 by 3 (3 rowdefinitions and 3 columndefinitions). I want some content (a StackPanel) in one of those grid cells to scroll. I'm fairly sure this is possible but I cannot figure out how. I've tried adding ScrollViewers and Scrollbar controls to the grid cell I want to scroll, but this usually ends up creating scrolling for ...

MVVM visualstatemanager and focus

Using Silverlight 4. I have two visual states for my control. I want to change the focus from one textbox to another when the states change. What is the best way to do this using MVVM? I was hoping to use the visualstatemanager to do it or a behavior... but I have not figured out a way. ...

Best way to bind directly to objects returned from a web service

In silverlight 3 I had an object that had a property that was an observable collection. I returned this via a web service then databinded to it. Upgrade to silveright 4..... Now my program crashes because the Observable Collection is converted to an array. What is the best way to do this? Observable collection is not even an option ...

How do I annimate between modules/views in MVVM?

I have an MVVM Silverlight 4 application that holds a list of modules (a UserControl plus some metadata) in the main window's ViewModel. I am displaying the UserControl of the module in a ContentControl (Content is bound to "CurrentModule.View"). I want to add a bit of pop to the app by annimating the transitions between views. I've...

Silverlight Player Blank When Changing ism file

I am trying to get silverlight smooth streaming going on a site I am bilding and it works fine with the big buck bunny sample code which looks like this: <object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%" id="Object2"> <param name="source" value="SmoothStreamingBlackGlass.xap"/...

Silverlight 4 Code Signing

Hi All, I have successfully signed my elevated trust xap file with a cert bought from comodo. This works great on my local machine but when I transfer my xap to our server it is as if the xap had not been signed. Am I missing something that I need to do on the server to allow this to work? Thanks for any questions or input. ...

Clicks on a Flash / Silverlight object under a HTML overlay

Hi, is it possible to let clicks on a HTML element that's overlaying a Flash or Silverlight object bubble through to the Flash / Silverlight object? I've been experimenting with this, but i can't figure out if it is even possible because of possible security restrictions to prevent clickjacking. I don't have access to the source code to...

What are good books to get into Silverlight, at an advanced level?

I'd like to find a good, solid book, aimed at the skilled developer market, for an all round introduction to Silverlight. What titles are the best for a developer like me, who doesn't want simplistic explanations, but clear explanations in proper programming terms of how things work, and how to get things done? Case in point, I can't r...

How to create an ObservableCollection using LINQ in Silverlight

In a non-Silverlight world, it is easy to use LINQ to create an ObservableCollection. This is because the ObservableCollection class has constructors that accept any IEnumerable<T> or List<T>. However, the Silverlight version does not! This means that code such as: var list = (from item in e.Result select new ViewModel(it...

Silverlight P2P App (In Browser) - Will we get RTMFP?

Ok so from all my research I'm fairly positive P2P is not possible in Silverlight 4 (in browser). Flash can do P2P using Stratus/RTMFP which I believe uses UDP hole punching and a Stratus server to help initialize the connection. Is there any plans for Microsoft to add some kind of p2p rendezvous service in the future? Can we get a de...

Implementing ToArgb()

Hello -- System.Drawing.Color has a ToArgb() method to return the Int representation of the color. In Silverlight, I think we have to use System.Windows.Media.Color. It has A, R, G, B members, but no method to return a single value. How can I implement ToArgb()? In System.Drawing.Color, ToArgb() consists of return (int) this.Value; ...