
Programmatically controlling Chart in Silverlight toolkit

Hi, I want to control the x and y axis of a multi series line charts available in Silverlight toolkit from the C# code. I am not able to find any appropriate example using google. Any kind of example or pointers would be appreciated! EDIT: This is what I have done so far: <toolkit:Chart Canvas.Left="104" Canvas.Top="18" Name="chartCo...

How to bind an List<List<String>> to the gridview ?

Hi everyone, I'm using the new Telerik Rad Control and I would to use the GridView included. But my problem is I recover with a webservice a List<List<String>> object and I would like to show it into my Datagridview. I try to make a Grid.ItemSource = e.result but nothing appears ;-( What's the problem ? Thanks a lot. Narglix ...

Silverlight WCF serialization DataContract(IsReference=true) problem

Hi, I'm have a Silverlight 3 UI that access WCF services which in turn access respositories that use NHibernate. To overcome some NHibernate lazy loading issues with WCF I'm using my own DataContract surrogate as described here: In here I'm setting preserveO...

Is it possible to add a Silverlight 3 out-of-browser application to the add/remove programs list?

Is it possible to include a Silverlight (3) out-of-browser application to the add-or-remove programs list? The intention is to be able to remove the OOB application that way (not just by right-clicking from within the running app)? If the OOB app is installed with a shortcut to the desktop and you try to delete the shortcut you are pre...

How can I prevent the user from resizing the silverlight out-of-browser window?

I have a silverlight app which can be installed as out-of-browser. I've defined the Height and Width in the main UserControl. I've defined the same Height and Width in the OutOfBrowserSettings.xml file. But the user can still resize the out-of-browser frame window. How do I prevent this? ...

Unable to Inherit from MediaElement Class

Hi, I am trying to create a custom MediaElement , and the 1st thing I need is to inherit it from the MediaElement . But this is simply not happneing when I try to inherit like following: CustomMediaControl : MediaElement { } ...

Silverlight 4 calling Http Auth protected SOAP Webservice

I need to call a SOAP Webservice in Silverlight 4 which is protected by HTTP Basic Auth. The service is hosted on a different domain than the silverlight application. Is there any way to do this. Setting ClientCredentials.Username doesn't work for me ... Any suggestions? ...

Accessible read only checkbox in Silverlight

How can I have an accessible read only checkbox in Silverlight? The accessibility requirements are so that a screen reader can read the data as the user tabs through the control. Here’s what I have tried so far: IsEnabled=True is no good because the control can not gain focus which is needed for the screen reader IsHitTestVisible=Fals...

Conditional execution of EventTriggers in Silverlight 3

I'm currently working on the UI of a Silverlight application and need to be able to change the visual state of a control to one of two possible states based on it's current state when handling the same event trigger. For example: I have a control that sits partially in a clipping path, when I click the visible part of the control I want...

Binding to grids in silverlight

I've just begun learning Silverlight (though I have 3 years C# experience). I'm trying to output a grid that will be used in a work timetracking application. I have a list of objects, each object looks like this public class WorkItem { public int TaskId {get;set;} public int WeekId {get;set;} public DateTime Date {get;set;}...

WCF RIA Serices referencing another RIA Service class library

I am getting an "ambiguous namespace" exception. It is because I have mutiple RIA Services class libraries that reference other RIA Services class libraries. Is it possible to only allow the code generated part of a RIA Services class library and not as a reference? I don't want to create a monolithic RIA Services class library as ...

Display X-Axis value in Descending order?

Hi, In Silverlight toolkit chart control, the X-Axis value is displayed by default in ascending order. How do I make display in descending order? Thanks... ...

Silverlight MVVM master and main detail views

I'm developing an app and need some guidance on the best approach... For instance I have a main view using its viewmodel to retrieve many recipes. I want to be able to bind each recipe to a recipe user control within an items control and then each control will be responsible for instantiating it's viewmodel. Should I use a dependency p...

Icons in Silverlight: Images vs. Vectors

I like using the vector drawing feature of Expression Blend to create icons. That way I can change colors easily on my icons without having to resort to an image editor. But my question is... Say I have a treeview control that has an icon next to each tree element and say I have hundreds of elements. Do you think using images is faster ...

Silverlight 4 Data Binding with anonymous types.

Does anyone know if you can use data binding with anonymous types in Silverlight 4? I know you can't in previous versions of silverlight, you can only databind to public class properties and anonymous type properties are internal. Just wondering if anyone has tried it in silverlight 4? Thanks in advanced ...

Resizing Cell Height of Silverlight datagrid row?

Hi I was able to figure out how to expand and contract a column of datagrid using mouse. But after contracting and expanding a column, the height of cell doesn’t decrease. How can I bring the original height of cell (or row)? Can you look into this? Thanks AJ ...

Add multiple Styles to Silverlight Control

Hello, I'm using silverlight and I defined two styles for the page: ExpanderBottomRightButtonStyle ExpanderScaleStyle Now I want to add those two styles to the same control: <controls:Expander x:Name="expBRButton" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Margin="5" Style="{StaticResource ExpanderBottomRightButtonStyle}"> <controls:E...

In Silverlight Grid, Disable row color change on mouse hover on row?

Hi How to disable color change (to gray) when mouse hover on a row of grid? How to disable color change (to gray) when row is selected by mouse click or keyboard/Enter combination? I want to keep the originally assigned row color. Please advice.Thanks AJ ...

is there difference between debug and release reference path while compiling?

I am building a SL3 + RIA application in VS2008. When compiled the application in debug mode it compiles fine with out any error, but when I compile the same application with out any code change in release mode I get an error 'The type of namespace name 'BusyIndicator' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls' (are you m...

Constraining to parent container with MouseDragElementBehavior

Hi all, I just had a question regarding constraining a control's drag and drop movement to its parent canvas. I tried using the ConstrainToParentBounds property on the MouseDragElementBehavior, however, when this is used the drag must be done really slowly or the movement of the control is choppy or stops altogether. So I am attempting ...