
Disabling Double Click to make Silverlight Video Player full screen

Hey guys, I am trying to figure out how to disable the ability for a user to double click the silverlight player and make it fullscreen. I am working off of Silverlight Video Player 2. I have commented out every single line referencing the words fullscreen but it still lets the user double click the player and make it fullscreen. Does an...

Binding to dynamic objects in Silverlight 4

I've noticed that in .Net 4, WPF FrameworkElements are able to bind to IDynamicMetaObjectProvider binding sources. Will this also be the case for Silverlight 4? ...

Silverlight Application

I have prepared a Silverlight application and my database is in the server. Its running smoothly for small set of data but for large data set giving an error : Remote Serve returned an error:notFound. How can i resolve it,please any one solve this problem. I have build it in ASP.NET with C#. So kindly provide the solution in C# if possib...

Silverlight - Timeout Issue

Hello, I have a Silverlight 3 application that is querying a large dataset. This query is taking over one minute. After approx. one minute into the attempt, an error is getting logged into the event viewer that says: "Membership credential verification failed" Oddly queries that are taking shorter than 1 minute are running successfull...

how to use visual studio 2010 performance analyzer with silverlight

how to use visual studio 2010 performance analyzer with silverlight? Is it possible to do that? Thanks! ...

Silverlight logging out causes "Object reference not set to an instance"

I am using the Silverlight 4 Business Application Template. I've created a DomainDataSource in XAML like so: <riaControls:DomainDataSource x:Name="LogData" QueryName="GetLogs" AutoLoad="True" LoadSize="20" > <riaControls:DomainDataSource.DomainContext> <local:AdminDomainContext /> </riaControls:DomainDataSour...

How to presist the user authentication in SL3 + RIA

I am developing SL3 + RIA services with custom authentication. I followed the example in to implement custom authentication. Based on the implementation, you first do login request from client to service. This request is async process. Since login i...

How to assign RelayCommand to Click or SelectedIndexChanges events?

Hello, I'm just starting with MVVM light, but so far it allowed me to solve some of my issues. Infortunately I'm struggling with relatively sime issues in Silverlight. Let's assume the following button with EventToCommand: <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter"> <GalaSoft_MvvmLight_Command:EventToCommand Comma...

UpdateLayout throwing an ambigious exception

the stack trace displays my method's name then "external code" then app_unhandledexception method, I'm developing within VS2008 SP1 for silverlight on firefox and windows 7(if that makes a difference). the weird thing is, the updatelayout method is called elsewhere and it generates no exception there, that said, if I put the method with...

Strange error with VS2008 on Windows 7

We have a solution with two projects, one of them is a Silverlight 3 application which is embedded on the other ASP.NET MVC project. Just recently an error started to appear which makes the build fail. Here is the output: `------ Build started: Project: DotCoquiMap, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft...

how to know local font names in silverlight

Hi, in silverlight 4 I need to know all the font names in my machines. Using.... ... var typefaces = System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces; foreach (System.Windows.Media.Typeface face in typefaces) { System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface a; face.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out a); FontSo...

Silverlight with Visual Studio 2010 Isolated Storage Error

I am getting an error when trying to access isolated storage when running a Silverlight unit test project in VS2010. Test method Silverlight_Binary_Serialization_Tests.SerializationTests.SerializeBytesTest threw exception: System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException: Unable to determine application identity of the caller. Here i...

What advantages can GWT give me over Silverlight?

I am comfortable with both Java and C#. Both with Eclipse and VisualStudio. So except I'll have to annoy people with installing Silverlight, is there something that should make me use GWT instead? ...

RSA encrypted Diffie-Hellman handshake

Would a RSA encrypted Diffie-Hellman handshake enable secure communication? I'm encrypting communication from a silverlight client to a php webservice. The silverlight client initiates they key agreement by sending the RSA public key encrypted DH parameters to the webservice. Only the webservice has the private key, so a MITM attack is n...

How to know the position of the Silverlight ChildWindow when you close it

Please, help me. public myChildWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // set left and top from saved values Margin = new Thickness(70, 50, 0, 0); } private void ChildWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { // How to know the position of the ChildWindow when you close it ? // get left and top for save values ... ...

how to set the rounded inside corners of a grid in Silverlight 4

I need to set the rounded corners inside the grid control using silverlight 4. wehn i tried to do something like this <Border BorderThickness="2" BorderBrush="#FF3EA9F5" Grid.Row="1" CornerRadius="5,5,0,0" Height="10" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"> <Grid x:Name="Phani1" Width="auto"> </Grid> </Border> i am a...

Is it possible to use Kit3D in WPF? If so, how?

I have a Silverlight application that uses Kit3D and I want to convert it to WPF. How would I do that? Should I do that? ...

Silverlight export canvas to image

I have Expression blend 4 and I want to create a button to export to an image file the current view in silverlight Thanks! ...

How can i navigate one xaml page to another?

i have 2 page i need to navigate mainpage.xaml to xaml but it throws me Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in Root.Children.Clear();.... i added this codes in App.xaml: private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { Grid myGrid = new Grid(); myGri...

Getting Started: Silverlight 4 Business Application

With the arrival of VS 2010 and Silverlight 4, I decided it's time to look into Silverlight and understand how to build a 3-Tier business application. After several hours of searching for and reading documentation and tutorials, I'm thoroughly confused (and that doesn't happen easily). Here are some specific points I don't understand. ...