
Capturing the length scrolled up or down silverlight

I have a Usercontrol which has small image. Clicking on the image gives a popup. When the page is little bit scrolled up or down and then clicked on the image The position of popup is changed. Can I find the length of scroll so that i will be able to add or subtract it from popup's position? ...

Silverlight Line Chart From XMLRPC Data Source

I'm trying to create a Silverlight line chart from an XMLRPC data source (coming from Drupal), what steps do I need to take? Is there a step by step tutorial anywhere on how to do this? ...

Silverlight: how to modify the width of ListBox Items in response to user input?

I have a simple Silverlight 3 UserControl whose width increases or decreases based on user input. The controls become more wide or more narrow as desired, except for the ListBox items. The ListBox Items grow horizontally to fit their content regardless of HorizontalContentAlignment being set to 'Stretch'. Should I be able to set a pro...

PieSeries in a listboxItem

I have a listboxitem whose datatemplate contains a pieseries. The listbox is bound to the class having a dictionary member. I want to bind that dictionary member to the pieseries. I have tried couple of ways, but it did not work. it is generating blank pieseries. The pieseries datacontext is being set to the datacontext of the listboxite...

Inter Process communication: MFC server, .NET C# client

Hi guys, I have two MFC C++ desktop applications exchanging string commands using named pipes. All good and reliable. Now, I have to add clients that are written in .NET C# using SilverLight controls. I know how to do named pipes in C#. But my first attempt to mix those failed: cannot connect clients to running servers. Is there an...

Silverlight RichTextBox Shader Effects

Aside from rewriting the entire RichTextBox control, is there a way to apply the built-in shader effects (e.g. DropShadowEffect) to a specific piece of text or even a Paragraph or Run? ...

UserControl VisualStates do not appear in Blend

The States pane in Blend 4 does not appear to show the VisualStates declared on a UserControl using the TemplateVisualState attribute. Is this to be expected and if so why? Creating the States manually in Blend seems to work correctly. ...

Silverlight Data Binding for Collection in Stack Panel

I'm new to Silverlight, so I don't have a complete grasp of all the controls at my disposal. What I would like to do is use databinding and a view model to maintain a collection of items. Here is some mock code for what I'd like to do: Model public class MyItem { public string DisplayText { get; set; } public bool...

Silverlight OOB Application Path Portability

Silverlight Out-of-browser applications get installed to a seemingly random location: AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\OutOfBrowser\ for example. Currently, I am simply storing this path, which works perfectly well on a single machine and a single install, but how can I refer to this application betwe...

Silverlight 3 AutoCompleteBox: ValueMemberPath/ValueMemberBinding null

I am using an AutoCompleteBox defined as: <Controls:AutoCompleteBox Margin="4" Grid.Column="1" Width="120" VerticalAlignment="Center" ItemsSource="{Binding Routes}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource RouteItemDataTemplate}" ValueMemberPath="Name" Style="{StaticResource Auto...

Silverlight 4 PLINQ

I have a very simple question. Is it possible to use PLINQ with Silverlight 4 since it seems that it doesn't exist in the most commonly referenced assemblies? ...

where can I find the silverlight 4.0 for the production server ?

where can I find the silverlight 4.0 for the production server ? For this need to install vs 2010 ? or only need to install 4.0 from where can I find the 4.0 for the production server ? is there any license for the same or its free ? ...

'normal' SVC versus 'Silverlight' SVC (WCF)

Hi, i'm trying to call a WCF service from my Silverlight 3 app. But... when trying to create a 'silverlight enabled wcf service' in my web project, my VS2008 crashes during creating the item (i think while editing the web.config). So i thought: let's create a 'normal' wcf service, and manually edit it to be a 'silverlight enabled webse...

[Silverlight] DataGrid

I'm making tutorials. Silverlight + MSSQL And I'm on the last step when it says "Copy-paste my code and tada it will works"... :-/ But after I added System.Windows.Controls.Data reference it still can't find Error 3 The type or namespace name 'Data' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls' (are you missing an as...

WPF/Silverlight AutoCompleteBox with ability to add new values to list.

Hi, I would like to use autocompletebox with a list of values, but also add new values to the list if a user enters one that isn't present. I currently have a string property in my view model called 'Comment'. Currently this is bound to a textbox in the view - user types a comment and the view model is updated. Simple. To save time, m...

How to get all methods from WCF service?

How to get list of all methods from WCF silverlight enabled service from code. I already have added service reference to Silverlight application. Can I get all methods using Reflection? If can please provide me example. ...

how to Read a folder on local machine and load them in a silverlight control ?

Hi..I am implementing a silverlight application in that I need to read a folder which has images in it. That folder is in my local machine. I want to access that folder to my silverlight code behind.After that i want to load all those images into Listbox control( or any other control to display images one by one. ) to display them one by...

Scrollable Grid in WPF/Silverlight

I would like to build a WPF window which uses an outer Grid to split the screen into 4 parts. In the lower right quadrant, I would like to embed another Grid which is larger than the grid cell. I have been looking for ways to add a ScrollViewer (or use the Grid.ScrollViewer properties) but no matter what I try the inner grid does not res...

How can i reload my layout and apply the changes in silverlight 4

i do a localized application using silverligth 4. after changing my culture thread i do LayoutRoot.Children.Clear(); MainPage MyPage = new MainPage(); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(MyPage); but i get an error "value does not fall within the expected range" how can i reload the layout to apply the language changing ...

Why do my WPF UIElements NOT have OnPreview events?

I'm building a custom Silverlight UserControl which needs to listen to events using Preview/Tunneling, but for some reason the compiler is telling me they are not recognized or accessible. For example, I can add an event handler to MouseLeftButtonDown, but not PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown. This doesn't make sense because according to Micr...