
Silverlight Project - Setting Reference to Copy Local false not working.

Why is it that when my Silverlight project is built, the output directory contains a bunch of culture specific directories: ar\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll bg\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll ca\System.Windows.Controls.resources.dll etc etc etc Also the root of the build output contains: System.Xml.Linq.dll System.wi...

change silverlight params value with jquery?

Hi, when i click a image from my html file i want to change silverlight params value (ex. m=sample.wmv) with jquery without refresh page. can i do that? Code is below which i used for silverlight. <param name="initparams" value='m=sample.wmv, autostart=false, autohide=false, thumbnail=sample.jpg' /> thank you very much already now f...

Silverlight - Binding ImageSource to Rectangle Fill

Blend 4 is telling me this is invalid markup and its not telling me why: <ImageBrush Stretch="Fill" ImageSource="{Binding Avatar, Mode=OneWay}"/> I'm pulling data from a Twitter feed, saving to an ImageSource, and then binding it to an ImageBrush(as seen below) to be used as the Fill for a Rectangle. Here is more context: <Rectangle...

Utilizing Frames/Pages and Composite Application Guidance (Prism) in Silverlight Solution

Is there any way to use pages/frames in a Silverlight Composite Application? I have previously created a Silverlight Application that utilizes System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.Frame and System.Windows.Controls.Pages. Here is the key piece of code: <navigation:Frame x:Name="FrameMain" Source="/Pages/StartPage.xaml"/> I am trying to ...

Startup params for Silverlight 4 app

Hello -- We are moving our SL3 app to SL4. First step was to open it in VS2010; it converted w/o problem. However, parameters specified for the start page are not passed along. That is, if we specify ourStartPage.aspx?Slam=Dunk&Glass=Sun in app.xaml.cs, Application_Startup(), e.InitParams is empty. How do we fix this? Thanks for any...

CheckBox Command Behaviors for Silverlight MVVM Pattern

I am trying to detect when an item is checked, and which item is checked in a ListBox using Silverlight 4 and the Prism framework. I found this example on creating behaviors, and tried to follow it but nothing is happening in the debugger. I have three questions: Why isn't my command executing? How do I determine which item was check...

Assigning the Tag Property of a Control in WPF

If I have 7 checkBoxes, one for each day of the week, Can I assing in XAML the Tag property to each one of the the System.DayOfWeek enumeration value? <StackPanel > <StackPanel.Resources> <system:DayOfWeek x:Key="Monday" >Monday</system:DayOfWeek> </StackPanel.Resources> <CheckBox Name="chkMo" Tag="{StaticResource Monday}...

Linq to XML Read and output XML generated from lookup list

I am trying to use XML created from a lookup list in SharePoint as a datasource for a treeview. It is in the form of : <NewDataSet> <test_data> <ID>1</ID> <Title>MenuItem_1</Title> <child_of /> </test_data> <test_data> <ID>2</ID> <Title>Subitem_1</Title> <Action>;/Action&gt; ...

Stop silverlight or wpf usercontrols from loading in the toolbox?

I have a project with 100's of usercontrols. When I load the project in VS2010 and try to open a designer, the toolbox spins and spins until they're all loaded. Winforms has a "AutoToolboxPopulate" switch under Tools/Options/Winddows Forms Designer/General. I cannot find a similar switch for the XAML designer. Does one exist? ...

Is there a way to programatically popup the "Microsoft Silverlight Configuration" dialog?

I am building for Silverlight 4, and I handle MouseRightButtonDown events and build my own ContextMenu's (a class from the Silverlight Toolkit). I would like to add the classic "Silverlight" menu item to my menus, and give the user the familiar option of launching the "Microsoft Silverlight Configuration" dialog. This is the dialog let...

Binding the property to a control defined inside a listboxitem template

I have a class called ledgerObject : public class LedgerObject { public ChargeLine ChargeLine{ get; set; } public DelegateCommand Click_hyperbnCommand{ get; private set; } public LedgerObject() { this.Click_hyperbnCommand = new DelegateCommand(click_btn); } private void click_btn(object args) { ...

TestPage.aspx in silverlight

Hi..I am a beginner in silverlight. I want to know what is TestPage.aspx and TestPage.html in silverlight. Actually i have google it but din't get enough information. Can any one give me answer?? ...

Viewing PowerPoint Document in Silverlight

Hi... I want to know how to view Power point document in silverlight . I came to know that to get that we have to convert ppt into images then show in silverlight, is it only the way to do. If yes please explain me how to do that. It would be great if u explain with sample code. ...

How to mark certain methods in WCF silverlight enabled service?

I have WCF silverlight enabled service. I have some methods in it. I need to mark certain methods in service and then to determine them when I have get all methods of service by Reflection. MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(TypeOfTheService).GetMethods(); ...

Can't get focus on a TextBox inside a ListBox using Silverlight

I'm having a little trouble in silverlight with a databound ListBox containing databound TextBox elements. The items display correctly in the list and the TextBox is populated correctly but I can't get focus on the TextBox in the list. If I hover over the edges of the TextBox it highlights but it won't let me click into it to edit the te...

Can we manipulate (subtract) the value of a property while template bidning?

Hi, I am currently defining few grids as following: <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="{TemplateBinding Height-Height/5}"/> <RowDefinition Height="{TemplateBinding Height/15}"/> <RowDefinition Height="{TemplateBinding Height/20}"/> <RowDefinition Height="{TemplateBinding Height/6}"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> While ...

Catch f5 in Silverlight?

Hi to all I have an app that uses the navigation controls. What I would like is for my app to stay on the page it is showing rather than reload the whole application when f5 (refresh) is pressed? Is this at all possible? JD. ...

How to convert PPT into images in silverlight application

Possible Duplicates: Convert/View PowerPoint file into/in Silverlight how to Load PPT in silverlight Hi..can anybody tell how to convert ppt into images in silverlight application.?? ...

silverlight and windows workflow foundation

Hi, can i comunicate a silverlight application with a windows workflow foundation app,if yes how can i do that? , i try to add a reference from my silverlight app to a windows workflow app and it doesnt work. Thanks ...

Localization in Silverlight 4 using ResourceWrapper

I have a business application (created from template) and I can change language dynamically by making ResourceWrapper INotifyPropertyChanged and then adding in code: private void Language_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(((ComboBoxItem)((ComboBox)s...