
How to get at ResourceDictionary style when it is loaded from external xap and assemblies are MEF-fed?

I've got the following setup: The main application loads a XAP with an IPlugin implementation. The Plugin contains a 'DisplayPanel' that contains a referenced Control with other controls. The DisplayPanel here is simply a container control to show referenced Control. This referenced Control, from an assembly, uses a Style from a Resourc...

PropertyChanged doesn't work properly

Hello, I have a Silverlight application in which I implemented MVVM pattern. In my application there is a child window on which I have ComboBox. I bound ItemsSource and SelectedItem of my combobox to a property (typeof ObservableCollection) and property of MyType appropriately. MyType is a "MODEL" derived from INotifyPropertyChanged. Whe...

How to achieve "Blendability" when using DataServiceCollection in my ViewModel

I'm looking at using oData endpoints in my Silverlight client. Naturally, I'm doing MVVM and I want the project to be nice and "Blendable" (i.e. I must be able to cleanly use static data instead of the oData endpoints when in design mode.) Now to the problem. I'd like to use the DataServiceCollection in my ViewModels, since it allows fo...

Displaying a DHTML layer over a Silverlight UI...

I have a MOSS 2007 publishing site which incorporates some Silverlight components on various pages. Beyond a few areas the rest of the site is SharePoint and ASPX (i.e. standard HTML/javascript). I'm looking at incorporating a dynamic/dropdown menu to the main navigation. Unfortunately on a few of the pages the menu sits close to a ...

How to play small sound file continuously in Silverlight?

Hello, I have two questions regarding Silverlight's SoundPlay action and properties. My scenario is like: I have two story board: The first story board has an image and a sound file; when the silverlight application gets loaded, the sound starts to play automatically, but if someone clicks the image, the sound file will stop and the se...

How to color textblock on mouse over?

I'm looking to see if there is a way to change the color of a textblock in silverlight on mouse over. I have tried a trigger which I read now doesn't work. I would like to avoid having to do it in the codebehind if at all possible. ...

Why would Silverlight be crashing in Release but not in Debug mode?

I have a Silverlight App that has worked well in Debug and Release modes for weeks. It still works well in Debug mode. However, now when I run it in Release mode, it starts, shows me the screen, loads the data, then hangs, and the browser (Firefox) closes automatically. I've tried other browsers and each of them crashes, Chrome says "T...

How to Identify Caller for Template Events

I have a ListBox container data bound and templatized as so: <ListBox x:Name="ListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource List}}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ListTemplate}"> </ListBox> Within my ListTemplate resource, I define a Grid which contains a few child elements. I have setup a cli...

How to handle not-enough-isolatedstorage issue deep in data loader?

I have a silverlight application which loads data from many external data sources into IsolatedStorage, and while loading any of these sources if it does not have enough IsolatedStorage, it ends up in a catch statement. At that point in that catch statement I would like to ask the user to click a button to approve silverlight to increase...

Why would my Silverlight 4 Out-of-Browser application just display white?

My Silverlight application works fine when running in a browser. But when I install it as an out-of-browser application, the Window frame comes up with an appropriate icon and title, but the content of the window is just white. It is in the start menu but when I close it and open again, it is still blank. I reproduced this on Windows ...

How to make Facebook Authentication from Silverlight secure?

I have the following scenario I want to complete: Website running some HTTP(S) services that returns data for a user. Same website is additionally hosting a Silverlight 4 app which calls these services. The Silverlight app is integrating with Facebook using the Facebook Developer Toolkit ( I have...

How can I get a Silverlight application to check for an update and ask user to upgrade?

I have made an out-of-browser silverlight application which I want to automatically update every time there is a new .xap file uploaded to the server. When the user right-clicks the application and clicks on Updates, the default is set to "Check for updates, but let me choose whether to download and install them": This leads me to be...

Why does Silverlight player mislead user by leading him to think he can "choose whether to download and install updates"?

I have a silverlight application which users can install out-of-browser. When the right-click and look at the update panel, it is set to "check for updates and let me choose whether to download and install them: However, with the following code, my application detects and downloads a new version automatically, and the new version is ...

Script Errors in Silverlight WebBrowser Control

Hi, I am showing a HTML page with a Flash video player on it in a Silverlight app using the WebBrowser control. The site itself is displayed perfectly and everything works just fine. But when I want to close the player component, I somehow need to completely dispose the current HTML page with the flash player. I tried navigating to a...

Silverlight 4 Toolkit not appearing after install in Visual Studio 2010

I am running Visual Studio 2010 and have installed the Silverlight 4 Toolkit, however on creating a Silverlight Application I don't seem to have the controls in my Toolkit? Can someone please help me on this? ...

Where can I find an infinite canvas control for Silverlight?

Are there any Silverlight controls available to perform this dynamic DeepZoom trick that Canvas for OneNote does? By trick I mean hosting the interactive UserControls in DeepZoom, and allowing them to be independently resized. ...

Conditional Styling In Silverlight?

Hi, While I'm fine with standard control styling in silverlight I have recently began using more dynamic methods of fetching data to be displayed in items controls. One of the controls I am reworking is a collection of links. The issue I am having is that each link is coloured differently when moused over. One red, one blue, one green,...

Silverlight database

I'm looking for an embedded database for a silverlight application.I have found several choices like MCObjects( and EffiProz( Which one is most suitable as local cache? ...

Controlling Browser Zoom Factor for SL4 OOB WebBrowser Control

In a Silverlight 4 Out-of-Browser application, how do you control the WebBrowser control's Zoom Factor? I need to render the browser at a specific magnification factor. I am not looking for applying a RenderTransform to the WebBrowser control - that just scales the 100% browser image. ...

IIS6 configuration for WCF/Silverlight

I am trying the simple senario of running a WCF service to return Active directory information on a user. ( using Silverlight 4 & .net 4 However, I am being driven insane by trying to set this up in IIS. Currently I have my solution ...