
Get netstat Info in Silverlight

Is it possible to get information from the netstat command in Silverlight? How would I go about doing this? ...

Silverlight 4: How to trigger an Animation when TextBlock’s Text is changed during a DataBinding?

I have a user control which datacontext is set to a view model. The user control contains some textblocks and textboxes which are bind to view model's properties. I would like to do a small animation when a view model's property's value changes but I can't seem to find a way to do this in Silverlight. In WPF we can use properties like ...

Silverlight Not Rendering On Navigation

I'm trying to create a site that requires login. Its entirely designed in silverlight. So my first page, home.xaml loads in mysite.aspx and it basically has a login page. AFter login, the user is redirected to another page user.aspx. in that page, i've embedded another silverlight control called nav.xaml. so now when user.aspx loads...

Keyboard Controls ?

Hello World I am creating a financial software working on a touch panel machine. I have created a Keyboard control for User Input. I want to open start menu on my keyboard's Window button click. Please tell me hows that possible... Its very urgent ...

How to send email with Silverlight

How to send email with Silverlight? There is no System.Net.Mail. ...

Easily Zoom an Image in Silverlight 3 with slider control

Simple question, SilverLight 3 application (no toolkit). I want to use an image and a slider. The image is displayed fit to screen on load, and then the slider has to zoom-in and out the image when its value changes. I don't want to use anything else, like deepzoom. How can this be done? Urgent, Thanks in advance, ...

Once again, Is Silverlight 4 Enterprise ready?

Does Microsoft use or plan to use Silverlight in its own web applications like MS CRM? Is there any known risk for Silverlight LOB applications instead of ASP.NET? Silverlight 4 still does not has wsHttpBinding. Is this a stupid question? ...

Content presenter inside user control

Hi, I'm developing my custom menu. It behaves like this. I have one toggle button and pathListBox that positioning menu items (buttons) into circle. So I have Menu user control that contains toggle button and one pathListBox. So I don't know how to put menu items inside pathListBox. I want to write <my:Menu> <my:MenuItem> </my...

Develop Windows Phone 7 on Windows XP

Dear all, I downloaded the Windows Phone 7 SDK yesterday but when I installed it on my Windows XP it complaint that it needs to be installed on Windows 7. My question is, is it possible to install the Windows Phone 7 SDK or develop for Windows Phone 7 on WinXP? Is there any workaround that has been made to overcome this? Thank you for ...

Force validation of ria entity in Silverlight 4

I have a situation in which I will load invalid data. I'm using a DataForm to edit the data and I need to force a validation. The user might not normally edit the fields which are invalid but before I save the entity back I would like to notify the user that they need to be edited. But the validation does not seem to fire unless the p...

How do I load an xml file and read from it in Silverlight?

I do not want to load it from a website I have added it to my project all I want to do is access it and read it. Can anyone help! ...

Understanding ItemsSource and DataContext in a DataGrid

UPDATE: See the bottom of this question for what I did to solve the problem. I'm trying to understand how the ItemsSource and DataContext properties work in a Silverlight Toolkit DataGrid. I'm currently working with dummy data and trying to get the data in the DataGrid to update when the value of a combo box changes. My MainPage.xaml....

Silverlight DataGrid vertical scrollbar issue

I have a DataGrid in my silverlight application and I'm wondering how to get the same behavior for the vertical scrolling as the horizontal scrolling. When I resize the browser horizontally, The app will bunch up all the controls and the horizontal scrollbar will appear, however when I resize it vertially, the controls at the bottom of ...

debugging loadwith has subnodes in domainservice, but not when called in viewmodel

Hi, I'm trying to use the .LoadWith method I have these lines of code in my domainservice: public IEnumerable<Subject> GetSubjectList(Guid userid) { DataLoadOptions loadopts = new DataLoadOptions(); loadopts.LoadWith<Subject>(s => s.Notes); this.DataContext.LoadOptions = loadopts; ...

How do I set the ItemsSource of a DataGrid in XAML?

I'm trying to set the ItemsSource property of a DataGrid named dgIssueSummary to be an ObservableCollection named IssueSummaryList. Currently, everything is working when I set the ItemsSource property in my code-behind: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { private ObservableCollection<IssueSummary> IssueSummaryList = new O...

how to setup VS 2010 to allow debugging of Silverlight 3 and Silverlight 4

Hi, I have some code which is in Silverlight 3. I am unable to move to SL4 at this time. I would however like to use VS 2010 to do my SL 3 development... and SL4 development. The idea of both runtimes coexisting on 1 machine i thought I heard Microsoft got right this time in VS 2010. is this correct? if yes, then Where can I find the ...

How can I get my WCF service's client access policy operation to be accessible from the root?

I have the following operation for hosting my client access policy in my WCF service: [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/clientaccesspolicy.xml")] XElement RetrieveClientAccessPolicy(); public XElement RetrieveClientAccessPolicy() { String policy = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <access-po...

Is MVVM killing silverlight development?

This is a question I have had rattling around in my head for some time. I had a chat with a guy the other night who told me he would not be using the navigational framework because he could not figure out how it works with MVVM. As much as I tried to explain that patterns should be taken with a pinch of salt he would not listen. My poin...

Host a Silverlight application in Winforms application

I have a need to host a Silverlight application as a module in an existing WinForms application. My plan is to host the web page that hosts the Silverlight app in a web browser control in the WinForms application. The part I have not been able to figure out is how to communicate from the Silverlight application back to the Winforms appl...

How do I disable silverlight cross-domain content protection for WriteableBitmap

Hi all, I have an Esri map in silverlight and I am trying to get a screenshot. However, I am facing cross-domain content protection for writeablebitmap, saying "Pixels are not accessible". Is there a way that I can disable this? or any other work around in silverlight 3 or 4? ...