
Render Silverlight Animation to video file

Hi guys I need to be able to render a silverlight storyboard animation to video. The animated content itself could be simple UIElements, Images or even two or more videos playing at the same time. Several ideas came to mind like RenderTargetBitmap on a single frame basis, but: 1) I've never tested this against video embedded content ...

Silverlight and M-V-VM - Where should a timer live?

I'm creating a simple monitoring tool in Silverlight. It talks to a web service to retrieve the status information and store it in the ViewModel. This needs to happen once per minute so I'm going to add a timer for this purpose (probably a DispatcherTimer). My question is, where should the timer go in an M-V-VM architecture? In the View...

Silverlight HttpWebRequest.Create hangs inside async block

I am trying to prototype a Rpc Call to a JBOSS webserver from Silverlight (4). I have written the code and it is working in a console application - so I know that Jboss is responding to the web request. Porting it to silverlight 4, is causing issues: let uri = new Uri(queryUrl) // this is the line that hangs let request : HttpWebRequ...

Silverlight autocompletebox tooltip

I have a autocompletebox control in a datagrid. I have a tooltip associated with the autocomplete box. If the dropdown list is open I loose the tooltip. Is it possible to put the tooltip on the textbox in the dropdown list? Is so, how. ...

Silverlight and IIS5 on XP

Besides modifying IIS to serve XAML extensions is there anything else that I need to do to allow IIS5 to server Silverlight pages? Do I actually need to run some Silverlight setup on the IIS5 web server or are all the setups intended for development machines and /or machines that end up consuming/browsing Silverlight pages? ...

Silverlight javascript problem - resizing a Silverlight application - cross browser issue

Hi, I'm currently writing a SilverLight application that primarily uses a DataGrid. The user can add or remove rows from the grid. The grid can get quite large so I need to resize the application dynamically every time a row is added/removed. Currenty I'm doing the following to resize the app dyamically. In the codebehind I'm using t...

How to bind Listbox to two properties?

In Silverlight, I have a Grid with DataContext set to class ViewModel. The ViewModel contains list of items (each of them containing int ID and string Text) and an integer "ID", which identifies the currently active item (not selected item). I would like to construct xaml with ListBox where activated item has another color. How can I do ...

How do I link (dependency) properties in my ViewModel?

Simplified example: I have an object that models a user. Users have a first name and a last name. The UserViewModel has a dependency property for my Models.User object. In the declaration of the UserView's xaml, I want to bind a couple of TextBlocks to the first and last name properties. What is the correct way to do this? Should I...

Would you use WCF Linq and JSON for an API

Ok Im building AN API but also wanting to have that API used by my own Application. I am pondering WCF, LinQ and JSON for my Webservices and Data and Silverlight for my application. I have a few questions. 1) would you recommend XML over JSON or Json over XML? a) is Json going to transfer and deserialize faster natively or is XML g...

MVVM and division of amongst multiple developers

Can anyone speak to the ease of dividing work amongst multiple developers when designing and building a medium- to large-complexity Silverlight or WPF application? My team is finding it difficult to cleanly split work when you've got, for example, a number of controls that provide different visualizations of a Model/ViewModel that's fair...

Issue intercepting property in Silverlight application

I am using Ninject as DI container in a Silverlight application. Now I am extending the application to support interception and started integrating DynamicProxy2 extension for Ninject. I am trying to intercept call to properties on a ViewModel and ending up getting following exception: “Attempt to access the method failed: System.Reflec...

Make Desktop Application Web Interfaceable

Is there a way to make a desktop application easily interfaceable via Web ? Meaning, can you have a way to interface with a single desktop application as if you were remote desktop'd into the machine but not? I am looking at doing this in ASP.NET or Silverlight. ...

Can I use silverlight to replace javascript and JQuery?

I have a webapplication that heavily uses JQuery. I would like to start using silverlight in its place if its possible. Instead of using jquery ajax features and other jquery features I would like to use silverlight. is this possible to do with silverlight? ...

How can I get the plain-text content of a Google Doc via Google Doc API in Silverlight?

I would like to use the Google Doc API to retrieve the plain-text content of a Google Doc document (not a spreadsheet) via the Google Docs API. In the documentation I can find information about accessing Spreadsheets and how to "create/upload/copy" documents: Does anyone have a C# co...

How can I create a silverlight combobox that drops down a treeview?

I'm trying to create a user control that is a combobox that, when opened, presents a treeview of heirarchal data. I created the user control and replaced a portion of the template in Popup with: <ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" BorderThickness="0" Padding="1"> <sdk:TreeView x:Name="Tree"> </sdk:TreeView> <...

Implementing a class for the functionality of theme managing :

I have a class library silverlight project , so there is no app xaml in it. I am defining all my styles in one ResourceDictionary xaml (so that every style I defined inside my project will be global). Now if I want to apply a style to a custom control which don't have its xaml... only .cs. Then I can do it with the help of some class...

Displaying current time above the thumb of a slider in Silverlight

I've made a time slider in Silverlight. To style it, I've made a control template and modified the style. I've added a text field above the thumb (always centered above the thumb), which should display the time. However, I can't find any way to access the slider information (e.g. current value) or find another way to pass any informatio...

VS2010 cannot find type ControlTemplate even though System.Windows is referenced

I'm trying to learn Silverlight here, creating a custom control template, however VS2010 refuses to recognize the ControlTemplate type in markup code, even though I have referenced the System.Windows and System.Windows.Controls assemblies (which is by default when basing the project on the standard Silverlight Application template). I'm ...

Childwindows in MVVM

Hi I'm having a problem understanding something about MVVM. My application relies on dialogs for certain things. The question is, where should these childwindows originate from? According to MVVM, viewmodels should contain only businesslogic and have zero actual knowledge about UI. However, what other place should I call my childwindows...

Accessing embedded resources from MEF loaded XAPs

Hi all, Simple question. So MEF doesn't support importing or exporting loose files (such as xml files) etc. However, it should at least support embedded resources right? I currently have a silverlight application that loads xaps dynamically. These dynamically loaded xaps each have an xml file attached as an embedded resource accesib...