
Silverlight synchronous calls to the wcf

I'm trying to make calls sync. But silverlight app locks itself when calling endList method. In a simple console app i can make async to sync. Could not see the problem. var svc = new WcfServiceClient(); var ar = svc.BeginList(null, null); var result = svc.EndList(ar); <-- Silverlight hangs here listBox.ItemsSource = result; ...

Why does my binding break down on SilverLight ProgressBars?

I asked a similar question about charts but I have given up on that and I am using progress bars instead. Essentially, I have ten progress bars in a Silverlight control. Each is showing a different value and updating every couple of seconds (it's a process monitor). Each progress bar has the same minimum value and maximum value so the b...

Usage of WCF RIA Services, where the datasource isn't a classical (relational) database

I want (have) to write a Silverlight and (or) ASP.NET based webapplication with SAP in the backend (in other words, the datasource is no classical database) . The usage of Silverlight and ASP.NET is a precondition. Is it possible to use the WCF RIA Services (and Silverlight) where the data-source are RFCs from SAP ? Makes this sense ? If...

Are there scenarios where the usage of WCF RIA Serivces isn't a good choice ?

Since Silverlight 4 Microsoft recommends the usage WCF RIA services for business applications. Are there Silverlight scenarios, where the WCF RIA serives should no be used and plain WCF services or webservices or other techniques are the better choice ? ...

Starting out Silverlight 4 design

I come from mainly a web development background (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, XHTML, CSS etc) but have been tasked with creating/designing a Silverlight application. The application is utilising Bing Maps control for Silverlight, this will be contained in a user control and will be the 'main' screen in the system. There will be numerous oth...

Silverlight: Use TransitioningContentControl to animate a grid from read-only to edit mode

Hi, I am using Silverlight 4.0 and I have a simple grid in which some user related details are shown, like name, phone no. address, etc. Initially the textboxes are in read-only mode. Textboxes become editable when a user clicks on "Update Info" link (in the same grid). Now I am trying out a simple transition effect from "read-only" to ...

ASP.NET and WCF RIA Services

Makes it sense to use ASP.NET applications (or applications which are a micture of ASP.NET and Silverlight) together with WCF RIA Services ? ...

How to Disable F11 key

Hi, I want to disable the F11 key in my silverlight application , because I dont want user to sqwitch to full screen mode. Or if is there a way I can write my code for f11 key event , I tried with key down event , but not working for f10 and f11 and set of other keys . Thanks, Subhen ...

BitmapImage to Bitmap

Hy How can i convert a BitmapImage to a Bitmap in Silverlight 4? Thanks! ...

Silverlight DataGridTemplateColumn vs. DataGridTextColumn

Why does this work... <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="YTD v. Exchange" x:Name="YTDvExchange" Visibility="Collapsed" CanUserSort="True" SortMemberPath="ytdExchangeReturn.value"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock TextAlignment=...

Entire website in Silverlight 4. Practical or not?

Similar question: Using Silverlight for an entire website? That question is over 2 years old. Silverlight has gone a long way from Silverlight 1.0 Beta 1 to Silverlight 4.0 Final. Would it be practical to create a full Silverlight web application these days? I plan to deploy the website sometime around Q1 2011. I have thought about go...

Silverlight DeepZoom Dragging lets one drag the MultiScaleImage off screen.

I'm having some issue and am hoping someone can answer the question. I have a Deep Zoom project that I used the standard (deep zoom composer) project which places a DeepZommInitializer behavior on the MultiScaleImage control. I'm trying to constrain dragging to make sure that the user doesn't drag the image off screen (and therefore is u...

Resources & tips for beginning with Silverlight

I recently found out that I will be part of a project that will use Silverlight. Since I will be doing interface design for this application I was wondering if I could get help with some tips & resources. So what are the tips that you wish you had gotten when you started with Silverlight? And what resources have you found valuable for ...

pass specific ID to MVVM

Thre's something I don't get. If i have for instance a profile.xaml page and I have a ProfileViewModel with a user instance. How do I tell the ProfileViewModel with a User property to load user with an id that I want? I mean : How do I pass a userid to the profileviewmodel when I click a button in another page to open that page? For In...

How to stop the running wcf services in silverlight when exception happens

After some digging into exception handling in silverlight and reading some useful blogs like this Silverlight exception handling using WCF RIA Services and WCF Services I ended up implementing similar idea in the App.xaml.cs to show an error page and call another wcf service method to log the error to the event viewer: private void A...

Need C# code converted to VB.NET for Silverlight "Export to CSV"

I'm looking to get the following code converted to working VB.NET code. I need to export data from a datagrid into the CSV format that the user can save off, and the code below from David in Dakota would work great, but it's in C#. Any help would be appreciated! This is for a Silverlight 4 site we're working on. private void exportHi...

Unit Testing with Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke

I have a windows phone 7 silverlight app that I'm trying to unit test. My tests fail with the following error: System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero. On the following line: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => RaisePropertyChanged("Lat")); I assume this is because there is no ui thread. Do I need to ...

MVVM and views with controls that trigger navigation

I am looking at creating my own development framework for Silverlight as an exercise in understanding MVVM and approaching some concepts that are still unknown to me. So there are a couple of issues: 1) I am thinking about the following problem: I create custom/user controls that contain buttons/hyperlinks that would essentially change...

Instrument web site security and architecture questions

Hello, I’m developing a .NET/C# application software for an instrument which has a built-in PC (Core 2 CPU/2.66GZ/4GB RAM) and will have access to the Internet from behind the facility IT firewall. The software is made up of two parts: a rich client desktop app for UI and device control and a web app (silverlight) for providing remote ma...

VS2010: Right mouse clicked "Open in Expression Blend": Unsupported project

I am running VS2010 and have Expression Blend 3 installed. I select a file, MainPage.xaml and select the option "Open in Expression Blend." Expression Blend 3 is opened and my associated web application "SilverApplication1.Web" is displayed in the project explorer with the error "Unsupported project." Any idea why? ...