
Staggered Column Labels in Silverlight Toolkit Chart

Hi, I need to style the chart control in silverlight toolkit to look like this wherein the column labels are staggered. Can anybody lead me to the right direction on how to accomplish this task? Examples would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Keith ...

Does Silverlight 4.0 support bindings in a style setter?

I am trying to port an application from WPF to Silverlight but it fails on some very simple binding. I have the following simple example: <ListBox > <ListBox.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem"> <Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding X}"></Setter> </Style> ...

Bug when add bing Map control to WP7

I Create new Windows Phone 7 Project Add the following references to my project: -Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Common.dll -Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.dll I insert BingMap Control in new Page When I try to run on Emulator I get request for add following reference to System.Windows.Browser.dll Then add the reference to myproject from th...

Is there a way to change the speed of a media element

In silverlight, is there a way to change the playback speed? ...

Silverlight MouseMove inconsistency for Chrome vs FF/IE

Hi, I've got a listbox with images. I'm capturing MouseMove. In FF (Win7 & OSX) & also in IE8, this fires whenever the mouse is moved over the images. In Chrome (on OSX), however, it only fires while the mouse button is pressed down. This Chrome behaviour would actually be quite useful, but only if I could control it, rather than have i...

Mobile Business Apps - any way to use XAML?

Hi I'm making a business mobile app to run on Intermec rugged devices. I would like to use XAML/Silverlight/WPF. It seems that this is not possible and I will need to use WinForms. Can any gurus confirm this please? Thanks a lot. Mark ...

Update entity therough DTO

Hello guys. I've got common scenario: SL app and wcf service as data source. I use dtos for transport business objects over the wire. I get issue - Update entity. At client form I have binded dto and send to wcf. I want to know nice way update real db entity by dto data. At wcf I use Nhibernate DAL. My way is getting attached entity by i...

Display server batch progress on client

I am writing a business application using silverlight 4 including RIA. The user can start a batch progress on the server by clicking a button. On the client side, i want to display the progress. How do i do that? The first idea i had was to create a job manager which creates a job ticket and the client polls regularly for its status / p...

Silverlight: branding/design and navigation

I have some years exprience with ASP.NET, but I am new to Silverlight. I have a basic question regarding the design and navigation of a Silverlight page/application ? If a Silverlight project is hosted together with an ASP.NET project, is it possible to use masterpages for the branding/design and navigation for the page/application ? ...

Complex cell selection contraints with WPF DataGrid

I am trying to work out a way to achieve the following cell selection constraints: Only allow multiple cells from the same row to be selected Only allow contiguous cells to be selected Do not allows cells in column 1 to be selected So far I have looked at SelectedCellsChanged event but that does not seem to want to let me change the ...

Mouse button press in silverlight 3

I have an slider control in my application and an image control. When the slider value is going up, the image is zoomed in and vice versa. In addtion i have a zoom-in and a zoom-out button. the zoom-in button will increase the slider value by one smallchange and the zoom-out will decrease it. What i want: while the zoom-in (and out) bu...

Control's parent is null when placed inside a ContentControl

I've got a simple control derived from ContentControl with 3 properties. My problem comes when I try to perform a control.TransformToVisual() with a control that is placed inside MainContent. It always brings up an ArgumentNullException. My guess is this due to the control having a null Parent property. Is there a simple way to way aro...

Tranparent Screen over an image Silverlight

Hi, Can the background of InkPresenter in Silverlight be transparent? So, whatever I have below the inkPresenter would be visible even after the inkPresenter is open! Thanks ...

Silverlight 4: StackPanel doesn't resize, when content gets more narrow

Hi folks, I am using Silverlight 4 with Blend 4. I have a (horizontal) stackpanel that includes some TextBoxes and a Button. The stackpanel is set to stretch to the size that the content uses. The TextBoxes are on autosize too. When I add text to the Textboxes, the textbox size grows and the stackpanel grows too. So far so good. When...

Silverlight Object Binary Serialization to Database

Right now I am programming a multiplayer card game in Silverlight I am wondering how to store a object best binary in a sql database. I have a GameState Object which contains the current state of a game between two players. I want to store this object in a sql database that both player can access and change it anytime. How would you d...

Linq or ADO or ?

Building an application with a database that has the ability to get big not HUGE but definate big tables with a million records +. I just saw somewhere that LINQ isn't good for Big Datbases. Front end will be in Silverlight and I was really looking forward to using its Skip and Take functionality for the Asynchronous calls to speed u...

WPF Set Visibility Through Binding

I have a list of Parent objects that contain Children. Both Parents and Children have a Checked boolean property. These object are bound to an ItemsControl that displays the hierarchy. I also have a "Show checked" checkbox that is one of my application settings that will determine the Visibility of the Items in the ItemsControl. So b...

Tool to convert WPF XAML vector icon to Silverlight?

I found some freeware XAML icons that are perfect for my Silverlight project online (, but these happen to be using WPF XAML, which is not compatible with Silverlight (at least as of version 4). Can anyone recommend a tool for converting from WPF XAML to Silverlight equivalent? Thanks! ...

What else could I use Silverlight for besides Windows Phone 7 Apps?

One of the reasons why I don't want want to go the iPhone development path is because there isn't much to do with Objective-C language. You either develop iPhone or Mac apps with it. If I go the Windows Phone 7 development path, can I apply my Silverlight skills in other areas besides the mobile phone development? Is Silverlight useful ...

How do I convert TLE information to longitude latitude and altitude to display on a Bing Map?

I am using the OrbitTools library to develop a satellite tracking system using the Bing Maps Silverlight control similar to I am not knowledgeable in this domain and lack a lot of the information related to satellite tracking but have started teaching myself as this particular project was chosen by my supervisor as...