
Can Silverlight HyperlinkButton forced to open page with Internet Explorer?

Can Silverlight HyperlinkButton forced to open page with Internet Explorer? ...

File Upload in SilverLight?

HI I Try Upload a file in Silver-Light. for doing this I use System.IO.File to read file bytes and then send the data to service to insert that data as file data in Database. (Blow Code) byte[] data; OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog(); open.Filter = "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; if (open.ShowDial...

Need Diagram Control in Silverlight

Hi We are looking for a Diagram Control/Componnets in Silverlight which enables to create and deploy Network Diagrams. Also with which we should be able to traverse the diagram created, save it as a file (eg. xml) and load it, create custom nodes/controls with simple animation controls and etc. Can anyone let us know any such component...

Integrating Silverlight 4 webcam functions into WPF

After toying a little with the new Silverlight 4 camera features, and being really disappointed that these were not included in WPF, I looked at the Silverlight assemblies and found that they more or less delegate all work to agcore.dll. Do you think it is a good idea to package agcore.dll with my WPF application, and copy/paste or rewr...

Can't able to Run the basic Silverlight application

Hi, When I try to run a simple, basic Silverlight application, I got the following error: Can't find the TestPage.html, Make sure the path or internet address is correct. Here is my XAML code: <UserControl x:Class="HelloWorld.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://s...

Silverlight: Binding a property of a resource object

Hi all, I'm trying to bind a property of a resource object to a control (a combo...) - the thing seems to work in the designer, but it is not working at runtime. Just using a simple page with only a button and a combo - resource section: <UserControl.Resources> <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="myBrush" EndPoint="1,0.5" StartPoint="0,0.5...

What's the most elegant workaround for the lack of DefaultFileName in SaveFileDialog in Silverlight?

The SaveFileDialog in Silverlight lacks a DefaultFileName property, resulting in the user having to enter the file name manually with every file download from a Silverlight application. This is very annoying and there's a lot of criticism about this, see the Silverlight forum. My question is: what is the most elegant way to get around ...

Define Global variable In SilverLight with Prism Pattern?

HI Let me explain about my problem: I have a Silver-Light application developed base on Prism. In This app we need to use User/Password (Authenticate Our user`s) for separating permission levels. So for Doing this We wrote method in Service App (WCF web service) for detecting user and if User is valid-one, user can use App. After tha...

What is the best place to store ADO.NET Data Services URLs in Silverlight apps?

I reference ADO.NET Data Service in my SilverLight project and I need to define URL for this Data Service. So the question is what is the best place to store this URL? When I used WCF Services it was generated ServiceReferences.ClientConfig, is there something similar for ADO Data Services? ...

Silverlight 4: Listbox doesn't shrink when its items shrink

Hi folks, from this question, I drilled down the problem to a listbox, that doesn't resize, when the Listbox-Items shrink. It resizes accordingly, when the size of the items grow, but it doesn't shrink, when the size of the items decrease. The items can grow/shrink because the items containing textboxes, that resize with the input. J...

Use a embedded Image in a Button Template in Silverlight 4

Hi, i would like to build a Template for my (edit)Buttons in Silverlight 4. Therefor i want to include the Images as a embedded ressource. so my question is: How can i use the embedded ressource images in the template for my button? The ControlTemplate (TargetTyoe="Button") is located i one external Ressources.xml. regards Christoph...

Missing System.Windows.Interactivity in Silverlight 4 - mvvm light tutorial

Hi, I'm trying to follow this MVVM Light Toolkit V3 Alpha 2: EventToCommand behavior tutorial. I'm using vs2010 with silverlight 4. I dont have expression blend. The tutorial states that In addition, you need the System.Windows.Interactivity.dll I don't seem to have this: I can't see this when I try to add a reference. Anyone k...

What should you use IValueConverter for?

What are the recommended uses of IValueConverter? I've used it for things like converting a boolean property to a Visibility property but I'm wondering how far you should take it? Is it supposed to be only used to change representations of common types to UI specific types (bool to Visibility for example). E.g., if I have a property i...

Object to Object Property mapping in collections

Im creating a collection of (dynamically generated type) for display in a silverlight grid and one of the processes involves creating an import (dynamically generated type) type then mapping the properties on the import type to the collection of (dynamically generated type) both types share a Id property that identifies the item ( be it ...

Read MP3 Tag attribute in Silverlight

Hi. I know it works to read out the MP3 Tag attribute MP3V1 in silverlight. I know it works without any third party moduls. But when I use the MP3 workflow like Microsoft described I always get the count of zero attributes in my MP3 file. How to solve? Example project: Download MP3 demo file from here:

How to properly set up a silverlight app for debugging?

First of all, this is my first attempt at a silverlight app and it's a prototype. I have a pre-existing solution with multiple projects. One of those projects is a web portal that has a services directory and publish a .asmx. I added the silverlight app to my solution. When I run the silverlight prototype, it gives me the message: "The...

Help on reading the <s:Header> fields from a WCF Service in a Silverlight Client

Hi all. I have a WCF service (.svc) that I am referencing in a SL4 client. The call looks something like this: private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var client = new SecurityBrokerServiceClient(); client.AuthenticateUserCompleted += client_AuthenticateUserCompleted; client.Authentic...

Silverlight Element Binding

I have a custom component, ExportCommandButton, that has two attached properties. This component is designed to be attached to a button. When clicked, the component would initiate the export method of the grid (Telerik RadGridView). The problem I have is how can I pass the grid to the component via one of the attached properties? I'v...

efficiency of multiple canvas size increases in silverlight

Hi, I'm writing a silverlight app which does some real-time charting. Basically, I just have some polylines overlaid on a canvas. The user can record data for arbitrary amounts of time, and so the width of the canvas is increasing as necessary. Since the canvas is wrapped inside a scrollviewer, it can get quite large. Haven't seen a...

Binding to FontWeight in Silverlight 4 using a value converter

I want to compare two versions of various properties and bold one of them if it is not equal to the other. Since SL4 doesn't support MultiBinding I am binding the FontWeight to "." so that the entire data context is passed to the converter. I then use the converter parameter to specify which fields to compare within the converter. So f...