
Silverlight: Two-Way binding on ComboBox doesn't hit BindingValidationError handler with null

I've scoured the internet and have yet to find a solution. Help me Stack-Overflow-Kenobi, you're my only hope! So I've got this Silverlight application, right? And I have a combobox that's bound to a non-nullable database field so that it is populated on initialization with all possible values. And it's working fine in that regard. ...

Translating X,Y Coordinate

I currently have a user control that contains items that have a certain X, Y coordinate and there are limits to what those points must be within. In this case those positions are 0 > X > 40 and 0 > Y > 80 (40x80). The control I am hosting those items in is dynamic but has a certain aspect ratio based on window size. I need to translat...

WPF fluid layout and a listbox

Hi All, Im looking into how to make an effect on my WPF 4.0 application where I have a listbox that can switch from list view (i.e. a vertical stack of my own items) to a grid view (tiled list from left to right) via an animation (not a jump to and from). I have been looking into Fluid Layout in Blend 4, and messing around with it, but...

SilverLight Enabled Wcf Service - can't keep track of session

Hi, I'm new to Silverlight and WCF services. I'm trying to write a client application that can manipulate an object server side. My problem is that each time my Silverlight client makes a call to the service, it enters into the constructor systematically public SilverLightEnabledWcfService() { } In the below exampl...

Silvelight 4 is not debugging. Symbols are not loaded.

Hi, I am making my first silverlight application. I only put a textbox and a button. I tried to debugged and It doesn't work. I tried going to the web project. property pages->start options->debuggers and silverlight is already checked. so I need help. Why is not working???? Thanks Nora ...

how to set background image for only title content of an childwindow in silverlight?

how to set background image for only title content of an childwindow in silverlight? and i dont need background image for the whole child window! can any one help me? ...

RIA service needs dummy public, non-attributed methods to compile

I am implementing a Silverlight application with a WCF RIA service in the server side and I am experiencing a very strange behavior. At this point the service is very simple and only has a few methods, all of them marked with the [Invoke] attribute. These methods are something like this: [Invoke] MyEntity DoWorkAndReturnEntity(string s...

Simpler Dependency Properties?

Hello. I'm being used to create Dependency Properties for my custom controls. But i'm really tired of defining static fields, populating them in the constructors, coding the standard properties and later the events, plus casting and validating objects, all despite the help of copy & paste and code snippets. So, the question is... is the...

Databinding Button Content to a static resource fails

I am trying to design a set of icons in a Silverlight 4 User Control's ressources, and then display these on a button. I have <UserControl.Resources> <Rectangle x:Key="Icon1" Fill="Black" Width="10" Height="10" /> </UserControl.Resources> and <Button x:Name="Button1" Width="50" Height="50" ...

How to test a Silverlight Application

Hi all, I have a Silverlight 4 application, and I am wondering how can I see if my .xap file will cause or not a crash. You will tell me that I can put it into a asp web server and launch Firefox but I would like to stay offline, just with a command line... Do you have some idea ? Thanks a lot ! I hope i was clear enought ! ...

Silverlight application is run on Express editoin or not

hello all i want to make a application using silverlight.i want to know that is this application is run on Microsoft visual c# 2008 express Edition or not i m in doubt because of read some tutorial . Thanks in advance shashank ...

setting balloon tooltip for an image

how to set balloon tooltip for an image in silverlight? ...

Silverlight version issue

I'm using Silverlight v4 on my web site. If Silverlight is not installed, I degrade gracefully by showing a static image of my own choosing. However, I don't know how to do the same if the minimum runtime version of Silverlight is not installed. If the minimum SL run time is not met, I get the Microsoft SL image, which I don't want. Her...

How can I get Outlook 2003 data in Silverlight 4 application

Is it possible to use Automation for Outlook 2003 with Silverlight 4? Or maybe there are some different way to use Outlook 2003 MAPI in Silverlight application? I'm using Silverlight 4 and I'm trying interact with Outlook in this way: dynamic outlook = AutomationFactory.GetObject("Outlook.Application"); For Outlook 2007/2010 all works...

WCF Data services parent entities link

I am learning WCF data services (cannot upgrade to RIA) and one of the major benefits I thougth I would get was that it would maintain relations for me and do lazy loads... Example: A bidirectional relation: Order.Items --> OrderItems OrderItem.Order --> Order Say I have already a reference to an order. Then I populate its items by ...

SIlverlight: Can't find Image on Canvas

In my Canvas, I have an image object. I haven't set a source in it, but it has coordinates and a size. The tag is: <Image Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="20" Height="68" Width="110" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> Here's the problem: When I move the mouse over it, I want to find it. With ...

Silverlight AccordionItem hangs at switch

I have an Accordion in a Silverlight interface which contains 2 items: one with a ListBox and the other with some TextBlocks and TextBoxes. The problem is that the ListBox contains a lot of items and every time the AccordionItems switch, the one containing the ListBox hangs and it takes a few seconds to load. I tried handling the selecte...

Is MVC .net right for my project type?

After countless hours researching (creating a few demo projects, viewing webinars etc..) I feel like MVC .net works great for 90% of the web application types out there, but not for mine. Basically I have a dashboard application where I'm displaying large amounts of information in many different graphs / charts (all on the same screen)...

Silverlight debugging issue

Hello everyone, I am previously using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + Silverlight 3.0 and my application can be debugged correctly in VSTS 2008 (pressing F5 and then start debugging, my application is a traditional Silverlight application, i.e. an xap file embedded in html page). I find when I upgrade to Silverlight 4.0 player, when debugg...

Access button in ListBoxItem in Silverlight

Hey everyone. I'm new to Silverlight and would like to access a button control that is part of a ListBoxItem. However, I'm not quite sure how to do this. My XAML is: <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemTemplate2"> <Grid Height="51"> <TextBlock x:Name="tbName" Text="{Binding Property1}" Margin="0,0,98,0" d:LayoutOverride...