
Is it possible to use Bings street view with ASP.NET or Silverlight?

Hi I wont write web application, which will use street view of Bing(or Googles one if it can be used by ASP.NET or Silverlight). I found SDK for Bing map: But I need streets 3D view. Is it possible? Thanks. ...

Upload large files in Silverlight

Is it possible to upload large files in Silverlight w/o resorting to the "chunked upload" or loading all of the file data into memmory? I read something about uploading using Silverlight streaming API, does that work and will it truly stream the data w/o preloading all of it in mem upfront first? ...

How can I eliminate error CS0433 when using sgen.exe with a Silverlight Assembly

Hi, I'm attempting to run sgen.exe against a silverlight 4 assembly that I have created. The command line is: sgen.exe /a:"c:\MyPath\bin\Debug\myAsm.dll" This command returns the following error: Error: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0433: The type 'System.Net.CookieContainer' exists in both 'c:\Windows\Mi...

Silverlight TimePicker CurrentTime

Is there any way to remove the current time that shows when TimePicker have focus in Silverlight ? TimePicker : Category : Input > TimePicker ...

Opening multiple views by clicking button using MVVM silverlight approach

Hi, I want to use MVVM approach to achieve something like below: I have a MainWindow where i have a 3 Buttons like: a)Customers b) Orders c) Sales By clicking on button, it should open its respective window/usercontrol xaml with customers details,orders details,sales details. I have tried everything but culdnt able to do so. How to ...

Setting Visibility using MVVM pattern in silverlight

I take one grid in silverlight. Initially textbox2 is invisible. When I click on textbox1 we have to visible textbox2. I try it as belows: <TextBox x:Name="textbox1" SelectionChanged="txt1_SelectionChanged"/> <TextBox x:Name="textbox2 " Visibility="Collapsed"/> private void txt1_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ...

What are the likely pitfalls when referencing a silverlight assembly from a regular .Net assembly?

I'd like to reference a silverlight assembly from a "normal" .Net assembly. What issues do I need to consider? ...

Attempt to access the method failed: System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(System.String, Boolean)

I need to write string to an xml file in Silverlight. When I used the following code, the above mentioned exception "Attempt to access the method failed: System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(System.String, Boolean)" has occurred. using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\Test.xml", false)) { sw.Write(root....

When is the right time to switch to a new technology?

I am a beginner at software development and web site development. I love using Microsoft .NET stuff but it seems like they are always coming out with new technologies that requre users to download new tools to use them. For example, many Windows Apps that I write require users to download the .NET platform 3.5. If I switch over to VS201...

How to use QualifiedDouble values in Silverlight XAML?

Hi, I need to define canvas width and height in centimeters, so basically I have such code snippet: <Canvas x:Name="Template" Height="10cm" Width="10cm" /> and VS2010 designer do not give me any error and shows my canvas correctly, but when I want to execute my application I received XamlParseException exception: Failed to creat...

Silverlight ComboBox: Make Selected item Bold?

Hi all, I would like to be able to make the selected item in a Silverlight ComboBox appear in bold -- what's the best way to go about doing this? Thanks! ...

Don't know the name of the control I want (textBox+Scrollbar), on silverlight

Hello, I'm learning Silverlight and I want a control that lets the user enter a number but also that has 2 buttons like a scrollbar and when one of the buttons is pushed the value decrements/increments accordingly. Sorry I guess it should be pretty easy, the book I have is pretty basic (I'll get another one when I get a chance) Like th...

Silverlight 3 DataGrid SelectionChanged event fired when switching applications

This is annoying...When running my SL3 app with a datagrid after having selected a row in the grid, if I alt-tab to a different application and then alt-tab back - the SelectionChanged event fires! No click or touch was done to the SL app. What I'm trying to do is allow the user to click on a row to mark it Read/Unread but I guess I'm g...

Pass mouseleftbuttondown to controls with lower ZIndex in Silverlight

Hi all, I have a Silverlight 3 application the inside of whose grid layout root looks something like this: <!-- other controls go here --> <Canvas Canvas.ZIndex="10000" MouseMove="MoveCursor" Background="#00000000"> <Image Source="badcursor.jpg" x:Name="CustomCursor"/> </Canvas> <!-- some more other controls --> The canvas is intend...

Bing Maps pushpins appearing on top of map in Germany(latitude values getting automatically set to 0)

Hi, I have a Silverlight Bing Maps application where I plot the pushpins based on their latitude and longitude values on the map. Although the application works great in the US, the same application when viewed by our team in Germany ends up having all pushpins rolled up to the top of the map(latitude values get set to 0 by default). An...

Silverlight app hosted in browser control prompting

I have a Silverlight application that I can run from Internet Explorer 8. When I attempt to host it in a Winforms browser control as described here: it display a web page that says "To view this content, please install" and has a "Click now to install" button. Unfor...

How to search for .xml files within project files in Silverlight

I want to search for files with .xml extension within my silverlight project, for example (ApplicationRoot)/Resources/102.xml I know how to do this using System.IO.Directory: // create a collection to hold the file enumeration List<string> directoriesInFolder = new List<string>(); // using the file api to enume...

Filtering a collection inside a collection MVVM

I have a list of project dtos that contain a collection of tasks. On my ViewModel I have an ICollectionView for the projects so I can filter projects that are marked as done see below filter code. public void FilterDoneItems() { if (this.MarkDone) { ProjectsViewSource.Filter = new Predicate<object>(F...

BeginEdit for all the columns

Hello, In my Silverlight application I have an editable datagrid . I'm looking for a solution that when ever I click on Edit button of each row , all the cells of that row go to edit mode . As far as I have realized at a time just one column can go to edit mode . I need it to be all columns of a selected row. Thank you ...

Silverlight. Get version of selected file

Hello. Can u please me for getting version of selected (through openDialog) file at SilverLight3. For other kind app we can user FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo("%systemroot%\\Notepad.exe"); But how we can do it at SL? ...