
RIA services/DataForm: How to use ReadOnly & Description attributes together

I have several cases where I have a property that I want to declare readonly, but also give some explanation of how it is calculated/set using the [Display(Description="")] attribute. I would like to do this in the metadata, if possible, rather than override in the dataform itself. Here's an example: [Display(Description = "Total n...

How to invoke INotifyPropertyChanged

Hi, I have implemented the INotifyPropertyChanged interface like this, private int total; public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } public ...

silverlight synchronize isolatedstorage with database

Since use of isolatedstorage storing for silverlight can provide a method for storing userdata locally and whikle not connected to the internet, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about intelligently synchronizing dbdata and silverlight isolatedstoragedata. I've currently implemented a solution, but it seems a bit complex to me, so...

generate data class that is not exposed by a domain service in RIA

I have a silverlight app with a RIA link to a Domain service. For example I have the following data structure: User<---Posts I don't want to expose any service function related to Posts, but I still want I can manipulate it in silverlight. Now if I build the solution, there is no Posts class generated in silverlight class at all because...

Unit Testing the Server Interface for a Silverlight-Facebook Application

I have a Silverlight 4 client running on a Facebook page hosted on Google App Engine. It's using gminifb to communicate with the Facebook API. The Silverlight client uses POST calls to the URIs for each method and passes the session information from Facebook with each call. The project's growing and it would be super-useful if I could s...

End user to use the silver light plug-in from the local folder

i have a silver light application,and while running the application it checks whether the silver light plug in is available in browser,else it will provide option to download the plug in from the website url of silverlight . The question is that how can i provide option to the end user to use the already downloaded silver light plug-in...

Google maps perfomance with polylines and markers

We are on decision point - which technology will be used for our highly loaded flight deals map. There is simple test - but if i choose London or Moscow( they have ~200-300 flights destinations) most of browsers( firefox 3.5 and IE for sure :-) ) are extremely slow. Now there are simple markers and simple polyline...

ii7 silverlight smooth stream application

HI, Is there any sample application available for Smooth streaming in Silverlight for IIS7? Thanks ...

What can be used for parser/lexer in silverlight, M Programming or ANTLR?

I am trying to create a simple parser/lexer, my problem is I have to use this in silverlight, so I need a parser/lexer that requires no runtime, it needs to have pure C# code without any dependency on any runtime. I know there used to be lex/yacc tool, but cant find it anymore for C#, I did study Sql Modelling M language, but to my under...

Play MIDI on client thru web?

Hello! I read this post, which explains how to play MIDI. I need to make a web-application that plays MIDI sequnces on users demand. How to do this? Should I simply make a Silverlight player that plays a MIDI file? So how do I transfer the file to the player? Or else, maybe there is a way to interact with the client's MIDI system. NOTE...

Multiple Silverlight Projects in one web app

Is it possible to have one MVC application that references / hosts more than one Silverlight project? If so how can I do this? Thanks for any help in advance! ...

XAML Page constructor

Hi there, I have a Silverlight 4 application. What would cause the Constructor in my codebehind file to be called more than once? Currently I suspect it gets called when I set the datacontext or do applytemplate. I can see it when I debug the application and I put a breakpoint on the first line in my constructor, BUT it does not give...

Visiblity as resource in XAML

Hi, To make things simple I thought I could add some settings in my resources and bind it to whatever/whenever I need it. For example, I wanted to be able to toggle the visibility of some objects. So I made the following XAML: // Namespaces.... xmlns:win="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows" // Namespaces.... <UserCont...

Binding of dynamically added User Controls in Silverlight 4

Hi folks, I create a C# - Silverlight 4 Application, that consists of some User Controls visually connected by the LineArrow object. The UserControls (and the LineArrows too) are dynamically added to a Canvas in the Code-behind. I want to bind the Canvas.LeftProperty, Canvas.TopProperty, Width and Height of the LineArrow to the two Use...

How to Create Asynchronous HttpWebRequest in Silverlight( F#)

As I mentioned, because Silverlight HttpWebRequest.Create hangs inside async block, I just created a bundle of callback functions to implement the same async block. The login process requires two steps : 1) Get request to a page that returns a cookie 2) Form Post to a second page that passes that cookie w/ it and performs the authen...

Silverlight Toolkit context menu of ComboBoxItem not showing for selected item.

Desired Result: Create a quick XAML example of Silverlight 4 ComboBox, where each ComboBoxItem is made up of multiple TextBlocks. Every Textblock in the ComboBoxItem has it's own unique (Silverlight Toolkit) ContextMenu item. Rightclicking the Textblock brings up the relate context menu. Working properly: I have successfully created t...

Silverlight and RIA Service without ASP.NET

Hi, I'm pretty new to Silverlight/RIA/Asp.Net thing, and I'm trying to figure if an Asp.Net website is required (for hosting the app) if I wish to use RIA services with Silverlight? ...

How can I find applications written in a specific language?

Hello :) I'd like to find applications written, for example, on the Microsoft Silverlight platform. However, popular search engines such as the one integrated into SourceForge only list the root language, such as C#, and say little about XAML or Silverlight. Does such a directory exist? ...

Saving a bing map to an image file.

I am trying to get the Silverlight control for Bing Maps to save an image of the map with the push pin I have added. I tried the approach described here: but I get an exception when I try to read the pixels in this line: int pixel = bitmap.Pixels[bitmap.PixelWidth * y + ...

Generate Default Silverlight Web Project After Project Already Created

When you're creating a new Silverlight project, it asks you if you want to host the applicaiton in a new website and if you do so it generates a web project for you that's already setup and good to go. If you chose no when initially creating your Silverlight project is there any way to automatically generate this project? ...