
Deployment catalog uri from part

Hi, I have aggregate catalog and i'm loading deployment catalogs into it. Is it possible to find out later deployment catalog uri from part that i'm using. Tnx! ...

MEF: Satisfy part on an Export using and Export from the composed part.

Hi, I have the following scenario in Silverlight 4: I have a notifications service Snippet [InheritedExport] public interface INotificationsService : IObservable<ReceivedNotification> { void IssueNotifications(IEnumerable<ClientIssuedNotification> notifications); } and and implementation of this service Snippet [PartCreationP...

Problem with Silverlight/wpf in scrolling html div.

Hi all, I have a Silverlight object sitting at the bottom of a scrollable div. This object is submitted to a wcf backend via a javascript button. The problem is, as the silverlight is at the bottom of the scrollable div it is not viewable until you have scrolled down. This is generating an error when the javascript button is clicked ( ...

Silverlight Pixel Shader resource "not found"; what should the URI be?

So I've written and compiled an HLSL pixel shader with Shazzam, placed the resulting .ps file in my project, and am trying to instantiate it. No matter what URI I put, Blend tells me that the resource can't be found whenever I try to view any xaml designer, and Visual Studio just shows me a blank page, both in design view and if I try t...

Silverlight solution builds in VS2008 but fails with MSBuild

I have a Silverlight solution that I want to create a build script for. I have a simple script that looks like this call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" msbuild %CD%\V1\Incentive.sln /target:Rebuild /property:Configuration=DEBUG;WarningLevel=2 msbuild %CD%\UI\IncentiveUI.sln /target:Rebuild /propert...

File browser control to replace <input type="file">

I'm working on an ASP.NET web application for our corporate intranet users. I have a form where a user should provide a path to the file on the local network (something like "\localServer\someFolder\someFile.ext") without uploading the actual file. The issue is that users don't want to type the whole file path and want to use some kind ...

WPF Control validation

Hi all, I'm developing a WPF GUI framework and have had bad experiences with two way binding and lots of un-needed events being fire(mainly in Flex) so I have gone down the route of having bindings (string that represent object paths) in my controls. When a view is requested to be displayed the controller loads the view, and gets the n...

adding tabs to tabcontrol from inside usercontrol

How can I add tabs to a tabcontrol that exists in one usercontrol from another usercontrol that is contained within a tab itself?? Can I do it without passing in the tabcontrol as a parameter in the constructor, perhaps via some static global method? I've tried public static ObservableTabCollection FindCollectionFromUC(this Dependency...

RIA Services - Two entity models share an entity name

I have two entity models hooked up to two different databases. However, the two databases both have a table named 'brand', for example. As such, there is a naming conflict in my models. Now, I've been able to add a namespace to each model, via Custom Tool Namespace in the model's properties, but the generated code in my Silverlight proje...

How do you debug Silverlight applications with Chrome AND hit breakpoints?

I am using Visual Studio 2010 to create a Silverlight 4 application. I set a breakpoint in my code-behind, start the debug session from Visual Studio, and unfortunately, my breakpoint never gets hit. So, I eventually I tried setting my default browser to Internet Explorer ... and lo and behold ... my breakpoint gets suddenly hit. Is C...

Silverlight 4.0 - speed of image resize and compression

Hi, I looked through the earlier posts on the topic but did not find a clear idea for solution. My dilemma is as following: I have built a Silverlight 4.0 application for processing images on the client side (resizing and compression) before moving them to the database via web service. It works fairly well, I use FluxJpeg library for ...

How to enable a two-finger drag on a mac in Silverlight?

In a Silverlight 4 application I have a ScrollViewer which I enable the user to scroll with the mouse wheel by using SetIsMouseWheelScrollingEnabled(): <ScrollViewer x:Name="CodeBoxScrollViewerModelSingular" tk:DockPanel.Dock="Left" Style="{StaticResource ScrollViewerCodeBoxStyle}"> <TextBox Text="{Binding SingularMode...

Assembly reference in Silverlight class library and used only in xaml is not packaged in XAP

I have a 3rd party library (A). That library is referenced in my Silverlight class library (B). That Silverlight class library is referenced in my Silverlight application (C). The 3rd party library is not explicitly referenced in the Silverlight application. It seems that "A" is added to my XAP if "A" is used in any class in "B" because...

Silverlight MediaElement Position Property Weirdness

I have a MediaElement that is reporting its position incorrectly and weirdly, but consistently. It seems like when it gets to the last second of the audio (and it's always the last second, regardless if the sound is two seconds or 10), it doesn't update it's position until it finishes. Example output: Playback Progress: 0/3.99 - ...

How do I use DomainContext.Load to populate properties of my ViewModel?

I have a Silverlight page that gets its data from a view model class which aggregates some data from various (RIA services) domain services. Ideally I'd like the page to be able to data bind its controls to properties of the view model object, but because DomainContext.Load executes a query asynchronously, the data is not available when...

DriveInfo Class

How to I execute the following code in silverlight 3. DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo drive in drives) { if (drive.IsReady) { } } As it is giving me error and when I try to add the reference for the system.IO I can't fine any reference for that Dll.Thanks in adva...

Silverlight Socket Constantly Returns With Empty Buffer

I am using Silverlight to interact with a proxy application that I have developed but, without the proxy sending a message to the Silverlight application, it executes the receive completed handler with an empty buffer ('\0's). Is there something I'm doing wrong? It is causing a major memory leak. this._rawBuffer = new Byte[this.BUFFER...

Silverlight Project - Slide-in and out Panel - How?

I don't know what exactly this feature is, but I would like to simulate this in my Silverlight project. I am a C# developer and am moving to Silverlight and Expression Studio (Blend) for richer UX. Let's say I have some user controls and would like them to come into the screen (slide-in and out) as shown in the following site I found: ...

Put a (Grid control with data in it) on an original image and output the whole thing as an image in SIlverlight :

I have an image and i want to render the control(datgrid or any ui element with its content ) on that image and output the whole thing as an image. Please Help. I found some similar link in so, just taking a look at his answer but not helpful..

How-to: Load a type from a referenced assembly at runtime using a string in Silverlight

I have tried this, specifying the assembly name: Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}.{1}, {0}", typeToLoad.AssemblyName, typeToLoad.ClassName)); Which throws the following: The requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app domain or specified in the manifest Trying the same without including the trailing...