
Silverlight Ria Services - Update records server side (domain context) when record is queried

Hello. I am trying to implement functionality on my client side Domain Context where I want to work with each of the database records before they are sent to the client. To create a simple illustration lets assume I wanted to change a field on my customer table called LastAccessed and set it with the current DateTime. Here is what I t...

Silverlight DataGrid how to get cell value from a selected item?

Hi, I am trying to get a cell value from the selected item of a silverlight datagrid. In the attached code I can get to the properties of the cell and change its forecolor, but I can not get the value of the cell. Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? Many thanks in advance for your help! private void FindDetails_Sel...

Update item in collection & display in WPF

I have the following scenario: User enters values in a form and submits The submit methods calls a service passing the form related object as a parameter The object is persisted in the db The object gets assigned a new ID and gets returned to the calling method The object is add to a collection in the submit method I have an expander...

add reference to Silverlight project from other non silverlight project

I have Silverlight application using NHibernate as a ORM. I have projects for Data(mapp and entities), data access and Silverlight. I want to add to SL project reference to data access to execute methods, but SL can only get reference from other SL project. How can I omit it? If I host data access project on WCF I could reference WCF to...

How to add row in telerik radGridView dynamically?

Hi, I am using Telerik RadGridView control. I want to add row in radGridView in runtime. I use following code: <telerikGrid:RadGridView x:Name="TopGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" > <telerikGrid:RadGridView.Columns> <telerikGrid:GridViewComboBoxColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding FieldName}" Width="150" Header="Field Name"/...

Multi MediaElement Sychronization in Silverlight

Hi, I'm trying to synchronise a set of MediaElement controls, each playing a specific instrument of a given music. Things go OK if I just play these MediaElements by starting them at the same time. They remain synchronized till the end. But if try to pause/play them, they become unsynchronized (5 to 20 ms). Any idea? Thanks for your ...

General Question about Windows 7(Kiosk) Group Policy Lock down of Silverlight Out of Browser.

I'm hoping to lock down, a Windows 7 laptop into more or less a kiosk type mode. Basically login to Windows 7, automatically open up a silverlight out of browser application. It should also prevent the removal of the silverlight app. I can think of a few dirty ways to do this off the top of my head, I'm just hoping for a more holistic...

need Idea for app in WPF

I've finnished to read all the topics of WPF and I want to develop an application so I'll be sure I got it. I want it to include all the topics : binding, converters, UCs , MVVM , templates .. etc. any ideas ? ...

Silverlight: How to Synchronize Audio Files Perfectly?

Hi, I'm trying to synchronize 5 audio files (mp3) each representing a musical instruments. I'm using MediaElements. I'm starting all the MediaElements at the same time and it works perfectly until I try to pause/play these audio files. When I start them after the pause, they become unsynchronized. Using a timer, I tried to check when ...

Visual-state in SilverLight? (how we use that)

Hi I wrote simple template in xaml for button s.(for silver-light 4) So when I try use "ControlTemplate.Triggers", I found that is impossible in silver-light, and we must use Visual-State in Silver-Light so I wrote first ControlTemplate with Visual-State but it not work fine.(here is code) <Style x:Key="NextButtonStyle" TargetType="B...

Is serialisation/deserialisation possible with Silverlight ?

Hi all, I realize easily serialisation and deserialisation of my objet with XML file. I am wondering if it is possible to do that with binary file. Thanks ! ...

Update Combobox values without rebinding

Hi I have an Combobox which is poplated with data that is time sensitive. My setup is a bit hard to explain so lets assume that the Combobox has a itemtemplate containing a textblock. The textblock is databound to a property returning DateTime.Now, I would like to rebind the value of the textblock (not the whole combobox). Is there a way...

How do I add .CS functionality to XAML classes built in Expression Design for a Silverlight APP?

How do I add .CS functionality to XAML classes built in Expression Design? I have a Silverlight project handed to me by designers that does not seem to have much functionalty to it yet. One of the first things I have noticed is that there does not seem to be any corresponding .cs files that match up with what appears to be children of ...

Mvvm-Light Silverlight, using EventToCommand with a Combobox

I've hooked up a ComboBox's SelectedItemChangeEvent to a ICommand in my view model. Everything seems to be working fine however I do not know how to get the SelectedItem of the ComboxBox. I think I need to use the CommandParameter of the EventToCommand - do I bind this to something in my ViewModel that has the selectedItem of the ComboBo...

Add DataMember and DataContract onbuild

Hi We are developing an Silverlight with Wcf business application. We are using Wcf DataContract and DataMember. We are setting DataMember at all fields and DataContract(IsReference=true) on all classes. Can we somehow set the compiler to automatically add DataMember and DataContract onbuild so we can skip to add DataMember and DataCon...

SilverlightSpy alternative tool

Hi guys, Can you suggest other tools similar to SilverlightSpy? I am just curious what alternatives exists out there. What tool you use and why do you prefer it ? ...

Can copy HTML formatted text from clipboard in silverlight ?

I need to access clipboard in silverlight. in winform apllication: textBox1.Text = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Html); but, in silverlight I can only get text textBlock1.Text = Clipboard.GetText(); How can I get the html format of the clipboard ? ...

Silverlight : Visibility of the content overflowing off a custom panel

Hi there, I just wrote a custom panel, name it MyList, working more or less like a simple List. I use it into an ItemControl as an ItemsPanel. The grid surrounding my ItemsControl got a width of x If MyList got a width of X too, its childs (elements) will overflow (as a div style overflow visible in html), but if it width is explictly >...

custom code to run on server on every silverlight poll. (polling duplex)

Hi, Is it possible to run custom code when the silverlight client polls everytime to the server to keep the connection alive. My application is a implementation of the comet style polling duplex communication which is available from silverlight3. I found that it sends the following Soap message on every poll. <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http:...

TestDriven.NET runner not working with Silverlight 3 and MSTest

Hi, I am currently working on a project in Visual Studio 2010 that uses MSTest for Silverlight. I had recently converted this project from Visual Studio 2008 where the Silverlight-based tests ran without issue. However, when I try to run the unit tests at a test class scope (or beyond, i.e. "run all tests") in VS 2010 with TestDriven.NE...