
Silverlight linq-to-entities Anonymous type problem

Hi, I am trying to work with silverlight, wcf data services ( on the website code) and Linq-to-Entities. I know that anonymous types don't work on silverlight then I created a known class in order to retrieve some information. (I know the query it is not exactly intelligent, but It is only an example) but It is not working. can somebody...

IIS Windows Authentication issue in Silverlight 4

Wondering if anyone has encountered this authentication issue? My web server is running IIS7 on a Windows Server 2008 machine and the .NET 4.0 runtime. The virtual directory for my application has ASP.NET impersonation and Windows authentication turned on. Anonymous, Basic, Digest and Forms Authentication are turned off. "There was a fa...

Mocking wcf in silverlight

I thought that I could create a WCF in and call it in Silverlight. I would inject an interface to the WCF. Then in my unit test I would mock the wcf.... However when I actually got to do this I notice that the interface does not actually have the methods that I am calling. ie myWCF.myfunctionCompleted(myhandler); myWCF.myfunctionAsy...

WCF-service: how to authorize user

WCF-service is hosted by ASP.NET web-site. ASP.NET Membership is not used in web-site. User is logged using "custom" page, ID of logged user is stored into Session (HttpContext.Current.Session). WCF-service is consumed by Silverlight (4 version) application. How to check if current user (that loaded Silverlight application) is authoris...

Silverlight datagrid, show details for more than one row, but not all of them

Hi, I have a datagrid in which I would like to show the details when a row is clicked, and hide it when the user clicks again. DataGridRowDetailsVisibilityMode.VisibleWhenSelected only allows to show one details row at a time. The other options seem to be All or Nothing. What is the workaround? Thanks! ...

Visual Studio: Real time method call trace?

Hi guys, This is what I'm looking for: I'd like to be able to get a real time method call listing when I am debugging my program. So for example, say I run my program via the debugger if I press a button or do anything in my program I'd like for it to spit out, say on a visual studio plugin, in real time, all the methods it went through...

Deep Zoom Image construction

I'm trying to build a .dzi, in the case a very wide, but not tall image. I have created the following, test1.xml which contains <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Image TileSize="1024" Overlap="0" Format="png" ServerFormat="Default" xmlns=""&gt; <Size Width="2048" Height="1024" /> </Ima...

Is it possible to disable blending in Deep Zoom?

I have one very wide, but not tall image, hence I only require one level of the image pyramid. The image displays fine except that it appears somewhat opaque, presumably due to the software trying to blending with the (non-existent) images lower/higher in the pyramid. ...

Why isn't Expression Blend 4's designer working whenever we use build configurations?

I'm having an odd issue with Expression Blend 4. I've been using Blend 4 in conjunction with Visual Studio 2010 for quite a while without incident (beyond the ultra-frequent crashes). Now our graphics designer wants to start using Blend to do some touch-up work. We were able to get Blend to compile the solution on his computer. Unf...

Define DesignWidth and DesignHeight in StaticResource

I wonder if I can put mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480" in StaticResource, is that possible? ...

Silverlight Listbox reorder rownumber when drag and drop

Hi all. i have to show Rownumber with listbox item. i have implemented drag and drop functionality in listbox but now when 4th item is dragged and dropped to 3rd place... the srno should be rearranged ... so can i bind rownumber/listindex of listboxitem with the textbox i am using to display the srno? or is anything there through which...

How to create JavaScript class instance in Silverlight out-of-browser

Hello, Let's say we have a JavaScript class: function toy() { this.hello = function(msg) { alert('how are you? ' + msg); } } In Silverlight in-browser mode, we can use HtmlWindow.CreateInstance to create an instance of JavaScript class and get the ScriptObject, like below: var toyScriptObject = htmlWindow.CreateInsta...

OOB application - no connection to Server

Hi, I have a working Silverlight 4 application, also working in OOB mode; Here are two scenarios: When I Run Web version together with OOB version OOB is working properly, server methods as well Run OOB application only OOB is starting, but server methods are not working ! Please help... ...

How to draw/construct an Inductor node in Silverlight?

Hi I am using Silverlight for some diagramming purposes. I need to have an Inductor node into my Diagram. How can I construct such a node in Silverlight? ...

Assembly could not be loaded

Hi, I am creating a WCF service with a Silverlight CLient I added a reference to System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex in Silverlight 3. I modified the web.config When I run, I am getting this error. Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad36...

Silveright - extending AuthenticationService to provide custom authentication

I am trying to add to the authentication system provided in the Silverlight 4 business template as my model does not completely fit that provided in the template. I have an existing web service that performs my authentication and provides roles and also permitted operations for each role. This is the model provided by AzMan/Authenticatio...

Is there a way to get frame number in Silverlight MediaElement object?

We want to know whether we can get frame number? ...

Silverlight - created a new domainservice but how do I access it from client?

I have used the SL business application template and added a new blank, empty domain service in my Services folder on the .Web part of the solution. The class is DomainService1 and inherits from DomainService. It contains one method: public class DomainService1 : DomainService { public string Hello() { return "Hello Worl...

Bind Dictionary to Chart

I'm new to Silverlight and I am trying to display the contents of a Dictionary in a Graph: In codebehind: ChartData = new Dictionary<DateTime, double> {{DateTime.Now, 10}, {DateTime.Now, 20}, {DateTime.Now, 15}}; And in the silverlight XAML: <toolkit:Chart HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="113,168,0,0" Name="chart1" Titl...

Fixed grid header into a usercontrol

Hi, I'm face to a problem really hard to solve and I found nothing in internet. I have a control used in parts of the application that is a customized grid. My problem is that in a part of the application. They put a scrollViwer to make it scrollable and they asked me to fix the header row to make it always visible. I found solution ...