
Making Canvas.ZIndex work the way I want it to

Hello, I'm wondering how I can do something like this (Excuse my code if it's incorrect, I'm going with psuedo): <Canvas> <StackPanel Canvas.ZIndex="2"> <!-- StackPanel 1 --> </StackPanel> <StackPanel Canvas.ZIndex="2"> <!-- StackPanel 2 --> </StackPanel> <StackPanel Canvas.ZIndex="1"> <!-- StackPanel 3 --> <!--...

HTTP Streaming issues with WP7 (Windows Phone 7) and Fiddler

I am having a very peculiar problem with a program that I am developing for WP7. First a background, I am developing a streaming quote application that uses HttpWebRequest/Response asynchronously. I am also monitoring the whole thing in Fiddler to make sure everything is right. The quotes are coming in through an always open Http conn...

Silverlight 4, SetBinding not working.

I want to bind the contents of a HyperlinkButton to a resource programmatically, it't not working. This is the code I have so far: HyperlinkButton Link1 = new HyperlinkButton(); Link1.Style = Application.Current.Resources["LinkStyle"] as Style; Link1.NavigateUri = new Uri("/Home", UriKind.Relative); Link1...

MVVM with UI specific events on codebehind

I have a Silverlight page that has few controls and all of the behaviors are not databound. For example, RichTextBox is databound for the Text property. But the controls behaviors like Bold, Italic, Numbered, etc are driven from a button click event from toolbar above the control. These controls do change the value of the Data, but do no...

How can I check whether a location is within a MapPolygon in the Silverlight Bing Maps control?

I have a MapPolygon which covers a certain area on the Silverlight Bing Maps control, and I would like to know if a particular Location is located within this MapPolygon. I have tried the following code which doesen't return the result I want because it only checks if the tested location is one of the vertices of the MapPolygon, and doe...

Concatenate styles in SL 4 / WPF?

Hello, How can I use several styles on a control? For example, I have a style that defines the size and margins for buttons, and several styles that define different color schemes. I would like to use the sizing style and a colors style on one control. Any hints are appreciated... Thanks. ...

VT100 Terminal Emulation in Windows WPF or Silverlight

I'm pondering creating a WPF or Silverlight app that acts just like a terminal window. Except, since it is in WPF/Silverlight, it will be able to 'enhance' the terminal experience with effects, images, etc. I'm trying to figure out the best way to emulate a terminal. I know how to handle the VT100 emulation as far as parsing, etc. But ...

Silverlight mouse button up outside control

Hello, I have a made a simple UserControl that allows a user to drag a button around and drop it. It uses MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp to start and stop dragging. The problem is, however, that MouseLeftButtonUp is only triggered when the mouse is actualy on my UserControl. How can I catch 'global' mouse events on this Use...

silverlight custom authentication(posted this question on , but no response)!

hi, i am using silverlight 4 and wcf basic http binding service . i have implemented my own custom authenticatoin ticketing system which also implements sliding expiration i.e if token in x seconds old , it rejects the calls.for that to function properly each operation call needs the token and each sucessful call shall recieve a new to...

Silverlight VisualStates overlap each other

I created 2 VisualState. The second overlap the first. So if i want to click on the first state button on that position where the second state has another button, - so the second state button overlap the first state button -, the second button will be clicked. I use Blend 4 RC. Thank you for your replies! <Grid x:Name="MainGrid" Backgr...

How to databind Click= to a function on the object and not the page

I'm using Silverlight, but I'd be interested in a WPF answer as well I have a list that is databound to an linked list of “Favorites”. Each favorite contains a name and a phone number. The list is bound to a DataTemplate that describes the graphical aspects. In the this template is a button – Dial. When you click on that button I wa...

Silverlight TLS/SSL

Does anybody know any solution/walkaround to provide TLS/SSL support for TCP sockets in Silverlight x.x? ...

Silverlight: how to navigate to page in class library

I have a bunch of reusable pages that I want to put into a class library. So I have edited my MainPage.xml ('Moe.Tactical.Generic.Silverlight' is the name of the class library) <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/Views/{path}" MappedUri="/Moe.Tactical.Generic.Silverlight;component/Views/{path}" /> <uriMapper:UriMappi...

Silverlight MediaElement double buffering

Hello, I have a MediaElement that displays a simple progress bar when buffering. It gets displayed or hidden on the BufferingProgressChanged event. For the code, see below. The problem is that quite often the MediaElement decides to buffer twice, causing the progress bar to show up twice. Why is this and is there a way to fix this? Th...

Silverlight: An error occurred while processing this request - System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceQueryException

In my company we use IBM filenet and I wrote my own Linq To FileNet provider that I access through WCF data services. Everything runs fine until it fails on some computers, all computers are in same domain but they have different security polices - maybe this is the problem. The problem is very strange because the Silverlight gives the ...

How do I create a Treeview with a Context Menu in Silverlight 4?

Silverlight 4 now include the option for creating a context menu upon right clicking. Can anyone provide me with an example of a treeview with a right click context menu for the treeview? Ultimately I want a the menu to show different options depending upon the node depth selected - bonus points if the example includes this! ...

Adding resources into Silverlight application

I am trying to add resource dictionary into my silverlight-4 aplication (suggested in "Applying a View to a ViewModel" chapter of the article). The 1st problem: I don't see any resource in my MainPage. Am I correctly understand that I need to add resource dictionary manually into Si...

Posting to Twitter from Silverlight 4 app

I wrote a method to post to Twitter using webclient. Everything works fine when calling the method from a console app. I migrated the method to Silverlight 4. Here is where the fun begins. After cleaning up the code, switching to an asynchronous method call, and getting rid of the red squiggled underlines, the code now runs inside my SL...

MediaElement - How to get FPS (Frames Per Second)?

Is there an way to get FPS of video? ...

Creating a Skew AngleY from a Skew Factor for a Rhomboid in XAML

I'm not sure if this is possible, but basically I have two degrees that will change the width/size and skew of an image. In a tranformation matrix (<Matrix3DProjection/>), it works like this: M11:cos(x) M12:sin(y)*sin(x) M11:0 M21:0 M22:cos(y) M23:0 M31:0 M32:0 M33:1 So if I have X = 30° and ...